Chapter 16

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•Chapter 16•

He smirked at me, his eyes roaming my body devilishly as he bit his bottom lip while aggressively shifting on top of me.

"Uh no." I snapped, forcing my palm into his chest

"What?" he countered

I shot him an ugly glare before sighing and continuing my thought

"If we're gonna do this, then we're following my rules." I demanded, my tongue sharp as my strength gradually returned, allowing me to enunciate my words better.

"Okay" he mumbled impatiently, his eyes hungrily watching my lips as I spoke

"Firstly, we're not having sex. Let's just clear that up right now." I stated, watching his expression change as he frowned in dismay

"Why not-"

"Hold on, I'm not finished. Secondly, we're not doing anything oral either." I continued as he glared at me in disapproval

"No babe, that's not how it's going down. I make the fucking rules, okay? Wayne owes me, not you sweetheart, therefore I'm in charge and what I say goes. Got it?" He snapped, lowering his face to mine as my eyes grew hard

"But if you do that without my consent then it's no longer just sex. It turns into something more serious.. legally serious." I whispered, my anger quietly simmering as his eyes slowly widened in acknowledgement

"Oh? You're gonna pull the rape card?" he chuckled, shaking his head bitterly as he looked down at me. We engaged in a bit of a staring match before he finally spoke again.

"Okay fine. We'll do it your way, but just know in the end you'll more than likely be begging for it." he murmured back before swooping down and locking his lips with mine.

At first I felt extremely reluctant to kiss him. He's such an ass it's almost inconceivable, but as his tongue lingered against my bottom lip, I curiously let him in and felt a sudden rush just as I did so. I let his hands wander across my body, tugging at my hair while also caressing my brown skin as I locked my legs around his waist. I felt him smile as our tongues romanced each other, both dancing rhythmically in each others mouths until finally inhaling was no longer an option but a demand. I gasped as our lips separated, a satisfied smirk set on his face.

What the fuck was that. Holy..

"Damn." I mumbled, looking away as I wiped my lips

Danny chuckled before getting off me and grabbing his belongings from the floor. "Whenever your body starts craving me again, call me. Try and wait longer than five minutes though. I know it'll be a real struggle, but try." He beckoned arrogantly before dashing out of my room with a cocky wink.

I heard his footsteps descend down the staircase and then the chime of his car signaling his departure as I lay in shock on my bed.

"Danny Sommers." were the first words I uttered which only made me feel guilty as I stared at the ceiling of my room. 

What the hell was I getting myself into? I knew I couldn't handle him, or any of this for that matter.. but I still agreed.

Sighing, I rolled over into the blanket, shoving a pillow over my head in angst. I almost vomited as I heard and felt the shrill vibrations coming from my iPhone as my ring-tone wailed. Groaning in irritation, I snatched the phone but immediately felt my stomach sink as I saw the name that flushed the screen.

Wayne <3

I fidgeted a little before quietly accepting his call

"Hello?" I answered timidly, sitting up in my bed as I heard his calming voice on the other line, his soft chuckle filling my ears.

"Hey gorgeous, how are you?" he asked, his profound charm still completely unaltered as he spoke

"H-Hey Wayne! I'm fine, just cracking down on some homework! Giles was being extra generous and decided to give us an ample amount tonight, so I've really been busy." I answered awkwardly, scratching my nose as my ears grew hot. I couldn't stand lying to him, especially not on Danny's behalf.

"Aww no" he cooed, "I'm sorry baby, I wish I could be there to help you out." He responded sympathetically

I bit my lip as I shook my head

"No hun, it's okay. I got it." I shot back rather quickly as a slight silence ensued

"Okay, well how was play practice with Danny? He told me he was heading over there today ready for business." Wayne replied, laughing lightly as he always did.

My heart pounded at the slight mention of Danny's name.

Oh, he was here for business alright. Little bitch, someone ought to kick his ass.

"Oh, uh yeah he was really prepared this time and it went okay." 

"Really? That's good to hear. I'm glad you guys are at least making an effort to get along."

At this point my teeth were no longer subtly biting my lip, but instead digging into them. I literally felt like dying. 

"Yeah!" I squeaked "Uh baby, I gotta go. I need to finish up all this work and then shower."

I heard a playful whimper on the other end as Wayne's voice echoed through the phone "Alright Jenn, but don't forget I'm taking you out tomorrow night." he chuckled

I winced as he reminded me

"Okay baby, I won't." I replied as I hung up the phone.


Author's Notes: I feel like I posted this before but it got deleted somehow.. lol whatever. Anyways, if you guys are still reading this book make sure you leave comments below so I actually feel like I'm righting this with purpose. Thank you so much for the support :)

My  posting schedule is currently being worked out, but right now it's fall break so I finally have time!


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