Chapter 9:New

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Mary and Nikki woke up a bit earlier today than usual. After three days of debating they decided to go to the only public school in the small town. The drive to Angel High School took ten extra minutes than it would to get to there old school. Walking into the tall building and into the first office they saw a short old lady, the girls were greeted by the kind old lady.
"Hi. You two must be Mary and Nikki." the old lady commented.

"Yup thats us." Mary confirmed with a wide smile. Each girl was handed a schedule with their classes. A guy and a girl walked in. Nikki couldn't help but think that they looked familiar.

"You asked us to come Mrs. Carter?" asked the blonde girl.

"Ahh yes." Mrs. Carter said walking around the desk. "Nikki and Mary this is Reese and her brother Laim their twins. They will be your guides today. Nikki you're with Reese and Mary you're with Laim." Mrs. Carter explained. Each teen nod and went there way to their class. Reese and Nikki had english first period, and Liam and Mary had Biology. They each went their separate way until lunch. Nikki followed Reese silently to the table they all agreed to see eachother in.

"You don't talk much do you?" Resse said breaking the akward silence.

"No she gets nervous around new people once she gets to know you better she'll talk." Reese look up realizing it was Mary who had spoke. Mary sat next to Nikki.

"I'm sorry Reese" Nikki said "I just have alot in my mind."

"It's ok." Reese smiled and continued eating her salad. Thoughtout their lunch all four teens exchanged small talk. Mary couldn't help but notice that Nikki hasn't touched her food.

"Nikki you have to eat." Mary couldn't help but sound desperate.

"But I'm not hungry." Nikki pouted like a four year old girl. Mary dug threw her bag and took put a sip-lock bag. She handed it to Nikki.

"At least eat this" before Nikki could complain or say anything Mary beat her to speak. "Don't say you're not hungry because this is a snack now eat the apples." Nikki quickly opened the bag and began to eat. She never really liked Mary raising her voice at her. The bell rang signaling it was time for them to head to their final class. Which all four had together. Guitar was their last class. As they all sat quitely watching the video the Mr. Rex put, Nikki couldn't help but notice that Liam kept looking at her. She couldn't help but admire his grey eyes and blonde hair. Every student in the class eagerly stared at the clock waiting for the bell to ring it was Friday and everyone wanted the day to end. The bell rang and everyone walked out. As they walked to the parking lot they notice Reese and Liam had parked just next to them.

"If you guys arent doing anything maybe you would like to come watch a movie with us tommorow night?" Liam spoke derecting his question more at Nikki than to both Nikki and Mary.
Oh god please no Mary thought to herself. Nikki looked back at Mary wanting to make sure her best friend was ok with it. Although Mary hated going out she somehow couldn't deny Nikki what she wanted. Mary nod letting Nikki know it was ok.

"We would love to." Nikki tried not to smile but she just couldn't help it.

"Alright we'll pick you up at 8." With that Liam drove off.

When Nikki and Mary arrived home they started making dinner. Nate was bringing a girl he'd been dating for the month and he thought it was probably time the girls met her.
"What do you want today?" Nikki asked.

"Nikki I'll cook it's fine." Mary insisted.

"Nope you've cooked for the past three days now it's my turn. So answer the question! Enchiladas or pollo con chile and rice." Mary gave into Nikki's demand and answered.

"Fine Chicken with chile and rice. I'll be back down in thirty minutes. Imma shower do you want me to set out clothes so you could change after you're done cooking?" Nikki thought for a minute.

"Ya please but what are you wearing?" Mary hadn't actually hadn't figured it out yet.

"I don't know black jeans and a white shirt maybe." Nikki gave Mary a disapproving glance.

"No you're not wearing jeans! We're wearing a dress. So go into my closet and take out the black dress with white flowers and white dress with black flowers." Mary just nod and walked upstairs doing what Nikki had just told her.

Nate arrived with a gergous woman, who had hazel eyes and wavy honey brown hair. The girl couldn't be any older than 21. They walked into the kitchen and set up the table. Nate walked into the dining room with the girl at his side.
"Nikki, Mary this is Kate. Kate this is my little sister Mary and her bestfriend Nikki." Nate intrduced them. They all sat down enjoy the meal while getting to know eachother. "You look lovely in that dress Mary." Nate teased knowing his sister wasn't much of a dress person. Kate showed real intrest in getting to know the girls. At the end of the meal Kate even help Mary do the dishes. Looking at the clock they noticed it was already midnight. They had gotten into a long conversation.

"Why don't you stay tonight. It's late you can sleep in Mary's room." Nate offered his girlfriend. Mary gave him a death glare.

"No Nate I don't want to bother anyone." Kate said noticing Mary's death glare.

"No it ok. I'll sleep with Nikki." Mary assured Kate. The girls lead her up to the room and went to bed themself Nikki didn't bother to change out of her dress and fell sound asleep. Mary on the other hand changed out to a long baggy shirt laying next to Nikki carefully trying not to wake her friend up. Mary slowly dridted off to her sleep.

Mary looked around she couldn't figure out where she was. She wasn't in her house but in a grass field, in a white strapless dress. She looked around but no one was in sight.
"Hello!" she called out "Anyone there?!" Mary felt a sharp pain in her face like if she had been punched. She turn around to see a familiar face.

"Liam" she said barely audioable. Liam threw a punch to Mary's stomach cause her to fall to the ground. All Mary could see was rage and hatred in Liam's eyes. She didn't see any love in them just hate. Mary shielded her face as Liam continued to kick her stomach and side.

"Stop! Please!" Mary screamed causing Nikki to wake up.

"Mary what's wrong." Mary couldn't let Nikki see her like this so she ran out to the restroom closing the door quickly. Nikki knocked on the door.
"Mary please open the door." Mary ignored her and walked to the mirror. The pain of the dream felt real she slowly lifted her shirt to see that she was bruised from her stoamch and side. Mary walked back to the door and leaned her back on it.

"Nikki I'm ok go back to bed." Mary tried lying to Nikki.

"Sweetie I know you're not ok please open the door." Nikki too had her back on the door and without knowing it both of the girls slid down sitting on the floor, with their arms hugging their knees at the same exact time. Nikki sighed of frustration because she didn't know what caused Mary to run out like that. Mary on the other side of the door silently sobbed. She didn't know why but she was terrified of the dream she had.

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