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    "Annabele, I need you and Niall to do me a favor." Mom said walking intot he living room.
    I sat up off Niall's chest fast trying to get away from him. She knew that we were laying on the couch together, it just still embarrassed me like I was twelve and not eighteen.
    Niall laughed at my childish behavior. "What do you need me to do?" I asked, pushing my hair out of my face.
    She handed me her credit card. "I need you guys to go to the gorcery store to get food for the party. Get whatever you want." She told me.
    Oh yeah, that's right. The party. It was going to happen that night. I let Dylan invite everyone since she was the one who knew the most people. I was not looking forward to any of it. I was down for the party but I would rather my mom be gone, not be the host.
    I stood up and straightened out my shirt. Slipping the card into my pocket I asked, "What about the alcohol?"
    She grinned rubbing her hands together. "Already taken care of." She said with a wink.
    I slide on my shoes and picked up the car keys from the table. "Let's go." I said to Niall who was eager to ger food.
    No, we weren't dating. Just hanging out and kissing. I liked him a lot but I wasn't sure how to ask him to be my boyfriend. I didn't even know if he wanted to be my boyfriend. Oh well though, I was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

*        *        *        *        *        *        *
    "Hmm, what kind of soda is a good mixer?" I asked myself in the soda aisle.
    Niall was no where to be found. I rolled my eyes. He waould know what to get, if I could find him. Biting my lower lip I guessed and picked up two bottles of Dr.Pepper.
    "Niall?" I called hoping that he was close by.
    "Babe!" His voice yelled back from behind me.
    I turned around to see him balancing on the edge of the cart while pushing it. "Look at me babe." He told me.
    I tried to look annoyed. As he past the aisle in the opposite direction he gave me a funny face. This time I couldn't hide my laughter.
    One of the secruity guards stopped him from doing it again by grabbing the end of the cart. I put my free hand up to cover my mouth to stifle my laugh.
    "Sir if you continue to do this we are going to have to ask you to leave." he warned.
    Niall hopped off and blushed beet red. "Sorry." he said.
    He turned the cart around and came back to my side joining me. "I was trying to impress you and the toseeer had to ruin it." He told me nudging toward the guard.
    I laughed and shook my head. If he only knew....
    I held up the two bottles. "What about these?" I asked still kind of unsure.
    He took them from me putting them in the cart. I applauded myself in my head as I thought I made a good choice.
    Niall went back to the shelves. "That was good but you want to have a lot of different options. Not all of it will taste good together." He explained.
    I nodded understanding. That just made me feel stupid. He grabbed Pepsi, Mountain Dew and Rootbeer. "This will be enough." He said casually.
    Well, I sure hoped so and if it wasn't good enough for everyone then they could fuck off.
    The next thing niall wanted to find was chips. He said it was an easy way to satisfy someone. I wasn't completely sure what he meant but I decided to go with it.
    "Uh, Niall I think that's too much." I told him after going through the sixteen different bags of potato chips and popcorn that he had put in the cart.
    He looked at me like I was crazy. "Annabele, this is perfect. This is a variety. Haven't you ever been to a party before?" Her asked his left eyebrow arched.
    Had he forgot where he had met me at? Before I could call him out on it he cracked a grin then kissed me on the cheek. "A proper party?" He teased.
    I grinned back at him. "Not really, I guess." I admitted.

    Then he wanted to get frozen pizzas. "This will take all day to make, why don't we just pick some up?" I suggested.
    Coming back from putting them up he gave me a side hug. He was so warm. Looping two fingers into my belt loop he whispered, "I knew there was a reason why I liked you. You're so smart."
    I pushed him off as he laughed. "Full of jokes aren't you?" I asked pushing the cart to the check out lane.
    Niall was nice and loaded it all on the counter. "Okay that will be 257.83" The check out lady said popping her gum obnoxiously.
    My mouth went wide as I gasped. Holy shit, I said in my head. What will Mom say? Well she was the one who said "Get whatever you want."
    As I went to slide the card Niall put his hand up to stop me. I turned my face to look at him. "What are you doing?" I asked confused. If he was going to change his ming about what he wanted, I was going to kill him.
