Raising Legolas

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When I awoke in the morning I was faced with a small problem, I don't know squat about raising a child.

I needed help from some who knew a bit on how to do it ,Elrond.

A few long days later Elrond arrived, and started laughing at me attempting to feed my child.

"Oh Thranduil your doing it all wrong "

"Take the hint I need help raising him"

"First off you need to hold the bottle right, it's crooked and your poor child isn't getting much out of it."

Elrond walked over and adjusted my hand the correct way.

"You need to hold your hand like this so that your son can have milk at a speed where it's not choking or starving him."

"Great anything else I need to know?"

"Bunches! Thranduil do you realize how hard it is to raise a child, it gets stressful after a certain age then easy then ironically more painful "

  "Wohoo, sounds fun"

"Not at first "

"Elrond I was being sarcastic "

"Oh , okay "

"So!, what else do I need to know about raising a child "

He told me all his knowledge on raising kids,and ended with

"You know I can't stay here forever right "

"Yeah I just needed some pointers on what to do with my child."

"Why did you ask me , your the king someone here would have been happy to help you"

"Because I wanted to here it from someone I trust "

Elrond looked pleased with himself
"Well thanks Thranduil , that makes me feel special "

I half smiled at him and watched him as he left the palace.
When I look down to check if Legolas is finished his milk he reached for another piece of my hair. Thankfully I put it behind me so he couldn't grab it.

"No,no Legolas, that's not for pulling "


**baby crying **

"Now what dose he need ,I just fed him!" I mentally ran through the list Elrond told me.
He didn't need to be changed he definitely wasn't hungry.

"Maybe your tiered "

On the first attempt to get him to sleep was harsh , it made him cry more and resulted in a few strands of my hair being pulled out.

"Let's try something else"

After like 6 attempts, I tried singing and that thankfully worked. Legolas was soon sleeping

I left the room quietly hoping I would not disturb Legolas. Once I was far from him I sighed in relief.

Since that caused me lots of stress I went to the garden to my favorite spot to rest, after an hour long nap was awakened by a guard

"My lord , your son is disturbing the whole kingdom with his crying and screaming"

"How?! I put him to sleep"

"Um my lord kids don't sleep forever"

I hesitated before I got up , and then made my way to my chamber where I left Legolas. When I got half way there I could here Legolas whaling loudly

"Gezz that kid has a pair of lungs "

When I reached my chamber I covered my ears and braced myself to enter.

Legolas was in the same spot I had left him , I was so scared , I didn't know what was wrong with him so I uncovered my ears and picked him up . I thought I was going to go deaf , so I did the only thing I could think of, I started rocking him back in forth in my arms.

Very soon he stopped crying and screaming which was a reliever for me.

"Well Legolas I can already tell your going to be a pain in the neck to raise".

~~ ~~

(Few years later)

"Ada can I go visit the woods again?"

"Of course you are already 6 as long as a guard goes with you and you don't go by yourself"

"Okay Ada"

And with that he skipped away to find a guard to take him into the woods.

"Ah my boy is growing up fast "

Since he was distracted I went to the garden to have a moment alone , but when I got there a young elf ling was sleeping in my favorite spot . She had long red hair and had a little dagger stored in her belt. Then I realized that it was the captain of the guards daughter though I did not know her name.

I smiled because she reminded me of my own son, slowly I picked her up and brought he back to her parents .

I ran into her mother on my way to drop her off.

"Oh my lord! forgive me, what did Tauriel do?"

"She has done nothing, all she did was fall asleep in the garden and I thought you would be looking for her so I decided to return her to you , I would not wake her she looks to conferrable asleep".

I told her slowly handing her to her mother.

"Thank you my lord"

She replied with a bow but being carful not to wake her daughter.

~~ £~~

When Legolas returned I was astonished on who he picked to watch him in the woods


I wanted to ask him about my wife but my thoughts were interrupted by Legolas

"Look Ada , look!! found a new friend in the woods! can we keep him? pleeeesseee"

Legolas held his hands toward me to show me the baby bird in his hands. It was very seldom that cute little critters were found in the woods.

"Sure you can "

I told him , then he rushed toward his new room to put his new pet there. I went after him , forgetting about Gadion.

When I reach Legolas's room he's trying to put the bird under his blanket I stopped him

"No leggy , that's where you sleep the bird can sleep in a box tonight and then tomorrow I'll get you a cage for it.

"Okay Ada , can we look at the stars together?"

"Sure "

I pick him up and put him on my lap when I sit on the window seal ,he took his dear toy to watch with us. After 20 minutes of watching and counting constellations in the sky Legolas fell asleep in my lap. Soon after I fall asleep as well .

(The part that is described in Thranduil's garden that was taken from a role play done with Eva Silvan and Thanduil Orpher (me) on Facebook which I will be putting into a story when I unlock my account.)

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