Chapter 4

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•Chapter 4•


"Vicki, come on wake up please?" I murmured, softly shaking my baby sister awake her tiny bed she now lay on.

I felt so guilty honestly.

Not about the whole 'sneaking out' part, but the fact that I felt that I hadn't been there for her as I should. Erica stopped by the house to drop her off and put her to bed after my parents left. But that was several hours ago. It's now like 5am.. Fuck. How shitty of me. I should've come home sooner.

I smiled softly as she squinted her large brown eyes at me.

"Sissy, where were you?" She questioned, rubbing her face with both hands as she crawled onto my lap.

"I...was out with Vanna. We were buying groceries and stuff because Mom asked us to before she and Dad left." I lied

And sadly, lying to her just worsened my guilt even further.

"Oh. Okay" she nodded, accepting my words just as I'd told them

"What did you buy?" She asked, looking up at me, her full red lips smiling in anticipation as I stared back at her.

"Umm, lots of stuff. I already put them away in the kitchen though, Kiddo."


That's what Dad called me when I was little so I guess out of habit, I called Victoria that too.

Smiling, I looked down at Vicki, her head was now nestled in my arms as she was trying to fall back to sleep.

"Nope!" I scolded playfully

"Up and at em', Little Missy. I have school today and I need to drop you off at Mrs. Daphne's."

Daphne was one of Mom's good friends. She'd gone to school with my parents and knew them both pretty well. After high school, they remained in touch, and whenever Vicki needed babysitting, we'd send her over to Daphne's house and if Daphne needed babysitting, she'd send her five year old son, Sebastian, over to our house.

Victoria groaned in annoyance as I put her on the floor.

"B-But Jenny, I don't wanna go!" She shot back, curling into a ball as she refused to stand up

"Oh, is it because Sebastian's gonna be there?" I joked, smirking as she immediately jumped to her feet

"No! I don't like Sebastian! He always puts dirt in my hair whenever I go to play!"

I laughed at this.

Ohh young love. If only things could always be this simple.

"Okay, okay. You're still going Victoria, but I'll make sure Sebastian doesn't do that this time."

She grinned cheerfully at me as she grabbed my hand. Gently, I stood up and walked her to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna go get the bath water running, which means today, you get to pick out your outfit." I said, squatting down to eye level as I spoke to her.

Her face lit up in sheer joy as her tiny little self rushed to her bedroom.

"Don't run, Victoria!" I called as her footsteps pattered away.

After bathing, clothing and getting breakfast ready for both Vicki and myself, I had now just driven her to Mrs. Daphne's house. Meaning now, I had to go to school.

The time was 7:56am when I finally arrived and I was pretty much exhausted. I yawned upon entering the building and was immediately hounded by Savannah.

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