Cute Lil Moments With Him Pt 2 - Preference

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Hoshi: The movie started, you both were silent, the only sound that was made in the cinema was the sound effects created in the movie. 

The light on the screen reflects his charming eyes, making it shine. He glances at you occasionally to check if you're alright.

20 minutes have passed and he made a move yet which was pretty unexpected, like holding your hands or putting his arms around you or something. You couldn't resist it but to wrap your arms around his, hugging it. He flinched a bit at your sudden action and raised a brow.

"It's soft and chubby, like a pillow!" You said softly while poking his arm, he gave out a light chuckle and shot you a smile, he reaches his other hand to your hair and strokes it.

Half way through the movie and you're still hugging his arm. He suddenly grabs your hand and plays with your nails a little bit then interlocks them. You giggle at his cute little actions, you find it cute when he plays with your nails so you didn't mind it.

Mingyu: Seventeen had participated at the ISAC (Idol Star Athletics Championships) few weeks ago, you decided followed along to cheer your boyfriend and the rest of the members. But mostly your boyfriend hehe.

S.Coups, Jeonghan, Wonwoo and Mingyu were chosen for the relay race, Coups did well as expected, Jeonghan also did really well surprisingly, but unfortunately Wonwoo fell to his knees, making them fall back from the lead. Luckily Mingyu was able to catch up and they eventually won 1st place! (this actually happened to them btw) After the four of them had finished the relay race. Mingyu walks limply over to you, he collapses on your lap, breathing heavily, his body was worn out with fatigue. You gently run your hands through his hair and give him a light shoulder massage, trying to calm him down a bit.

"You did it baby" You said, gazing straight into his dark brown eyes.

He was panting so much that he couldn't even bring himself to speak, but he gave you a sweet smile.

"Thank you babe" He muttered under his breath, almost sounded like a whisper.

He gets up from your lap, still remaining the smile on his face. 

"Y/N, as much as I want to spend more time with you, I'm afraid I have to go get ready for the next event" He sighs, his smile immediately changes into a pout. He pulls you closer to him, you hear the fans whispering to each other.

"Is he going to do it?" One girl asked.

"Yes omfg! Look at how close they are!" The girl next to her exclaimed.

"Yaaaasss! The cutest couple ever" Another one squealed.

He gently drags your chin closer, both of your eyes meet. He pulls in for a kiss while stroking your cheek, you lean in for more. But you were worried about what the fans might think, you quickly pulled away from the kiss.

"Mingyu we shouldn't be doing this here..." You said while biting your lip.

"Why not? I need it before I go Y/N!" He pouts again, leaving you frowning at him.

You sighed.

"It's okay unnie! We won't get mad at you!" You turn around to look at the seating area surprised to see a bunch of fangirls waving at you, they seemed really nice.

"So...?" Mingyu stares at you with a grin on his face.

"Fine..." You said, rolling your eyes.

"Jagiya! You're the best!" He smiles widely.

He was about to lean in to kiss you but was interrupted.

"MINGYU-AH! SORRY TO INTERRUPT BUT YOU HAVE TO GO NOW!" S.Coups shouted across the stadium.

He quickly gave you a peck on the forehead then heads to Coup's direction. He stops and turns back to you.

"Jagiya! I'll be back very soon!!" He winked at you.

"AHHH! MINGYU OPPA JUST WINKED AT Y/N UNNIE!" You hear the same group of fangirls freaking out and fanning themselves.

*sigh* You're so lucky to have him.

Seungkwan: You're asleep on your boyfriend's bed, in deep sleep. You're meant to follow Seventeen to shoot their new MV today but you couldn't bother to get yourself up. Just then Seungkwan walks in and throws himself on you.

(if you watched seventeen project you might know this) 

"Ohh ladiess~ This is your storyyy~" He sang, almost out of tuned.

"I'm not prepared for this..." You murmured, covering your bare face.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE WAKE WAKE UP!" He sang at the top of his lungs while having his hand pressed on his chest.

You pull up the covers and wrap yourself into a burrito.

"Seungkwannie, not now I need to rest..." You said groggily with your eyes closed.

"But jagiya, you promised to go with us!" You open up the covers to see him pouting at you, cutely.

"Stop pouting like that!" You said while squinting your eyes because of the sun shining from the window.

"I won't stop until you get up!" He said with puppy eyes, which made him even cuter!

You decided to ignore him and went back to sleep, you were so tired because of the gossiping you had last night with the other members until 2am. 


You ignored him.


You ignored him again.

"I guess I'll have to use another way..." He sighed.

You felt a hand stroking your cheeks, you peak at him with one eye, you see him sitting at the edge of your bed. This time he smiled genuinely, looking deeply into your eyes. 

"Jagiya..." He said sweetly.

Your face blushed pink but hid it under the cover.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep but we have to go now" He gently caresses your hair.

You heaved a long sigh.

"Alright, I'll get up now" You said while heading towards the closet.

"That's my girl!" He runs up to you and kisses you on the forehead then head to the bus.

Wait, did he just called you his girl?


Another reference! Sorry for not updating as often as I used to, school started last week and it's hectic. I'll try my best to get my homework done earlier and update more often :3

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