Chapter 6

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•Chapter 6•

The bell rang and I tore my view away from Danny, frowning slightly as I did so. Looking up, I smiled at Wayne.

"There goes the bell." I said, my arms re-linking themselves around his waist as he leaned in.

"I know." He chuckled, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"I wish I didn't have to leave you."

I jumped as Danny slammed his locker.

"Oops." Danny mumbled

Rolling my eyes, I gave Wayne a final peck on the cheek before departing. Right now, I felt our relationship was too fresh for us to start full on kissing 24/7.

I waited for the late bell to sound upon entering Ms. Giles room, and apparently I'd arrived right on time because as soon as I sat down, it boomed.

"Good morning class" Giles monotonously greeted.

Pulling out a pen and the right binder, I began taking notes.

Her voice droned on and on in it's usual dull melody, but for some reason I couldn't help but veer today. My head was filled with thoughts of Wayne.

I now had a boyfriend.

And he was cute, smart, kind and funny.

I let the thought resonate throughout today's lesson, and hurried to my locker when the bell rang to grab my phone and text Vanna. I shot her a quick message then slid the phone into my pocket and entered Mr. Juliano's room.

"Now class" he began

"As you know I have assigned a project for each of you to complete with your designated partners. The two of you must act out two characters of a Shakespearian play that I have chosen for you and make sure scenes are realistic and capture the essence of each character. All plays have been assigned for over a month now but in case you've happened to forget, I will post the list outside after class is over."

After this speech, class was a daze, but when it was over, there was a stampede toward the door as elated sweaty teens bombarded it to check the list of plays.

Rolling my eyes, I calmly walked to the exit.

There was nothing for me to be excited about during this project. My partner was Danny, and frankly, that was depressing enough.

As the hoard cleared up, I quietly searched through the list of names.

Lasnier and Pope...... Hamlet

Glen and Dixon..... Macbeth

Hills and Sommers.... Romeo and Juliet

I rolled my eyes.

Yeah, fuck you Juliano. You did that on purpose.

As I sauntered through the halls Wayne quickly found me.

"Hey babe" he called, slinging an arm around me as I grunted an indecipherable reply.

He furrowed his brows in confusion as he let go.

"What's wrong?" Wayne inquired, pulling me into an empty hallway as I glared at him.

My eyes softened I took in his expression.

"Ugh. I'm sorry, it's just fucking Juliano's class! He assigned me Romeo and Juliet and I have to act out a main character and stuff with Danny." I heaved in a hot breath of anger as I puffed my chest and then depressed it. Wayne looked a bit sympathetic as he stared at me. He sighed then spoke

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