Chapter Eight: Plans.

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"So Bein, is the one that killed your friends?" Toby asked while running with Casiel. Kakashi nodded. Toby whined.

"Thats so sad..." Toby said. Margy huffed.

"Revenge isn't always the right thing to do." Maximus said. Kakashi nodded to that as well.

"I know...But it's the only thing that will give my life purpose." Kakashi said. He smiled softly at the dogs. "Believe or not, I'm growing quite fond of you mutts." Kakashi chuckled. Margy chuckled as well.

Toby smiled, and wagged his tail. Maximus merely grunted, but smiled. And Lucifer just looked to the side.

"So what are you gonna do, Kakashi?" Toby asked.

"I'm gonna kill Bein, by entering the arena. Margy by my side of course." Kakashi stated, and smiled at Margy. Margy's eye twitched. She looked to the side, in embarrassment. Margy wouldn't have admitted it, but the human had grown on her. Toby nodded.

"Then I'm gonna help you! By entering as well!" Toby said. Maximus nodded.

"I shall too."

Lucifer blew out smoke from his cigarette, even if he was in his wolf form.

"I'll enter as well, since I have to watch over Toby, because of our contract."

Margy looked to the side.

"So off too Berlin, or as you stupid humans, now call Firion City."

Kakashi smiled at her, and patted her head, he whipped the reins, and they were off.

They exited the small town and headed west, to where Firion city would be. All through their Kakashi listened to his new friend's pasts and what their goals.

"So Maximus..How did you get your eyes like that?" Kakashi asked. Maximus sighed.

"When I was a pup, I always liked to go exploring." Maximus began. "I was the runt of the litter, my mother rejected me, and left me to die from the coyotes, in the prairies. My father was a scumbag and only mated for the pleasure, never because he was committed. A coyote found me and tried to eat me. I managed to run away, I had a lame leg so I was only able to escape by the hair on my fur...." Maximus stopped for a bit. "I trapped myself in a log, and waited for the coyote to go away. But I didn't know there were far more dangerous predators. A vulture found me, and pecked out my eyes." Maximus said. Margy looked disgusted.

"Ugh! Vultures..Despicable beings." Margy commented.

"Before the Vulture could finish the job, A man shot him, and picked me up, threw me in a cage and sold me off...After that the government got a hold of me, and they put this on to replace my eyes." Maximus said. Margy nodded.

"Must have been painful, getting your eyes pluck out." Margy said. Maximus growled.

"Don't mock me!" He hissed. "A demon like you couldn't possibly know the emotions I went through back then." Maximus said. Margy shrugged.

"Why need, emotion, when you have obligation?" Margy asked.

"Well... I don't know how it works with you demons... but it makes us kinder to have emotions." Toby piped up.

"Be kind to what? As far as I'm concerned humans are nothing but a waste of space." Lucifer commented. Margy nodded.

"We finally agree on something, wolf." Margy said. Lucifer growled, and looked away. Margy laughed, they entered a broken down city with garbage everywhere. It looked like a nuclear disaster.

"This is one of the most polluted places on earth." Maximus said. "Paris, France."

Margy whistled.

"I remember when it used to be one of the most beautiful." Margy muttered. She looked hard at the city, Kakashi whipped the reins and the horse ran to a sprint. It cut Marg off guard, so she latched on to the closest thing, which happened to be Kakashi. Kakashi tensed at the contact.

"What are you doing?" He asked. Margy was still holding onto his waist.

"Well, you cut me off guard." Margy replied. Kakashi nodded.

"So why are you still holding onto me?" Kakashi asked. Margy smirked.

"Because." Margy snuggled up against him. Kakashi sighed in annoyance.

"Ugh! Get a room!" Maximus shouted.

An Assassin and His Demon. A MargyxKakashi story. A Naruto Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now