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(Annabele’s point of view)

            When I was done in the bathroom I tiptoed down the hallway. I was kind of nervous about what Niall was going to show me.

He looked so familiar. Who was he?

When I got to the door I wasn’t sure if I should knock or not. I went with my instincts.

Knock, knock.

            “Come in.” He called.

            I walked in the bedroom and heard his strumming on his guitar. He was sitting on his bed, crisscross without a shirt on. Just some shorts. He was playing a familiar song that’s on the on the radio a lot. I couldn’t remember the name then.

            “What’s this?” I asked as he continued to play.

            “Come here.” He said looking up on me. He quit playing until I was next to him. He stuck his hand out slowly and I took it. What was this boy up to?

            He gently pulled me down to sit on his bed and started to play his guitar again. “Do you listen to a lot of music or watch a lot of T.V.’ he asked continuing to strum.

            I shrugged. “Not really. I’m more of a reader.” I told him.

            He nodded. “Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but you.” He sang.

Oh god, that’s when I knew the song. I started to laugh.

            He narrowed his eyes at me. “What?” he asked.

            I wiped the grin off my face. Was he hurt? I wouldn’t think so. “You like boy bands?” I teased. I hoped that he knew that I was joking.

            Now based on the look of his face he was hurt. Why? He sat the guitar down and crossed his arms. “Would there be something wrong with that?” he asked.

            I shrugged. “No, I guess not. You can like what you want.” I told him with a smile. I really hoped that I hadn’t hurt his feelings.

            He started to strum some more. “You really don’t know who I am?” He asked as he looked down.

            Where was he getting at? “Yeah, I know who you are, you’re Niall.” I told him..

            He looked up at me from his eyes and grinned. “Yeah, I’m Niall.” He said. He put the guitar back on the bed and pulled out his laptop. “have you heard of One Direction?” he asked.

            Well, duh. Who hasn’t? I decided to play stupid. “The band you were just playing?” I answered with a question.

            He nodded. “Yeah, well I’m in that band along with Zayn.” He said logging into the computer.

            What the hell did he just say to me? Haha. I started to laugh and I mean laugh hard.

            His face went blank. “Why do you keep laughing at me?” he asked a little too loud.

            He jumped up. “Do you think I’m gay or something just because I’m in a boy band? Is that why you’re laughing?” he exploded.

            The way he freaked out scared me. I swallowed hard and my grin disappeared. I folded my hands into my lap and looked away. Now I felt like crap because I had hurt his feelings.

            Finally I said softly, “I didn’t think that at all. I just had a hard time believing is all.”

            His expression changed. “I’m so sorry. I just usually know what girls’ reactions are when I tell them I’m in a boy band. Here, I’ll show you.” He told me.

            He sat back down next to me pulling his laptop back onto his thighs. I expected him to go to a band website but went straight to He pulled up the “What Makes You Beautiful” music video. Sure enough Niall and Zayn were both in it. Niall looked so cute.

            He nudged me with his elbow. “Do you believe me now?” he asked, his blue eyes so pretty.

            I smirked at him. “I think I believed you when you yelled at me.” I told him.        

            He put his computer down and pulled me into his arms. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders hugging me close. I had no choice but to hug him back. “I really am sorry.” He said into my neck.

            Hmm. He smelled so good and was so warm. I had no choice but to forgive him. How could anyone stay mad at this adorable Irish boy?

            “I forgive you.” I told him.

            He pulled away and grinned. “Yeah, I knew you would! Okay, so. How do you feel about alcohol?” he asked with a wink.

Summer Love (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now