Hoshi (Continued)

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You spend the rest of the week telling everything you know about your best friend to Hoshi. It was great that you get to spend the whole week with him but it was only because of Harin.

Today will be the day he confesses his feelings to her, you let out a disappointed sigh. Even after spending a week with you, you thought he would change his mind about Harin and like you back. But sadly, that didn't happen.

You both arrive at the park waiting for Harin, apparently Hoshi wanted to confess to her here. So he asked you to hide behind a bush to inspect or witness the situation. You see Harin's figure from a distance so you hurriedly run towards a random bush to hide, you hid behind the nearest one but it wasn't really that close to them.

You grab your phone out and open up kakaotalk to text him.


You: Is she here yet??

Soonyoung: Not yet but she's coming now.

You: Oh alright, good luck! :)

Soonyoung: Thanks! I'm so nervous oh god.

You: You'll be fine, she's gonna say yes anyway!

Soonyoung: Hopefully, alright I'll ttyl bye.

You: Okay bye.


You squat behind the bushes, you lean in closer to have a clear listen to their conversation.

"Hey Soonyoung!" You heard Harin called out.

You see Hoshi's face lit up.

"Hi! Glad you could make it" Hoshi said back, you weren't sure but you think he said it with one of the cutest smile on his face.

"Yeah, I came here as fast as I could so what did you wanna tell me?" 

"I-I-I" He stuttered. This time you pay close attention to his words, expecting him to apologise to her and say he loves you instead.

"You what?" She nudged him.

"I really like you Harin, I really do, I just never got the courage to do so but luckily my friend Diana helped me out with that" A tear escape from the corner of your eye, he only sees you as a friend and nothing else.

"Soo.... Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked. You really wanted Harin to say no, but you knew it would hurt your heart to see him getting rejected.

There was a silence between them, your hopes are slowly rising.

"Yes! Of course I would! Do you know how long I've waited for you to say that?" She said excitedly

Your heart shatters into a million pieces, you wanted to run away and hide in your room, cry your hearts out and never leave. It really hurts for you to stay here and watch them.

"So do you want to go get some bubble teas?" She offered.

You quickly grab a tissue from your purse and wipe your tears to get a clearer vision. You see Hoshi looking at your direction and mouthed a 'sorry'.

He then turns to Harin, "Sure let's go" He said. You hear their footsteps getting quieter, you get up and dust your yourself. The next sight broke your heart, he had his hands interlocked with hers, you could see them talking and laughing together. More tears are pouring down to your cheeks, it really hurts.

"That should be me..." You said to yourself.


*Hoshi's POV*

This isn't right, it feels so different without her by my side. Harin's here blabbing about how annoying her brother is, which I really don't care. And the way she calls me, it's just not right. I need Y/N...

"Umm... Soonyoung are you even listening to me?"



"SOONYOUNG!" She yells at the top of her lungs.

"Oh Harin I'm really sorry but I need to be somewhere else right now" I ran out of the shop as fast as I could, making my way back to the park again.

"SOONYOUNG WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I hear her, exclaiming with frustration, from the shop.

I reached the park and texted Y/N immediately.


Me: Meet me at the park right now!

Y/N: Why?! Aren't you with Harin??

Me: Don't ask any questions, just come here dumb dumb!

Y/N: But I just reached home!

Me: Yah! Hurry up!

*End of POV*


You're too exhausted to walk back to the park since you cried on the way home, so you decided to take the taxi instead.

You got off the taxi, you see Hoshi sitting on the bench almost drifting off to sleep. You didn't want to get your hopes up because you can't be bothered to face another disappointment again. You take a seat next to him and lightly shake his shoulders.

"Soonyoung..." You said softly.

"Y/N..." He said back, his voice is just so soothing.

"What's wrong?" You rest your hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know Y/N, I just realised something" He turns to you and looks deeply into your eyes.

"What is it Soonyoung?" You said breathlessly.

You see a single tear escape his eye.

"Soonyoung! What happened? Why isn't Harin with you? Where is she?" You panicked to see him cry.

He ignores all your questions.

"People say if a boy cries over a girl, it means he loves her right?" He reaches for your hand and slips in a piece of folded paper.

"I guess so" You answered, you look at the folded paper and unfolds it. 

It reads...

"I think I'm in love with you"

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