Chapter 9

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•Chapter 9•

 (*Author's Notes at the bottom*)

My mind was racing, my heart beating out of its chest as I began to panic.

"Okay, that's enough." I stated, my manner jumpy.

I pushed Danny off me, brushing off my t-shirt as I stood upright. He groaned softly as he got up from the floor.

"Um, I think it's time for you to go." I urged, wrapping an arm around my upper torso while using the other hand and tucking my fingers beneath my nose, covering my lips as I stood in disbelief.

Danny stared at me, scratching the back of his neck as I tried not to look in his direction. He cleared his throat and gave a small nod in agreement.

"Yeah.." He trailed

"Yeah." I replied back skittishly.

I shuffled as he came near

"My script was-" he began just as I immediately interrupted him

"Oh, I have it. Sorry." I replied, floundering as I pulled it out of the side of the couch cushion.

"Here." I mumbled handing it to him.

Our fingers touched and I clumsily dropped the packet. I felt disgusted by him. A sudden rush of both annoyance and fear washed my body.

As he bent to pick them up, I rushed him out of the house. Slamming the door, I ran upstairs into my room.

Just one hour. Just one drama free hour was all I asked for, then this happened.

As if my life couldn't get any more awkward.



As the alarm clock broke my sleep, I instantly jerked my head off my pillow. It was only Tuesday.


I yawned and ran a hand through my mess of hair.  Sleep had promptly avoided me all throughout last night. Why? Because everytime I closed my eyes, I saw Danny and accordingly saw.. the kiss.

I shuddered at the simple thought of it. Me kissing Danny? Preposterous. Those words didn't even belong in the same sentence, but that didn't change the fact that it happened. Even so, I still felt as though that wasn't the true reason my night had been resteless. There was something more, and that something was the resounding question of whether or not I should tell Wayne.

He was my boyfriend and besides the smoking thing, he'd never done much too much wrong, but here I was cheating on him with his best friend whom I didn't even like simply because the offer proposed itself. But, to my defense, I had asked Danny to stop. I had pushed him away. I had told him no and to take his hands off me, therefore who was really in the wrong here?

I groaned in irritation as I tried for vindication, but it was hopeless. Did I even have the guts to tell him? Our relationship was so perfect at the moment, excluding what happened on Sunday night. He was my first boyfriend and ruining it could be fatal. So I wouldn't say anything. Not right now at least. I needed timing. Meanwhile, I would do everything in my power to make sure I made Wayne happy which meant total PDA. Also, making Danny watch every chance I got as I kissed and hugged all over his best friend could really annoy the fuck out of him, which was a chance I was ready and willing to take after all the embarassment and distress he's caused me.

After taking a long shower and brushing my teeth, I stepped out of the bathroom. Frantically, I searched for the perfect outfit. From this point on, I would be the perfect girl for Wayne. Sifting through clothes, I finally decided on denim high-wasted shorts and a tight white turtleneck crop top. I brushed the curls of my black hair into easy waves and sprayed them with a light Olive Oil product so they'd appear shiny.

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