Promise Me love

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  Carrying a child was difficult and overwhelming . There was morning sickness, over eating and small amount of sleep time each day.

"It's  a boy or so I am told " I told Thranduil.

"What do you think we should name him Thrandyy boo?"

"Thranduil Jr." he replied excitedly


"Thrandyy Jr."



"NO nothing with a T"

"What do you have in mind then!"

"I was thinking something like Legolas "

"Nah how about we name him after my dad"

"Okay I guess ,,but I really liked the name Legolas " I sadly said

Thranduil inched closer  to me and said in a low voice

"We can name him Legolas if you like it that bad"

I hugged him in a tight embrace saying "thank you!"

" Promise me you'll love me forever "
He asked

"Always "


"THRANDUIL GET OVER HERE NOW!" I yelled at my husband

"Yes my sweet?"

"Get me some wine "

"No first of all get it yourself and second you really shouldn't drink wine in your state and lastly don't you hate wine?"

"I DON'T CARE, get some for me I feel like I want some "

"No" he said replying with a smirk


"Could you stop yelling for smaug's sake"

Maddine comes in a moment later

"Yes my lady?"

"Get me some wine, NO QUESTION "

"Yes ma'am " she said bowing

"I'm sorry my little white daisy I-"

"Don't little white daisy me" I said back to him in a sassy way.

** Thranduil smirks **

"Is that so then don't Thrandyy boo me "he replied in the same tone.

**flashes him an ugly look**

Thranduil starts coming closer to me and plants a kiss on my cheek

"I can't stay mad at you my sweet "

"Promise me you'll never let go" I asked him

"I promise "


"Thranduil!!  Come quick!"

"What is it?"

"The baby's kicking come feel !"

Thranduil rushed over and placed his hand on my stomach

I started laughing because it made me so happy.

"Gellon ned i galar i chent gîn ned i gladhog" he told me.

It was now getting to the point where I started eating things I hate and like. Especially wine. I was craving wine a lot lately and generally I hate wine. So I felt sick every time I drank it. I tried to keep it under control but it's hard considering my favorite foods were becoming more discussing.

I've gotten so big that it hurts to walk.

"My lady? Did you drop a glass of water on the floor?"

"No why would I have done that?"

"Because you're standing in a puddle of water "

An lowly silvan elf pointed out that my water has broken. That's when everyone started freaking out and also had a blinding pain in my lower rejoins.

I was in great pain and Thranduil was nowhere to be seen. I thought to myself "the one time he isn't with me it had to be now". The healers rushed me into a bed and more pain awaited me . I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to be over.


On the other side of the palace the elven king , his son and the rest of the council were talking about an oncoming war when a healer burst in.

"My lord Thranduil your wife is in labor!!!!" The healer fainted because running had drained the energy out of her.

Thranduil immediately got but his father called after him

"The meeting is not over yet come here!"

"I can't miss my first child's birth I'm sorry Ada!"

And with that he ran out of the room to be with Adonnenniel.


I felt terrible, giving birth hurt so much . Then someone grabbed my hand

"The key is to breathe "

I smiled, I didn't need to look to see who was there because I recognized the sweet tone of my husbands voice.

After a series of pain and pushing there was a cry of relief , in the hands of the healer was my new beautiful baby boy. 

The healer handed him to me in a wool blanket,  I kept one arm to hold on to him and kept the other in Thranduil's grasp.

"He's beautiful " he whispered

All I could do was nod my head

"I love you "he whispered to me

"I love you more"

"I love you the most "

And with his last word I fell fast asleep with beautiful baby Legolas in my hands.
(I made a series of references in this part like always (Harry potter) the love you thing(tangled) and the breathing one (LOTR)

Thranduil Love Where stories live. Discover now