Chapter 5 Party

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Chapter 5 Party

    I was wary with what Dylan and Sarah had picked out for me to wear to the party. First off, it was really short. Really short. About 3 1/2 inches above the knee. It was tight, too. Showing everything off. I pulled my black hair to the side and turned to look down my back.

  Ugh, I bit my lip and frown. If I moved too quickly, my ass was definitely going to fall out. Thank God, I had gone against their wishes and worn underwear. I blushed.

Knock, knock.

Shit, shit, shit. He was here. I adjusted my boobs.

Knock, knock.
    "Coming!" I called.
    The gold seqens on my bust scratched my arm. "Ouch." I muttered as I slipped into my black heels and walked to the door.
    I opened the door to see Louis looking hot as hell. Black tux with his hair slicked back. I could feel my insides sweat.
    "You look lovely." he told me.
    I blushed and looked down. "Thanks." I said to the floor.
    He offered me his arm. "Are you ready to go, sweetie?" he asked.
    Usually the gesture would have made me feel like a child, but right now it made me feel good. I tucked my arm in hjis and we walked down the hallway.
    "Do these things suck or are they actually sort of fun?" I asked curiously.
    He chuckled, giving my hand a squeeze. "Sometimes they can be boring, it depends on who sets them up. But the dinner's great, and there is dancing and alcohol." he told me, hesitating on the alcohol part.

  I grinned, but that grin slowly faded. Louis helped me into the limo and I bit my lip. I felt so bad. I was on a date with another guy and all I could think about was Niall. The first person who officially got me drunk and took care of me when I threw up.
    I scooted over and let Louis sit next to me. "Are you okay?" he asked.
    I jumped, I was in a trance and I felt like he had snuck up on me or something. "What? Oh yeah. I'm okay. Sorry." I said.
    He laughed. "Okay, crazy." He commented.
    I winked at him. "You have yet to see crazy."
    He leaned forward. "But I've heard. Remember I'm best friends with your ex." he teased.
    I knew that he didn't mean it in a hateful way but it still hurt. He could sense it, too. He hit his forehead. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." he told me.
    I nodded. "It's okay." I promised.
    We were quiet for a few minutes. I caught Louis looking at me and then he would awkwardly look away. I decided to break the tension.
    "He really called me crazy?" I asked as a joke.
    He laughed and then got serious. "Not exactly. He said you made him razy. Crazy in love."

