The young elf maiden

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((Starting in Adonnenniel (ah-donn-enn-ee-ell) point of view))

The young elf was at the mere age of 9 and her name was Adonnenniel

Her parents were so strict that she was not allowed to ever leave the house ever

Resumes into first person

I was admiring the beautiful view from my window wishing hard to go outside but father and mother always say there are dangers beyond our home, when I noticed movement in the trees
An elf boy then fell out of the tree " Are you ok sir?" I asked the poor boy

" Yes I'm quite fine thank you"

His eyes were ice cold blue but full of kindness, his hair was silver blond and lose and he was wearing a green tunic

"Who may I ask are you " he questioned me.

"I'm Adonnenniel who are you"
" Thranduil son of Oropher "
I stared at the one who called himself Thranduil

" Can you come out?" He asked

" No I must stay inside "


" I'm not allowed my parents won't let me "

" That's stupid my dad lets me do anything I want"

I started at him , wondering what it would be like to be free. There was something about him that I could not place right away.

"Where are you from and why were you in that tree?"

" I'm from the Greenwood and simply because I like to climb trees , can you ask you parents if you can come out I'm not dangerous "

"I know they won't let ,you are the first person that I talk to who is not my mum and dad" I said smiling " can you please pick a flower for me from the ground I've never felt one before "

Thranduil picked a small white daisy from the ground and handed it to me.

"Here you are I think that daisies are the prettiest even though there isn't much to them"

That made me smile , what he said was sweet . When he turned to leave I called after him

"Will you be back tomorrow? I enjoy talking to you "

He smiled at me and said he'll be back tomorrow.

When Thranduil left I felt lonely and went back inside. My father then called me for dinner, I decided to ask him if I could go outside.
"Father since I'm almost 10 may I go outside I think I'm old enough to go"

"NO you may not!!" He yelled

I went to bed without finishing my dinner , I was much to disappointed. My only hope was that Thranduil would show up the next day. I took the flower he had given me and went to bed with it in my hand.

(Morning came )

After breakfast I went to my window to wait for Thranduil. When he came he had a small rope with him

"What's that for" I asked

" So you can come out , don't you want to feel the grass and climb the trees "

I was stunned he was going to help me get out of my house . I hope I don't get in trouble I secretly thought to myself as I accepted the rope and climbed down the rope to join Thranduil. The grass on the ground was firm the air was fresh and the sky was beautiful. I followed Thranduil through the grass until we came to a large collection of trees.

"That's my home the Greenwood " Thranduil pointed the trees

"Why are there so many trees " I asked

"It's called a forest have you never herd of them?"

"No my parents have told me nothing of the outside world "

"Come on , let's go play" he said while pulling me.

We played till I had to go , and he walked me back home and told me he would be back the next day.

Thranduil continued this routine till the two were in their late teens , over that time the two started getting to know each other better and soon started to feel different about each other starting with giving themselves nicknames Thrandyy boo and little white daisy.

When I awoke I climbed out my window early, hoping to surprise Thranduil on his way here. When I reached the outskirts of the Greenwood I ran right into Thranduil. Thankfully he caught me before I feel to the ground

"Happy birthday my dearest " he smiled at me

" I have a surprise for you my little white daisy " he told to me.

Thranduil lead me into the Greenwood to this small cleared space with food and candles surrounding the area.

" Happy 19th birthday my white daisy "

I turned around and hugged him in a tight embrace.

" Thank you so much Thrandyy boo " my eyes started to tear up.

After enjoying talking and eating for so long we lost track of the time.

" Umm ... I have one more gift for you" Thranduil said moving closer to me. Soon he was inches from my face when he planted a kiss on my lips.
When he released he smiled and I did the same.
"Gi melin " he told me

"I love you too" I told to him in English.

Then a twig snapped and awoke us from our moment

"What in the name of Saron are you doing here!!"

I looked up to see the angry face of my father.

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