Becoming an adult isnt fun at all

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Legolas was about to learn that , you NEVER disobey the king. I loved him but the way he came back to me , I was so angry I just wanted to bash his head in a wall.

"My lord , are you alright?"
I looked up and saw a guard at my doorway. I hurried and glanced in the mirror, my face was red as blood.

"Yes , I'm fine , how's the cleansing going?"

"Wonderful my lord, the beard,and hair color is gone , although we can't make his hair grow much faster than it already is"

I just nodded my head , I had so much anger pinned up inside of me.


I was drowning in so many plant juices , I thought I might become a tree.

The maids were literally beating the pirate out of me , but there is one thing they can never change, it happened, and I refused to forget it.

"Stop squirming you good for nothing elf!" One of the maids shouted at me.
I just grunted , I wanted to leave again, but I don't see that happening again for a LONG time.


The maids put me in a tight white gown , and sent me to the other side of the palace.

My Uncle Elrond was waiting for me
"Hello Legolas, are you ready?"
I was confused.
"Ready for what?"
Uncle Elrond sighed
"Your coming to Rivendell with me , I'm going to teach you how to become a proper elf"
My heart dropped, but I didn't dare say another word.

As I proceeded to leave , I saw my father watching me with a death glare.

"Great this is just WONDERFUL"
I spoke to myself.


The first thing I saw when we arrived at Rivendell was my cousin Arwen waving from afar. At first I thought she was waving at me , but turns out she was waving to her father.
"Ada! You have finally returned!"
She squealed with excitement.
"My dear daughter, won't you show Legolas where he will be staying at in his time here?"
"It would be my pleasure, father"
I was unsure what proper language was anymore , all I really recall is dirty pirate talk . However if I talk like that , they may try to cleanse my mouth , and I definitely didn't want that.
I missed Tauriel , she probably had no clue where I was. Arwen barely took notice in my existence until we reached where I would be staying.
"Just wait here till my father comes to get you , DON'T SLOUCH , it's improper"
Without another word , she turned her heel and strutted away gracefully.
I was going to hate it here , I just knew it.

Uncle Elrond arrived and extended his hand.
"Are you ready Legolas"
"Wrong answer you ungrateful elf"

He pulled me from the spot I was sitting at , and into the hall.
"Your father asked me to make you a proper elf again, and I have never failed at anything"
Uncle Elrond angrily said.

The first thing he had me do was recite poetry.
"Okay, now repeat after me-"
I didn't bother listening, until I got smacked in the face with a staff.
"Are you ready to listen now?"
"Yes , my lord "
It pained me to say it , but the pain from the staff slap was worse.


Within the first day , I felt old , like an elderly turtle. I haven't even been here long and I was already dreading the next day.
"God , becoming an adult isn't fun at ALL"
I said to myself, but apparently someone herd and ordered me to go to sleep and I obeyed.


I was pacing the throne room , unsure why or how could have I raised such a disobedient child.
I was interrupted when my mother-in-law approached me.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm not sure how my son has become so awful, I just don't know what to do"
I walked to my throne and plopped myself down.
"My lord , it's called puberty, and not to mention the boy doesn't have a mother"
My heart always sank at the mention of my wife. I just stared at my in law from the top of my throne. What if she was right? Maybe Legolas had just needed a mother to help him through it all. But I pushed off that thought and waved the elderly elf in front of me to go away.

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