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"When you trust be ready to get betrayed, when you love be ready to get hurt."

2345 Hours
July 11, 2307
Bottom's Bottle


I winked at the bartender who smiled at me. Most immortals and purebloods reject the alcohol content of these drinks. So we order those with drugs for us to get drunk.

"Here, beautiful." He slid the glass towards me.

I smiled and sipped it slowly. I turned my back to the bartender eventhough I knew that he wants to flirt with me. He's got a job. I don't want him to get fired because of me.

I continued drinking my Cosmo and wait for something exciting to happen. After exactly twenty two minutes two familiar faces stumbled inside the dark smoky bar.

Aither and Dreige.

Should I play with Aither?

I know he's attracted to me. I can feel it in his stares but he's not doing anything about it. I don't know if we will be good for each other. Would it be a good idea if I flirt with him tonight? Well, flirtation is the most honest and dishonest form of human interaction.

I'm gonna give this a shot.

They were seated in the leather couches at the corner of Bottom's Bottle where people can watch the dance floor. I made sure that I am in Aither's line of view before I moved my body. Not long after that I felt a guy (not Aither) touching my waist and breathing near my neck. I looked at him to see if he's handsome but when I looked at him closely. The bar's to dark to figure out all his features but I know who he is. He's the dude at the rooftop. Well, he's cute so I moved my body with his.

Just as the song was going to end someone snatched me from the rooftop dude. I grinned when I smelled that he's Aither.

My grin widened when I heard the new song. It was by the Canadian singer named Avril Lavigne.

Please wrap your drunken arms around me
And I'll let you call me yours tonight
'Cause slightly broken's just what I need
And if you give me what I want
Then I'll give you what you like

I faced him and sung the next lines of the song.

"Please tell I'm your one and only
Or lie and say atleast tonight
I've got a brand new cure for lonely
And if you give me what I want
Then I'll give you what you like."

He stared at me in wonder. In astonishment as if he'd only seen me for the first time.

Then he kissed me.

The kiss started gently. Slow. Like he's savoring every line and curve of my lips. It was the most delicate kiss I've received in my enter life.

Then he pulled away for a second. His brows are furrowed like he's trying to solve an extremely complicated puzzle. Then he whispered to me, "What are you doing to me?"

I gave him a smile laced with mischief and asked, "Does it really matter?"

He shook his head and returned my smile. I don't have the single idea why my heart stopped for a beat when he flashed his perfectly white teeth.

Then he kissed me again and my heart has gone wild on my chest. I can also feel his heart beating a steady rhythm against me. He was devouring my lips like it's the last glass of water in the world and he is trying to quench his thirst. I find myself returning his urgency like there's not enough time in the world for our kisses.

And maybe there isn't really enough time for us. Just as we were taking each others last breath from each others lungs. I heard a faint static from my earpiece like the sizzling sound when I fry.

"Major Beauregard," I hear a deep male voice say in my ear.

Didn't I mention that as a member of the Lycanthrope (Or any supernatural) army we are recquired to take an earpiece and a mike.

I ignore the voice. I'm busy. Aither and I are too busy.

"Agent Beauregard," The voice changed to a woman's, "I know you're there."

A/N: Field Agent si Spes eventhough Major na siya sa LA. Hindi po siya secret agent, magkaiba yon.

Ugh. Don't they know how hard it is to liplock with someone when they are pestering my ears?

I pulled away from Aither and gestured at my ear then I went out.

"What do you want? Don't you know you are disturbing my private life." I told the woman on the line.

The guy earlier was the communications officer so he's in charge of that stuff.

"There are things you and I need to discuss." Commander Hamilton said sternly.

"Oh really? What is it?" I can't help but be sarcastic. She's just my commander in field but when it comes to ranking I am still her superior. And I am not disrespecting her.

"No time for your sarcasms, your sloppy face highness." See? We fell into that arrangement after sometime of working side by side.

"What is it then?" I asked impatiently.

"We shouldn't talk about it in this line." She sounded a bit anxious about the issue, whatever it is.

I told her I would come at Puffind tomorrow at 2100 hours she cut off the call and I came back inside. I just want to get myself so damn drunk before I meet my grouchy commander.

I found Aither on one of the booths relaxing with Dreige. I sighed and headed towards them. Before I sat with them I took an order of Bacardi Silver with me. I won't get drunk by just drinking cosmos all night.

"Something's wrong with you."Aither told me once I propped myself between him and Dreige.

Easy for him to tell because I feel a huge dark cloud floating behind me. Dreige murmured an excuse of finding someone to hook up with and left me with Aither.

I decided to distract myself with his appearance. He's wearing a soft black sweater that's pushed up to his elbows and I can see his muscles flexing whenever he moves. I took my Bacardi in one gulp and waved for another.

"What happened? Who called?"

Nothing important just my commander I want to tell him but I don't. I find it hard to trust people.

"You have a trouble trusting people, yeah?" He took a shot of whatever he's drinking.

"Who wouldn't? When the person you trusted the most betrayed you for the world. I think you'll have problem trusting other people." I whispered to him because it's too loud and too dark for us to hear and see each other.

"That's how life works. When you trust be ready to get betrayed. When you love be ready to get hurt." He said.

And I don't know why but I think there's more to Aither than one glance.

"D'you wanna dance?" He asked.

I nodded and we squeezed ourselves in the middle of the action. Maybe I can lose myself with Aither and forget that tomorrow wouldn't be as nice as a bright sunny day.
0345 Hours
July 12, 2307
Beauregard Residence


Then I felt someone take mw away from dreamland. When I opened my eyes I immediately saw the desolate look on kuya Eliot's face.

"What happened?" I asked as I get up from my bed.

"Elvin's dead." The whole world stilled.

But there's only two things on my mind. One, Aither didn't attend all his classes yesterday before I saw him at Bottle's Bottom. Two, kuya Elvin's dead.
A/N: Condolence, Spes. Anyway, tell me your thoughts about this chapter.

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