Chapter 11:Soulmate

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A month had passed and school had just ended for the teenagers and they where all on there way out. Ready to enjoy their one week off.
"Would you guys like to go eat together?" Laim asked.

"Sorry we can't." Nikki answered a bit nervously. Liam looked lost Nikki never turned down an invation especially since Reese and Mary started dating.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't feel well Liam maybe another day." Nikki said before getting into the car. Mary said goodbye to her girlfriend and they where off. Nikki and Mary weren't going home but to a doctors appointment. Nikki hadn't told Liam that she's pregnant.

"You know you have to tell him." Mary said breaking the silence.

"I know but what if he doesn't like me anymore?" Mary just took Nikki's hand in hers and gave her a small squeeze.

"Well that's his lose." Nikki smiled and got out of the car. Mary followed behind her.

Mary and Nikki quitely waited for Doctor Torres to come. Nikki had her first sonogram today. Doctor Torres walked in with a smile on her face.
"Hi girls, as you know today ,Nikki has her first sonogram." both of the girls nod. Doctor Torres placed the cold gel on Nikki's small belly. All three women looked over at the screen and as soon as the baby was seen Doctor Torres stop moving her hand around.

"Is that?" Nikki started to say but was cut off by Doctor Torres

"Yup that's you baby. And you hear that? That's the baby's heart beat." Both Nikki and Mary smile happy. Nikki had a few tears of joy caught in her eyes.
"Would you two like a picture of the sonogram." they both nod. The doctor handed them each a picture. Putting her shirt back down Nikki and Mary left the hospital and headed home.

Parking her car Mary noticed that there was an extra car in the driveway, along with Nates car. Both girls quickly walked to the door to see who was here. They never seen that white car. Opening the door the girls where received a huge surprise as they walked into the living room. Both girls saw a naked Kate and Nate on the couch in the middle of sex.
"What the hell!" Mary shouted and quickly covered her eyes making Kate jump off him to get his shirt.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that." Kate apologized. Letting the girls know that they could uncover their eyes.

"You know" Nikki said "that image might never get out of my mind." Kate nod and apologized once again. Nate changed the subject letting them know that there was a pizza in the oven. Nikki and Mary left letting them get completely dressed. Once they where done changing they joined Nikki and Mary at the diner table. Everyone ate the pizza and had a conversation.

"How was your appointment?" Nate asked Nikki.

"It was great look." Nikki said happily pulling put her wallet and showing her the sonogram picture.

"Oh wow! When do you find out if I'm having a neice or nephew?" Nates comment made Nikki tear up. "Did I say something wrong?" Nate questioned concerned.

"No" Nikki assured her as tears raced down her face.

"Hormones. Honey they make pregnant womens emotion go everywhere." Kate informed her boyfriend. All three watch helplessly as Nikki sobbed.

"I-i-it's just my family" Nikki began to explain in between sobs "The people that are my family hate me... and you guy we don't share DNA and... already you're calling my baby you neice or nephew." Nate walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"Honey you and this baby will always be our family." Nate gently kissed Nikkis forehead. After the tear stopped, everyone finished their diner and helped pick up the table. Nikki dismissed herself and went off to her room.

  Once in her room she changed to comfortable baggy clothes and laid in her bed. Closing her eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Nikki" Nikki looked around the beautiful green grass field looking for the person that the sweet angelic voice belonged to.
"Nikki" she hers once again. Turning around standing a few feet away Nikki saw Resse.

"Reese?" she asked a bit confused.

"Yes." Reese replied. Both blondes where dressed in identical white strapless dresses. Reese reached for Nikki's hand and took it on hers. "Nikki do you beilive in soulmates?" Nikki nod in respond but didn't understand what the question was for.
"Well heres the thing some people have a soulmate and a love of there life. You, you are obe of those people but in your case if you follow you love of your life the consequence will be fatal." Resse warned.

"Why must you tell her?" Both girl turned around to see Liam. "Damit Reese can't you just leave her in peace so she could have my son." Liam complained to his sister. Reese pulled Nikki closer to her and placed her hands on Nikkis stoamch.

"She will be your light and the good in his bad." she whispered into Nikki's ears.

"She's belongs to the dark." Liam argued like a little boy.

"She has the power to choose good." Reese argued back.

"Stop arguing as if I'm not here!" she yelled.

Nikki's eyes shot open as sat uo in bed.
"It was just a dream." Nikki whispered. She walked out her room and outside the house to get fresh air. Nikki pulled herself up and sat on the fence ledge and looked at the stars as she got lost in her thoughts. She was so caught up in her iwn thoughts she didn't hear Nikki comeout.

"Nikki it three in the morning. What are you doing outside in underwear and a long shirt? You'll get sick."  Mary told Nikki snaping her out of her thoughts.

"Couldn't sleep." Mary placed herself between Nikkis dangling legs. " Wanna talk about it?" Nikki shook her head and wrapped her legs around Mary. On command Mary carried the blonde up to her room and laid her down. She pulled out a book and stated reading to her friend. Nikki fell asleep ten minutes after Mary started reading.

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