    He put his hand in his pocket, taking out his wallet. Pulling out a couple of bills, he said. "I got it."
    I watched in awe as he handed it over. Honestly I was thankful for that, but I didn't want to be a charity case. "You don't have to do that." I let him know.
    He shrugged like it was no big deal. It was a big deal to me but not in a bad way., "I can afford it." He promised.
    We walked over to the bagging section. I smiled. "Well if that's what you want to do fine. But I get to pay for the pizza." I said.
    He grinned. "Deal."
    *        *        *        *        *        *        *
    Since the party was casual I wore jeans and a t-shirt. Dylan frowned at my attire but I ignored it. She was her glamorous self and wore a short denim skirt with a black tank top, denim vest and cowgirl boots. She looked really god, probably the best looking girl tht was going to show up, but I wanted to be comfortable.
    My mom was glad that we had picked up the pizzas. I had to shake my head at that though. She tried to say that it was her idea.
    I fixed my makeup and brushed through my hair. People were supposed to get to the house soon. It was almost 9. The boys had gone back to Zayn's so that they could get ready.
    "Annabele help me!" Mom yelled from downstairs.
    I thought that it wsa an emergency and ran downstairs, tripping on the way. She was standing int he kitchen looking in the bar cabnit.
    "What's wrong?" I asked all out of breath.
    She didn't even look back at me, just continued to stare at the glasses. "What shot glasses should I use?" She asked completely serious.
    "Are you freaking kidding me?" I asked myself.
    I groaned. "Oh Mom, I thought that it was an emergency. That you were dying or something," I told her.
    She laughed before smacking her ass at me. "Ain't nthing going to kill this girl." She said.
    I shook my head in disgust. "Why Lord, did you have to give me a mother that acts like this?" I prayed but I wsa only teasing.
    She set up all of the shot glasses on the table then came over to wrap her arm around my shoulder. "Girl you better appreciate your Momma and what she does for you." Dylan said as she sat up the beer pong table in the dining room.
    Mom and I laughed.
    Someone knocked at the door before walking in. "Hello, hello." Zayn and Niall said at the same time.
    One look at Niall was all it took to make me regret not wearing something nicer. He wore sark jeans and a grey long sleeve shirt with a white t-shirt underneath, the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Zayn and Niall both were rocking a quiff.
    Niall looked really hot.
    He smiled at me when he walked in. All I wanted to do was disapear.Ugh, what am I going to do with myself?
    Mom pulled away from me to go finish setting up. Niall came over to take her place. "You ready to party?" He asked.
    I grinned and winked at him. "Don't you know it." I said.
    *        *        *        *        *        *        *
    It was Zayn and I agaisnt Mom and Niall playing beer png. We were...losing.
    Niall and Mom high fived as I choked down another cup of beer. It was my 5th one. "You okay?" Zayn asked who hadn't had to drink yet. We were using ten cups each and we had to split them. I had decided to be nice and go first. After the 3rd one I was really starting to regret it.
    Buzzed, I took the ball and threw it down the table. I grinned as it went in the cup right in front of Niall. "Woo!" Zayn said giving me a high five.
    Since I made it I got to throw again. Niall drank as I did. Made it again! Maybe I was better at this game because I was getting drunk. Nall rolled his eyes picking up another red plastic cup.
    I grinned over at him. "Why are you getting mad? You were so set on out drinking me." I reminded him in a joking matter. I went again and made another one.
    Zayn cheered with me giving me a hug. "3more and we win." Zayn coached as I made another.
    My mom drank that one putting a hand on Niall's shoulder. "She has her mother's skills." She told him.
    Niall frowned at me. "I still plan on out drinking you." He said. He took the half empty cup from my mom and finished it off.
    Zayn came to whisper in my ear. "Be careful, love. You've challenged him." He warned.
    I pulled back to grin at him. "I have it all taken care of." I let him know.
    I shot the last two making them in the cups right next to each other. "Oh my god! We won!" I said in disbelief. Zayn was a good sport. I felt bad that he was stuck with me as a partner but Dylan hadn't wanted to play.
    Niall finished his last drink before coming to take my hand. "Shots." He demanded.
    The house was full of people. Music blasted through the house. "Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere. Hands in the air like we don't care." Miley's voice sang.
