Why am I stupid

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It had finally came to me , the best idea ever. I hurried out of my room to find my father.
I ran around the corridors shouting.
Finally I found him.
"Ada I just figured out a solution to all of my problems!"
"What other problems are you having?"
"Not important, but I just thought if I could leave for only just a month-"
"Legolas, stop trying to leave here , why are you so determined to leave there's nothing great in the outside world"
"No but Ada just listen, I want to visit lake town , it's not far and a month isn't that long!"
I stared at him waiting for a response , the look on his face implied that he was giving it deep thought.
"Just a month, right?"
I started to feel rising excitement
"Yes please only a month!"
He closed he eyes and took a breath.
"Fine , but your not traveling there alone, I'm going to go fetch a guard to take you there, go pack up before I change my mind"
I had never been so excited in my life , I dashed back to my room only to be stopped when I was almost there.
"My my, why are you so excited?"
"Ada is letting me visit lake town, don't worry grandmother I'll be back in a month"
Without further word I ran past her to start packing my bags.


I met my father at the gates with my bag, I was ready to leave and know my father is allowing it.
"Now Legolas remember, if you want to come back early don't be scared to, here's a map just in case you forget how to get back.
"It's fine Ada , I'm sure I'll be fine."
I gave him a hug for reassurance. I walked outside and climbed on my horse waiting for me. The guard excoriating me gestured forward implying it was time to go. Turning around I waved my father goodbye one last time before I descended into the Mirkwood.


"Do you think I made a mistake letting Legolas leave?"

"No my lord , he needs a chance to live life to its greatest" a guard told me.
I sighed, and prayed Legolas would come back to me the same as he had been when he left.


I had reached lake town and I was bursting with excitement.
"Now remember Legolas, met me back here in a months time , not a second later"
"Yeah ok I got it "
Without looking back I hopped off my horse and held it by its reins.
(Back then lake town was more great , amazing in trade and was close to Erebor , the kingdom of the dwarves.)
I walked around, but I kept getting odd looks from the civilians.
Eventually I came to a half drunk man stumbling across my path.
"Oh hello blondie, nice horse you got there"
Slightly nervous I answered
"Thank you sir"
"Its captain, Captain Jack Sparrow to be specific".
"Oh your a captain?, I came to lake town hoping to find great adventure, are you on any right now that I might join you in?"
Mr. Sparrow looked at me and then started examining me ,
"Hmm strong lad, but you look kinda like a woman , but that's fixable, your hired"
I felt excitement inside of me , I had never met a human before, let alone one who was willing to let me travel with him.
"Okay, but how are we going to fix my appearance?"
"Easy , do you have any money lad?"
"Yes" I pulled out the small sack of gold I had in my pocket, and suddenly the pirates eyes lit up.
"Well , you certainly came prepared, first lets drop your horse off somewhere , take care of , that,"
Gesturing towards me.
"And get on a move on".
After me and the captain found a place to put my horse he got a sword and un braided my hair and chopped off more than half of it. Not thinking much of it I let him.
He handed me a jar of something
"Put this in your hair, it will change its color to bright to pitch black"
Again not thinking I put the tar like substance in my hair , then captain jack handed my some clothes,
"Go put these on, and then meet me on that ship, I have a feeling you will be a great pirate"
I smiled, I wasn't strongly aware of what a pirate was , but they must have been important because when Captain Jack Sparrow passed people, they would back away from him.
I walked into an area where I could change , there was a mirror on front of me , I saw that my hair had faded into a really dark brown, probably because my hair was so bright. I changed into the rags I was given and I was off. I met Captain Jack on his ship,
"Well you don't look like a woman anymore, I must say, did you bring your gold?"
Confused I pulled it out the sack that had my gold stash in it.
"Let me and go hide this in my cabin for you, because if anyone knows what's in here , they might steal it"
Without thinking that maybe Jack wanted the gold for himself, I handed it to him and trotted off quite quickly with it.
Before I could even think of changing my mind about being on the crew , somebody shouted," raise the anchor, and get ready to sail".
A pirate approached me
"What might your name be lad?"
"Legolas "
The pirate looked at me cross eyed
"Ha , just kidding, my name is , um,William "
"That be to long of a name , you'll be called Will for now on "
And the pirate left me standing there , I had no clue what to do.

Within the corse of two weeks , I had grown a beard and mustache (which was supposedly impossible for an elf) and I became Captain Jack's second in command, we have since recruited more pirates onto the ship , the Black pearl. We had defeated the previous owner of the ship , Captain Barbosa, obtained a spectacular amount of riches. Life was great for me , I had forgotten about palace life , forgotten how I was treated like a kid 24/7 , I was loving the life of being a pirate, sailing the Caribbean.
This particular night was very stormy, Jack had slipped to me that we were on the hunt for Davy Jones. I of course had no clue who that was but figured what harm could it do to go looking for him

We reached a wreckage of an old ship and Jack approached me.
"Will, are you ready?"

I was stabbed, I had awakened, I was now the Captain of The Flying Dutchman, I had my own crew and no longer needed Jacks assistance, I was sailing and spotted Lake town , I froze I had forgotten that I had to be back within a month, mindlessly I pulled up to the shore , I wasn't supposed to touch land for ten years for as long as I was captain. Knowing that Jack was on the ship looking for his hat (classic Jack of corse) I handed him my captains hat and ripped the necklace I bore around my neck and ran off the ship , looking back to Jack , the water erupted and swallowed the Flying Dutchman, though I knew it was fine , I ran through the town to figure out how long I had been gone , it had been nearly 3 years. I freaked out , then I noticed there were elves all over the place.
Then I saw my horse and I ran up to it, big mistake. All the elves had an arrow pointing at me
"Step away from the horse"
"But it's me Legolas!"
The guards laughed .
"You Legolas, I think not"
"But it really is me , I'm Legolas Greenleaf, my father is king Thranduil , and I was only supposed to be in lake town a month and I've obviously gone over my time "
More convinced, the Elven guards grabbed my arm and pulled me away

I was back at the palace, my whole body was dirty , I looked nothing like my old self , soon I was thrown on the ground in front my fathers throne.
"My lord , this young man claims to be Legolas, we brought him to you to let you decide, however , he is the only one we've found yet with brilliant blue eyes".
My father got off his throne and knelt down in front of me. He lifted my head and gazed into my eyes.
"What has happened to you , you don't look yourself, you've been gone way longer than a month! I hope your ready to explain yourself, after the maids clean you up and rid of that facial hair and dreadful hair color!"
My father screamed into my face.
I got up from the ground, I had gone buffer and taller since I've left, I almost reached his eye hight but before I could say anything the maids were carrying me away to clean me up.

While the maids scrubbed the color out of my hair to get it its original color, I thought to myself the amazing man I had met, Captain Jack Sparrow, I made a promise I would never forget him , for he taught me how to live.
I did keep something that I would never lose , the burn mark on my back that indicated that I was a pirate, I may no longer be a physical pirate, but I will always be one by heart.

I did keep something that I would never lose , the burn mark on my back that indicated that I was a pirate, I may no longer be a physical pirate, but I will always be one by heart

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