Chapter 21

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•Chapter 21•


"Thank you. You can both take your seats now"

My gaze was broken by the sound of Mr. Juliano's dull voice. That moron just completely shattered my train of thought.

But what the fuck was I just thinking?

I stared back at Jenny as she looked at me then averted her eyes, immediately breaking my gaze. She was staring at the ground now. But I was still staring at her.

Why her?

I quickly shuffled back to my seat.

What was that?

Bro, this acting bullshit is really getting to me. I-I need to relax. I think I'm gonna hit up Jessica tonight, maybe sneak into my parents liquor cabinets and have some fun. I've been spending way too much time with Jenny. She's so emotional and dramatic, feels like it's starting to rub off on me lately.

I shuddered as I put my head down on my desk.

What the fuck is up with this girl?


What am I supposed to do with that?

I walked back to my seat and stared straight forward as Juliano continued the rest of his lecture. For the last 30 minutes of class, Lasnier and Pope performed a few scenes from their rendition of Hamlet, which Mr. Juliano was equally as pleased with, until the bell rang and dismissed us from class.

But, I just couldn't stop thinking about that moment Danny and I had. I let it marinate for a little bit longer before letting out a curt laugh.

I hate myself.

I hate that I am so fucking broken inside that I can recognize fear on another's face even if it only rears its head for a mere split second. And I hate even more that I was able to see that in him. Him of all people. That fear. A quality that made him more... human.


I shook my head in disbelief as I grabbed my books from my bag and jammed them into my locker.

What the fuck is up with this boy?


I stared at my desk as the final bell rang, dismissing us to go home. I sighed and grabbed my things. I had to find Wayne. I just wanted to hold him. I wanted to feel his warm, reassuring arms wrapped around me. Wayne was sensible. Wayne was logical. Wayne was safe. I needed Wayne.

"Hey baby" Wayne purred, as he slid an arm around my waist. I let out a relieved sigh as I closed my locker door.

"Hey baby!" I smiled back, then frowned a little as I stared at Wayne's appearance.

Beneath his eyes were dark and his hair looked rather out of place.

"Are you okay, babe?" I asked warily, as I watched him run a hand tiredly through his blond mane.

"Of course, baby. I'm just exhausted." He yawned. "I've been staying up super late studying, and between that and practice, I haven't had much time to sleep."

My eyes continued to lock with his, a concerned look on my face.

"I'm fineeeee." He smiled reassuringly as he tightened his grip around my waist and pecked my lips.

I instantly felt at ease. There's that security I always feel around him.

"You most certainly are." I smirked, looking at him up and down before pecking him back on the lips as I smiled.

He chuckled as he grabbed my hand, guiding me out of the school and heading straight to the parking lot.

"You wanna come over tonight? We could watch a movie? I have Twizzlers and Sour Patch Kids." He taunted eagerly as he referenced my two favorite candies.

I rolled my eyes as I laughed "How can I say no to that?".

We both continued laughing as we entered his black BMW and began the drive to his place. Once we arrived at the rather large mansion, he parked his car in the garage and opened my door.

"Thank you." I smiled, kissing him briefly before we entered his house.

"Of course." he replied, grinning back, then paused promptly. "Make sure you take your shoes off before you come in. Wouldn't want to make a mess." He commanded, eyeing me as I stood there.

"Sure!" I replied, removing my white Adidas tennis shoes before entering.

"So, where are Mr. and Mrs. Griffith?" I inquired, looking around at the modern interior of the home detailed with custom fixtures and designer furniture.

"Oh, they went on a little vacation. It's their 15 year anniversary, so they decided to go big, I guess." He chuckled. "They're currently in Dubai. They should be back in a week."

"Aww. I miss Mrs. Wendy already!" I chirped, referring to Wayne's mom. "I love our little girl talks. She's like the absolute best."

"Yeah, she really likes you too." Wayne blushed. I stared at him lovingly. What a perfect guy.

"Make sure you close the door behind you, Jen. It's hot outside." He continued.

" I did." I smiled.

"Properly?" He inquired, immediately walking past me to check the door.

"Um, I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick!" I exclaimed.

I rushed into the bathroom and checked my phone.

2 Missed Calls from Mom, and a text. "Hey honey, let me know what you're up to. Your father, Vicki, and I are having family dinner tonight. Let me know if we should save you a plate. :) "

"Don't need a plate! At Vanna's house. Studying late. May sleep over. Love you so much :) " I responded before slipping the phone back into my pocket. I quickly fixed my hair, applied some extra lipgloss from my pocket, then found my way back to the living room.

The lights were low as I arrived. The red letters "NETFLIX" beamed on the dark TV screen, an array of popcorn and my favorite snacks displayed for my choosing. I grinned as I sat next to Wayne, nuzzling my head into his neck as I whispered "You're the best."

"I know" He replied swiftly. "Try not to make too much of a mess though. I can be a little obsessive about stuff like that."

I smiled and laughed before looking up at him and realizing I was the only one laughing. I quickly stopped and nodded.
"Of course, baby. For sure. No mess." I agreed.

He stared at me for a little bit longer, before putting an arm around me and finally relaxing into the couch.

"So" he began "What do you wanna watch?"


Author's Notes: HEY GUYS!! How is everyone? I know it's been so long since I've posted and so much has happened in that time. Will continue writing as long as you all continue reading! Let me know what you guys have been up to? What's new? What do you think is going on with Wayne?

I'll continue uploading as frequently as I can! Vote and comment if you are still interested in reading this story or if you'd prefer I start something new. Love you all so much.


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