A Change of Heart

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I looked in the mirror, I was back in my chamber rubbing the nasty scar on my face. like Gandalf said every time I would think about it would burn and reaper , and when I would stop it would go away.

Hopefully all danger to Mirkwood was gone because I was done with war and battles for now I needed a few thousand years break.

There was a knock on the door, distracting me from my previous thoughts , I slipped the rest of my robe on and answered. Legolas was holding a small tray of food with his bird dwarf on his shoulder.

"Ada you haven't come out of here for almost three days I thought you might be hungry"

"Thank you son"

I told him taking the tray of food , there was a small salad with a slice of pie ,and a glass of water set on it. Legolas sat on the end of my bed and I joined him after he sat.

"Why haven't you come out Ada? you cant stay in here the rest of your life"

I gave him a sad look

"I just need to be by myself for a few days"

"I understand but, you still need to eat, and I miss you"

I smiled and set the food aside to hug him ,but something felt different ,I didn't fell

happy or loved, instead I felt like I wanted to pull away as soon as I started hugging him.

"Ada are you okay?"

He had seemed to notice the look on my face , I looked at the old bird on his shoulder it had started singing , before I even knew what I was doing I stood up and started yelling


That surprised both of us , I wanted to swallow the words that I had just said, Legolas looked so hurt and was about to start crying, I have never yelled at my son like that before. He ran out of my chamber as fast as he could without hesitation .

"Legolas wait I'm sorry !"

I called after him but it was hopeless he was already gone.

"What is wrong with me!"

I yelled at myself , I slammed the door of my chamber and started throwing a tantrum like a five year old. I knocked stuff down and I was yelling , I couldn't control what I was doing I was mad at myself . Then 3 familiar voices spoke to me in my head. 2 told me to calm down and the other told me to shut up. I knew right away Elrond was the one who told me to shut up , the other two was lady Galadriel and my dead wife.

I froze at the sound of her voice, the other two continued talking but I wasn't listening to them I tried hard to hear her again but her voice had vanished from my head. So I started listening to the others again they were telling that a king shouldn't act like that and that I need to rest , but that didn't answer why I had gone cold hearted. Finally lady Galadriel said

"It was the serpent, I must have done something to you before you killed it, this may be permanent depending if you can control it or not"

I had heard enough , I shut both of them out and ate what was left of my food . When I was done I let my robe fall on the floor , everything was going to be different now, but in a way I did not want it to. it was still day light outside but I collapsed into my bed , not because I was sleepy but I was just done and I wanted the day to be over so hopefully the next day could be different and better. My top priority was to tell Legolas how sorry I was.


When dawn broke the next morning I felt more calm and relaxed , I let the warm water from the bath run down my face it helped me feel awake and happy. I left with my crown on and went down to the kitchen early and made Legolas something to eat when he woke up . When I had his breakfast fixed I snacked on an apple so I wasn't starving when I got there. I got up with the tray of food in my hands and headed over down to Legolas's chamber.


Legolas was still half asleep when the bright sun shone in his face , A voice that he did not know spoke to him in his head,

"Your father loves you remember that , as do I"

He sat up startled and surprised he looked around his chamber expecting to see someone there but there was no one there. He felt like he knew that voice but had never heard it before. He just ignored it and pretended like it never happened, he looked over at dwarfs cage to make sure he was still there and alive. He walked over to pet it but when he touched him he was shaking. The poor bird was getting very old and was probably was going to die soon. Legolas heard foot steps in the hall and jumped back under his blanket and pretended to sleep fearing it was his Ada.


I was standing right in front of Legolas's door with the food in my hands. I wondered if he would want to talk to me after what had happened yesterday , but I still wanted to talk to him so without knocking I walked in to see him sleeping. His eyes were shut tightly so I figured he was pretending to sleep. I sat next to him on his bed and started stroking his hair.

"Wake up son , can I talk to you"

he answered no in a muffled voice because his face was now in his pillow.

"Come on , I brought you breakfast."

He flipped over at the mention of the food, he sat up but scooted away from me , I scooted closer determent to get him to talk to me.

"Look Legolas I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you so much , and not to mention it wasn't my anger , will you talk to me?"

"I don't know ,what you said to me was very rude "

I put my arm around him and kissed his four head

"I didn't mean it though, can you forgive me?"

He looked at me with an unreadable look

"I guess I can"

He smiled at me and hugged me . He shared his food with me and we shared jokes with each other. I hope I never have a day like yesterday ever again I wished to myself

(How was this chapter sorry it took so long to publish)

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