Chapter 7

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•Chapter 7•

Flipping through my notes, I quickly found the page oh-so-famous Romeo Montague.

"Okay" I began  "So, quick character summary: Romeo is sixteen, intelligent and sensitive."

"Lame." Danny snorted, popping open a can of Pringles and tossing a chip into his mouth.

Rolling my eyes, I continued.

"He is the heir of the Lord and Lady Montague and lives in the middle of an extremely violent feud that's going on between his family and the Capulet's which are Juliet's family. Romeo is very handsome, passionate and likable, so I know how hard it would be for you to actually portray him considering you attain none of those characteristics." I smirked

"But, hopefully we'll figure something out."

Danny shot an ugly glare in my direction as he grunted in curt laughter and mumbled something beneath his breath. I smiled in satisfaction.

"Anyway, Romeo is in love with a girl named Rosaline, but the moment he lays eyes on Juliet, he falls madly in love with her instead." I explained, noticing Danny's expression change to a more nauseating one as he made gagging noises while I spoke.

"After that, Romeo secretly marries Juliet and willingly takes repercussions from Tybalt, claiming he'd rather be in pain or even die than live without love." Smiling, I sighed.

Romeo was such an exquisite character. He may have been naive, but so was Juliet, and they fell madly in love in a matter of moments. Their love was literally to die for. It was so electric.

So vibrant.

So alive.

So powerful..

"Romeo seems like a faggot." Danny stated, senselessly dusting crumbs off his shirt while ruining my whimsical thoughts with his undeniable boyish charm.

What a fucking idiot.

"Danny. Shut up. Like, really? Romeo is a warm, kind, beautiful boy with an amazing heart." I combatted, grimacing at the moron I had as a partner.

"Exactly. He was a fag and used Juliet and Rosaline as a cover-up for his love of men." He smirked.

Honestly, how could someone be so close-minded? I was so disgusted at his use of such a derogatory term to describe one of Shakespear's prime characters. I swear, by the end of this project I'm petitioning to Mr.Juliano about his so called arbitrary partner pairing.

"Ok, whatever, but we actually have to work on this." I muttered, giving up on continuing the argument while turning to face him as I gathered the play scripts.

I knew how to play Juliet, therefore, I didn't bother explaining to him who my character was, or that would probably only further his ignorant comments.

"Let's start. Begin at Act One Scene Five Line 40." I stated, flipping through the script and finding the passage where Romeo first sees Juliet.

Danny rolled his eye and grabbed the book.

ROMEO: "What lady is that which doth enrich the hand

Of yonder knight?"      He recited, playing with his dog chain necklaces as he sluggishly read his lines.

ROMEO: "Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright.

It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night

Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear,

Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear.

So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows

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