Chapter 7:Family

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Christmas was here and Nikki had been avoiding her parents for the past few weeks. Nate, Nikki, and Mary worked hard to prepare a home cooked meal.
"You know you can't avoid them forever Nikki." Mary told her for the third time this week "They are your parents."

"I know," Nikki insisted "but I can't help but think that they told all my family I was dead the last thing I need right now is the be the" Nikki didn't get to finish that sentnce because she ran to the restroom to puke. Mary ran right behind her to hold her hair.

"Nikki you been barfing all week let me take you to the doctor." Nate said walking to check up on her.

"Nikki I think Nate's right." Mary agreed with her brother. There was a knock on the door so Nate left open the door.

"Ok but after Christmas." Nikki negotiated with Mary.

"Fine." Mary simply said before leaving to check why her brother was taking so long. When reaching the door she saw that Nikki's parents and her little brothers where here. When Nikki arrived she just stood behind Mary. Somehow Mary knew Nikki need the support and their hand intertwined together.

"Nikki please honey come home for Christmas be with your family." Her father said as peaceful as possible.

"I am with my family. Nate and Mary are my family." Nikki look at Nate and he nod knowing what she was thinking and then at Mary who just squeezed her hand letting her know it was ok. "Better yet why don't you guys stay here if you guys really want to be together."

"But we invited grandma."

"Just tell her to drive over here." With that Nikki and Mary walked backed into the kitchen knowing that today was going to be a long day for everyone. Since Mary and Nate's parent died Nikki's parent have avoided contact with the Lopez family.

"Hey we have and hour till midnight and we haven't changed showered or took pictures." Nate informed them.
"So can all three of us shower in an hour." they all shook their heads knowing they had to find a way to pull this of.

"You get guest shower Nate. Nikki hit the master shower I'll get our clothes and in twenty minutes your out the tub for me to take the shower." Mary order and everyone was off to do what they had planned.

An hour and a half later both girl walked out of the shower in matching red dress that they had bought two days ago. They quickly combed their hair and rushed down. The house was full of Nikki's family.

"Merry Christmas!" everyone shouted. Nikki and Mary just smiled walking down the last step. Nick and Niko ran up to them.

"Why did you take so long to get here?" Niko question his older sister.

"Well Niko we where showering." Niko and Nick just nod and walked away.

"Did you just say both of you where showering?" her grandmother asked a bit concerned.

"Yes we where showering we had an hour." Mary tried to begin to explain but she just got slapped but Nikki's grandma.

"You two are living in a sin. How dare you invite the family here just to show us your sin." Nikki was completely confuse what her grandma was trying to say.
"I like you better when I thought you were dead." saying thise words Nikki fell over but Mary caught her before hitting the ground.

"Nate!" Nate came running to to help Mary keep Nikki up. "We have to get her to the hospital now!" Nate and Mary quickly walked out with her. Nate quickly drove to the hospital with Nikki's patents following close behind. Walking into the hospital Doctor Torres reconigized Nikki.

"Get her into room 2119." she ordered and walk im behind them. "What happened to her?" Doctor Torres quickly asked.

"She just fainted but them again she been puking all week." Doctor Torres nod.

"Ok I need you to sign this and I'm going to run a few test." Nate took the form and signed. Doctor Toress took some blood from Nikki and walked out.
"I'll come back when she wakes up." Nikki's parents and grandma walked in.

"Get the hell out!" Mary shouted at Sophia. "You shouldn't be here after what you said to her!" Mary was now crying of anger but she relaxed when she felt her hand being squeezed.

"Oh honey you're awake." Rebecca spoke before getting closer to her daughter. Doctor Torres walked in.

"Hey Nikki I'm going to do a quick ultrasound to see if the pills we gave you are affecting your organ. Can we please have a moment please."

"Wait Mary stay please." Nikki manged to say loud enough to be herd. Mary did as she was told and walked to Nikki's side. Doctor Torres placed the gel on Nikki's stomach and started to move the device around Nikki's stomach.

"Nikki is their any chance you could be pregnant?" Doctor Torres asked.

"No why?"

"Um Nikki you see this." The Doctor said pointing at the monitor "That's your baby." Nikki didn't kniw hiw she coukd be pregnant she hadn't been with anyone.

"I'm pregnant?" Nikki asked very shocked.

"Yes you seem to be about eight weeks." Doctor Torres let everyone back in explained the situation before excusing herself. Nikki's family couldn't be anymore shocked.

"Care to explain Nikki Nataly Adams?" Rodger spoke in a very serious tone.
"You know what I don't care we'll make an appointment to and we can get rid if the problem." her father said very confidant.

"No!" Nikki shouted "Not gonna happen I'm the one caring the baby and this is my baby. Plus you two are Catholic the last girl you knew did this you guys shuned her. I don't care what you have to say I'm going to fight for this life inside of me. Even if I'm alone." Nikki said very determind.

"You're not alone you have me and Nate." Mary assured her.

"Them forget you have parents!"

"Rodger!" Rebecca shouted but just walked out behind her husband and her mother in law.

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