How He Wakes You Up - Preference

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S.Coups: He lays next to you, facing you whilst you sleep. He begins stroking your hair softly until you slowly open your eyes, you're greeted with a warm smile on his face.

"Morning beautiful" He whispers.

Jeonghan: He will always be up before you, he pulls open the curtains and then comes and kneels beside your bed.

"Wakey wakey sleepyhead" He said with his sweet angelic voice, whilst nudging your arm a little.

"No, not yet" You groaned.

Once you're finally awake, his lips will meet yours, kissing you gently.

Joshua: He will sit at the end of your bed, strumming his guitar singing soft and quiet melodies. You wake up to the sound of his soothing voice.

"My baby's awake" He said then scoots over to you and cuddles you for a good whole 5 minutes until you both get out of bed.

Hoshi: He waddles like penguin over to you, placing his mouth close to your ear.

"Y/N!" He whispers, his gentle voice echoed into your ears.

You open your eyes in shock and before you can react, he crashes his lips on to yours for a kiss. He pulls away with a grin on his face, a smile you can't resist and he knows that.

"I made you breakfast!" He then hollered while running out to the hallway.

"Where did he go?" You questioned yourself.

He then walks poshly in to your room which looked kinda funny, acting like a waiter. His right hand balancing a tray, and a towel hangs on his other hand. He bends over to you and places the tray on your lap.

"Enjoy!" He said cutely while revealing his eye smile.

Woozi: "No, I don't want the chicken" He suddenly said in the middle of the night, causing you to wake up, confused.

"Yah! Just put it in the oven..." He continued. Omo! Is he sleep talking?

You stare at him with a stupid smile on your face, wondering what he would say next.

"Put it in the oven already..." He pouted.

You giggle at his words, but quietly.

"No, take it out, it's burned!" You bury your head into the pillow and laugh.

You silently screamed at his adorable words.

"Sauce.... sauce... sauce..." He said dreamily, you laugh a little while combing his pink hair away from his face.

Ahh, he's so cute.

DK: "Jagiya" He whispered

"Jagiya" He whispered again, but even louder

"Y/N" He said while poking your waist, making you flinched.

"Yeah?" You said back, trying to open your eyes.

"You feel like doing anything today?" He asked, playing with your fingers.

"Nope, not really" You shook your head.

"Same, let's just watch Netflix? You want popcorn?" He asked while leaving the room.

"Sure, oh and grab some chips while you're at it!" You added.

His head pops out of the door frame, "Okay!" He winks at you then disappeared.

Mingyu: You felt a weight slowly climbing on top of you, trying not to wake you up but failed. Oh Mingyu... What are you up to now?

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