Growing up

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(One week later)

I walked quietly down the hall to Legolas's room to surprise him. As I approached his door I took a deep breath and thought to myself "My little boy is already 7 years old" when I exhaled I turned the door nob and shouted

"Happy birthday Legolas !!!"

He was already awake though playing with his baby bird he decided to name Dwarf (which I did not like)

"Ada shhh, I don't want you to scare Dwarf , he gets scared easily by loud noises".

"But its your birthday and I've planed a celebration for you and have a surprise for you"

I smiled half-heartedly, a little disappointed from my sons disinterest in his birthday .

"Okay maybe later , after I'm done playing with dwarf."

I was slightly disappointed that my son was more interested in a bird rather than his birthday. 

I walk out the room and head toward the kitchen 

"Is the food ready yet ?"

The chef bowed to me

"Yes my lord, the complete feast and the cake are prepared"

"Good "

I say while walking out the room, As I make my way down the hall to the garden I see Legolas running down the hall holding Dwarf pretending he was flying .

"Flap , flap"

As he ran down the hall completely ignoring me but I didn't care , I was smiling at my imaginative son.



When I make it to the garden , to pick some flowers for the table topper. I was stopped by a little girl

"My lord, may you give this to your son the prince"

She smiled , There were a few already picked flowers on top of the box ,lilies , Legolas's favorite kind. 

"Thank you, might I ask what your name is?"

"Tauriel sir"

"Oh!, I didn't recognize you awake "

Tauriel started smiling  and then skipped back to the palace.   

I looked inside the card that was slightly hidden under the flowers

Happy birthday Legolas ! I cant believee you are 7! im  still 6 but you are still my fwiend  ~ from Tauriel

I giggled at the little girls card there was a few misspelled words on it but all I did was slide it back under the flowers.


After placing the flowers in the vase on the table , I head over to Legolas 's room to give him his gift. When I opened the door to his room, he's staring out the window.

"Hey........,  Leggy, someone got you a present "

Legolas got up from his seat and ripped the box out of my hands. I was startled on how rude Legolas was being today.

"What's gotten into you son , why are you being so rude to me today?"

"I been lonely lately and you are always busy so I got angry with you and thought if I was mean back too you , maybe you would pay attention to me "

I was stunned by his answer , I bent down to his level and placed my hands on his shoulders

"Legolas I will always love you no matter what, I sometimes am busy but I will always come back to play with you"

He smiled at me and opened the card and then his present. I was surprised to see what it was , it was a bow with a few arrows.

"COOl ! Ada can you teach me how to shoot a bow?"

"Yes lets go now , you ruined  your birthday present from me, I'm taking you into the woods for a little adventure.


He shouted with excitement.


As we entered the calm parts of the forest Legolas kept asking

"Can we practice now"

After a a little while, I finally told him yes

As he set he's bow up he pulled but missed his target, it only went half way there before hitting the ground.

"Let me help you son"

I told him helping him set up again

"Adjust you feet, focus on the target, and draw all the way back "

I told him while pulling his arm

"Now release!"

I let go his arm. The arrow went soaring and hit the branch we were aiming at. Legolas turned at me and smiled.

"Can I go play in the woods Ada?"

"Sure just don't go to far " I called after him.

Later on he came back holding something in his hand

"Ada , I found another friend "

"Aww is it another woodland creature?"
I asked him smiling

"I don't know what it is"
He held out his hands to show me what he was holding, it was a spider .



When we return to the palace lots of elves were waiting to surprise Legolas

"Happy birthday "

Most of them said

The party was long and full of children, I felt like my head was going to explode, the kids were so loud I was ready for it to be over.


When the party was over I wandered off to my chamber , face planted onto my bed and fell fast asleep.

(It's been 3 years since then)

"Ada ,Ada! I can finally shoot a bow on my own want to see?"

"Sure my boy"

I was excited to see how well my 10 year old son could shoot.

When we make it into the woods Legolas sets himself up and prepared to shoot , he asked me

"Are you watching "
Keeping his eyes set on his target, a nearby small spider on a tree trunk.

"Yes Legolas I'm watching "

He takes a deep breath and then released, it hit the spider dead in the middle killing it instantly.

"Very nice, Legolas "

He smiled and came running up to me and gave me a hug

"Thanks dad"

Then he went to find something else to hunt.

"Our little boy is growing up , my little white daisy "
I said to myself pretending for a second that she was still alive and with me.

(The art shown above is not mine credit to whoever drew it , and just saying if I use any more fan art it's 99.9% chance it's not mine)

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