Discipline #1

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What Whoever Said:

"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves."

-Sir Edmund Hillary

What I Say:

This is an interesting quote, but what does it mean? When a person, let's say John, climbs up a mountain, hasn't he conquered it? Hasn't John literally trampled the mountain beneath his feet? Isn't he now on top? Yes, but this quote made me think. More precisely, it made me think of running. I don't know about you, but when I run, my lungs scream at me, my legs hurt, my whole body basically rebels against me. Maybe it is the same when climbing a mountain. I mean, it can't be easy. John the Mountain Conqueror's body must have rebelled against him. John didn't give up, though. He forced air into his lungs. He forced his legs to keep moving. He conquered his own body to climb up that mountain. Now, you may be thinking, "That's great for this fictional John person, but what about me? I don't climb mountains." Well, yes, you do. A mountain can be a math final, mastering a musical instrument, being polite to a rude person, and any other strenuous task. In order to accomplish these things, people must first conquer themselves. For example, they must have the discipline to study for hours, practice daily, think before they speak, and basically go against what their own bodies want in order to accomplish great things. That is what I think this quote is saying.

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