    Niall dragged me to the kitch where Mom had a couple bottles of Peach Amsterdam. I had a shot of it before the party and it wsa so good. He unscrewed the cap and poured us both a shot.
    "15." He said.
    "15 shots?" I asked kind of shocked. Even that had to be a little much for Niall. Proving me wrong he nodded.
    Okay, I got this. "You're on." I told him lifting up my hand to down the first one.
    *        *        *        *        *        *   
    He pushed me up agains't my bedroom wall kissing me. My limbs felt like jello and I was numb all over. I started to fall to the floor as I kissed him back. He caught me on instinct holding me close to his body.
    I opened my eyes to get a grip on things. Everything in the room wsa fuzzy. I pulled away from his mouth so I could try and talk. I needed to get out of these clothes. I was just so hot.
    He didn't give me the option to talk though. As soon as I stopped kissing him he started to kiss my neck, scraping his teeth down it. Maybe if I had been sober it would have hurt. But everything that he was doing felt good. Too good. That's why I had to get of it fast.
    "Niall." I moaned trying to pull away.
    He took it like I was just teasing him and he pulled me back to his body. He sucked my earlobe into his mouth. I jerked away.
    "Niall stop." I demaned. I wasn't trying to sound like a bitch but I was serious.
    He pulled away but not all the way. His chest was still pressed against mine. "What's wrong?" He asked his eyes blood shot.
    I ran my fingers up his arms. "I don't want to do this like this. Not yet.' I said. I was telling him that it wsn't a no, just a not right now. I certainly didn't want to lose my virginity right now. Evern drunk I still knew that.
    His eyes sobered up a little. "That's fine. Completely okay. Let's just lay down." he told me.
    I nodded. I could go for a little cuddling. He let go of me to go lay in my bed. I turned the lights off and laid nect to him.
    Well I tried to lay next to him. I ended up tripping and falling on top of him. He chuckled in the dark. "I thought that's what you didn't want to do." He said.
    I blushed, quietly thanking the world that it was dark and that he couldn't see me. I rolled off him to lay on my side. "har-har." I teased.
    He wrapped his arms around me. "There is something that I've been wanting to talk to you about." He told me.
    My heart bagan to race as his fingerrs bgan to trace up my arms. "What's that?' I asked. It barley came out as a whisper.
    His lips pecked mine. "You know how I like you and you like me." He stated. His voice was a littler slurred. He was still drunk, but I was snapping out of it by the minute.
    His statement made me choke on my own spit. "No?" I tried to deny but it came out as a quesiton.
    He laughed. "It's not hard to tell. Annabele. It's a mutal feeling." He assured me.
    I smiled in the dark. Niall liked me or was it the drinking talking. I wanted to know more though. "Where are you getting at?" I asked.
    I felt his lips on my shoulder. "Well I was wanting to see if maybe you would want to see where this could go." He said fast, all coming out as one word.
    I narrowed my eyes. What wsa he doing? "Niall are you asking me out?" I blurted. As soon as I said it I felt stupid. Not that was not what he'd been saying at all. if it was then it wouldn't have taken him so long to answer me.
    He cleared his throat. "Well actually that's exactly what I'm doing." He admitted.
    It was my turn to be lost for words. We were quiet for several minutes. I didn't know what to say.
    "Annabele say something." He begged.
    I was confused. "What do you want me to say?" I asked.
    He sighed, slightly frustrated. "That you'll be my girlfriend silly." He said.
    My eyes went wide. Girlfriend. I shook my head. "You're only saying that because you're drunk." I reminded him.
    He kissed me quickly. "No, I'm saying that because I think you're beautiful, smart, funny and I just like you." he told me.
    I was smiling so big you wouldn't believe it. His lips started kissing all over my face. 'Please." He begged again.
    I turned my body towards his so that he could hold me closer. "Promise me tht you're sitll going to want me in the morning." I said.
    He kissed my neck. "Of course."  He promised.
    I ran my figners through his hair before finally kissing him softly. "Okay." I agreed.

    I felt like I was playing the damned piano as I wrote this. I was typing so fast and my head was falling back on my shoulders. I am a goddess. Votes please :)

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