Dino ∙ Requested by Angelic_Love9 ∙

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This imagine was requested by Angelic_Love9




"Oppa, when will you be back home?" You asked while preparing some breakfast.

"I don't know, don't wait for me" He said sternly, without looking at you in the eye.

"But yesterday you promised me to go on a date with me tonight...?" You asked him coldly, holding your tears back.

"No, I lied" He easily replied then switched off the television.

"But..." You said with teary eyes, breathing a little heavier.

"Why are you so slow at cooking?!" He slammed his jacket on the counter tops, making you flinch.

Now you couldn't hold your tears anymore. "I'm s-sorry for being a-a careless wife to y-you... I'm still learning h-how to cook..." You sobbed in between your words while trying to wipe your tears away.

"Huh, such a cry baby! That's enough, I'm sick of you already!" He shouted and left the house. Leaving you standing there, face where he last stood, staring at the breakfast you made for him. Tears constantly flowing down, causing a few drops to fall on your shirt, staining it.

You decided to stay at your old house for a short awhile after having breakfast, alone, without his presence.

'What happened to us...'


You took a long nap after the constant sobbing, it was tiring, thinking about the memories you had with him, just thinking about it created another a scar in your heart. You turn to look at the clock, your eyes widen.

"It's already 9pm! Omo! Dino must be waiting for me now!" You exclaimed but when you check your phone, there isn't any text or missed calls from him.

"Maybe he's too busy..." You thought then hurriedly got out of your house.


You enter his house carefully to see whether or not he's in the living room. You let out a relief sigh, and quickly tiptoed to the kitchen silently. You stopped your footsteps when you see Dino standing by the sink, pouring a glass of water. You ignored his existence and head to the opposite direction to grab your apron, holding back your tears. You just want to have his arms around you again and apologise, to make you feel better.

As you were about to reach for your apron, you suddenly felt a pair of arms around your waist, pulling you back, closer to him, hugging you. Tightly. You freeze there, not knowing what to do.

"Where did you go Angelica?" He asked coldly, placing his chin on your shoulder.

You look away.

'Why are you doing this to me Dino?'

'You were just shouting at me not long ago and now you're caring for me?'

"Why would you care?" You asked back sternly.

"Because... you're my wife" He whispered.

"Since when did you treat me like one?" You swallow a gulp, a single tear escaped from the corner your eye.

"Since you're mine" He said softly as his hands trail up.

"S...stop.." You said with teary eyes.

"Tell me how to stop" He teased.

"Just stop it already!" You immediately break free from his embrace to face him.

Before you could say anything, he crashes his lips onto yours while slamming his palm on the wall behind you.

"I need you..." He said as he wipes your tears, and moves up to kiss your cheek.

"Leave! Just like what you did this morning!" You yelled, releasing your anger and more tears.

You were about to leave until he quickly grabs your waist, bringing you up onto a table in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry I can't. It's because I love you Angelica, this selfish bastard loves you!" He then smacks your lips with his roughly, you lean in while tears continue to form. But you end the kiss fast and he pouts.

"Promise me that you won't ever do that again" You look at his puppy eyes, it's amazing how he appears so cute but he's the complete opposite inside.

But you like that.

"I promise babe" He nods and continues to kiss your luscious lips.


You likeeeee?? :))))

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