Chapter 4:Crazy

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It had been a week since Nikki was found at the grave yard and her parents decided that Nikki should see a physiologist. They took her to a physiologist that their church priest had recommended.
They walked into Doctor Baxtons office.
"We have an appointment with Doctor Baxton." Rodger told the secretary. She nod and informed Doctor Baxton. The door opened and a red haired woman walked out.

"Nikki Adams." Nikki stood up, walked to the lady and both quietly walked into a blue room.
"Hi Nikki, my name is Doctor Baxton but you can call me Monica." Nikki just nod, before she got to her appointment her and her parents got into an argument. They stared at each other in silence.

"Well" Monica spoke "Your parents told me you have a friend."

"Yes I do but he doesn't want me to say his name." Monica wrote down everything she thought was important.

"What else does your friend tell you?" Monica acted intrested in what her client was telling her. Nikki turned around to the seat next to the sofa she was sitting in.

"No I can't tell her that she won't believe me." Nikki told what seemed to be only a chair to Monica.

"You can't tell me what sweetie?" Monica was now actully interested in what Nikki was saying. Nikki hesitated to answer at first.

"Monica I'm sorry for you lost. Your son didn't deserve to get shot but he died quickly he wasn't in pain."

"Nikki it's not funny-" Monica didn't get finish her sentence when her phone rang.
"Hello...yes this is her...he's what...ok I'm on my way." Monica rushed out her office. Nikki just exited the room to meet her parents.

Monica told the Adam's she could no longer see Nikki. She never gave them an explanation why. Today they where at tge funeral after all Monica was a part of their church. There was a special mass held for Monica's son. He was just ten and got shot while riding his bike. Everyone was speechless about the accident, nothing bad really ever happened in this small town.

At the funeral Nikki place all the flowers she had on the little boys grave except for one. She walked to Nataly's grave. She placed the white rose on it.
"Nikki why are you leaving Nataly a rose." her parents didn't mind but couldn't help but be curious.

"Todays her birthday." Nikki said and began singing happy birthday to her sister. Both Rodger and Rebecca once again where shocked at how there daughter knew information they never gave her.

"Who told you that?" Rodger asked his little girl.

"My friend." Once again her parents worried about their daughter.

"Daddy I'm tired." Rodger lifted Nikki up and the family walked to their house. Rebecca took sleeping Nikki to her room. Rebecca grab some pjs out to change Nikki out of her black dress. As she took off her daughter dress a loud gasp escaped her mouth. She quickly went and got her husband.

"Rodger what happened to her." None of them knew what happened to their daughter or why she had a scratches that seemed like claw marks and a circle that has a star in the middle. Rodger took his phone out quickly and took a photo.

"Why are you taking a photo Rodger?" Rebecca questioned.

"To show father Peter. He must know what it is." Rebecca nod in agreement. They finished changing their daughter and quickly went to pray.

When morning came Nikki and her parents where quickly at the church.
"How can I help you guys?" Father Peter asked.

"This is about the photos I sent last night Father." Rodger told the priest. Father Peter nod.

"May I see her markings?"

"Of course Father." Nikki did as she was told and lifted her shirt.

"Nikki how did you get this." The Father asked the little girl.

"My friend said he's preparing me for the future." All the adults looked around lost and confused.

"What future is that Nikki." The priest didn't wait he was just eager to know what was going on with this little girl.

"To be the dark queen and have a baby." Nikki's eyes turned pitch black and she completely collapsed. With that the father had enough evidence to do what he needed to do. He went to get Holy water and a cross. He drew a cross with the water on Nikki's forehead.

"In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit." The priest got on his knees and spoke in Latin. After several minutes of praying. Father Peter got back up.

"She should be fine now. Bring her back if anything else happens."

"We will Father." Rebecca said. As they got in the car unconscious Nikki started shaking very violently. Rodger drove as fast as he could to the ER.

Nikki was quickly examined by the doctor. Nikki was placed in a room.

"Well Mr. and Mrs. Adams. It seems that your daughter Nikki suffered a epileptic attack and it cause her to go into a coma." Rebecca held onto her husband as she sobbed.

"Do you know when she will wake up?" Rebecca managed to ask.

"We don't know but it's up to you guys if you want to keep her or disconnect her?"

"I'm not disconnecting my daughter!" Rebecca shouted. The doctor excused himself. Nikki's parents walked into her room and again Rebecca sobbed at the sight of her precious little girl, hook up to the machine.

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