    Our limo arrived minutes later. I couldn't get what Louis said out of my mind. How it affected me was unreal. Had Niall really said that about me? I needed to set it straight with these boys. I liked Louis, but not so much in that way. I was in love with Niall. I needed to talk to him. As soon as possible.
    Louis took my arm and escorted me inside. There was a lot more people at the event then I had thought there would be.
    "It's crowded." I whispered in Louis' ear.
    He smirked as if I had made a joke. "Not all of these people will stay, but it will be alright, dear." he whispered back.
    We continued through the ball room, until we got to the dining room. There were lots of people all over. I looked for Niall and sure enough I found the little blondie talked to Simon Cowell. His hand was on some girls lower back. Right above her ass.
    "Who's the redheaded slut?" I asked as I stopped walking.
    You could tell her hair was dyed, because she did a terrible job doing it. I couldn't help but feel jealous.
    Louis looked where I was, and stifled a laugh. " that's Rose." he told me.
    Rose...Rose... that sounded familar. I gasped. Holy shit. "The girl he dated before me?" I asked.
    He nodded. Noise ripped through my chest. It almost sounded like a growl. I saw red. I could kill her. Louis could see what I was feeling.
    "Let's go eat, love." he told me leading me to a table.
    "Is this going to be okay?" he asked as we sat down. I didn't know what he was talking about until Niall and that slut bag Rose started walking toward us. Since I was Louis' date I had to sit at the table with the rest of the boys and their dates. Niall saw me and his mouth fell open.
    I reached out and took a long drink of champange. The boys looked at me in awe. Louis leaned over putting his lips on my ear in a flirtatious way. "Slow it down darling, wouldn't want any drunken sex to happen." he teased.
    I snickered in my glass.
    Niall looked at me and then glared at Louis. He held Rose's chair out for her and then sat down himself. I took another long drink. He had never done that for me before. What the hell? I crinched.
    Louis could tell that something was bothering me. He reached under the table and gave my knee a reassuring squeeze. I smiled and took his hand.
    Niall noticed and his jack locked. He was pissed. Good, I thought. Niall cleared his throat. "Um, hey Annabele. What are you doing here?" he asked quite rudely.
    I looked over at him in surprise. I opened my mouth to speak but Louis beat me to it. "She's my date and has every right to be here. Is that okay with you?" he snapped.
    Everyone looked at Louis shocked. Non of us knew what to do. Not even Niall who was the one put on the spot. Rose cleared her throat cueing for Niall to say something and to make it something she wanted to hear.
    Niall staggered back into his chair, looking down. "Yes." he mumbled.
    Waiters began to bring food around the tables. One set a plate in front of me. "Miss, Can I bring you another glass of champange?" he asked polietly.
    He went to grab my empty glass but I stopped him. "I would greatly appreciate if you could bring me the bottle." I told him with a smile.
    He grinned down at me. "Yes, ma'am." he said before walking away.
    I picked up my fork and started eating the pasta. The champange was out a minute later. Harry and Liam laughed as I opened the bottle, taking a swig of it instead of pouring it into my glass.
    Fuck this, I needed to get drunk.
    "Pig." Rose coughed at me.
    I glared at her. I opened my mouth but once again Louis saved me. " Let's dance, love. Shall we?" he said as he jumped up taking me with him.
    "But I was just started to have such a lovely time." I said sarcastically.
    Rose stood up and reached her hand out for Niall's. "I think we'll dance, too." She said.
    Louis pulled me through the room back into the ballroom. "Don't let her bother you." Louis said as he pulled me into his arms.
    I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me close to him in a slow danc. One hand was on my lower back, the other ran his fingers through my long hair.
    "It's beautiful." he told me.
    I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." I said.
    He turned me in a circle and I saw a glimpse of Niall and Rose. She had her arms around him and he had his on her waist. She caught me staring and winked. Slowly, she took one of his hands and pushed it down on her ass. She licked her lips and blew me a kiss.
    I ripped out of Louis' grasp  and kicked off my shoes. I stomped over to Niall and Rose. She looked a little scared. Good, the bitch should be.
    "What are you doing?" she asked in her little fake innocent voice.
    My fist popped from behind me, connecting to her nose. She screamed.
    "Don't FUCK with my ma, you whore slut CUNT." I told her, going to hit her again.
    Rose fell to the ground. I tried to go with her, but Niall pushed me back on my ass. "Annabele, that's ENOUGH." he roared.
    He had never yelled at me like that before. It scard me. I blinked back tears. Louis came to my side, my shoes in his hands.
    I glared at him. "Fuck you." I said firmly.
    The way he looked at me.... I lost it. The tears that had threatened me finally started to spill. Louis wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up. I turned into him as he carried me out of the building. Niall had no right to see me cry. He had chosen. Right then.
    As soon as we got outside I got down. Louis led me to the limo. "Let's get you out of here." he said.

    He held me in the back seat while I cried. "I'm sorry. I ruined your night." I cried into his chest.
    He ran his fingers through my hair. "No you didn't. She deserved it. I saw her tormenting you. I used to like her but now she's irrelevant." he told me.
    I could deal with that. What I couldn't deal with was how cold Niall was to me. "How could he do that to me?" I asked myself out loud.
    Louis rubbed my back and pulled me closer. "I don't know, sweetheart. He's a stubborn asshole." He said.

    *        *        *        *        *        *        *
    We got back to our apartment complex. I told Louis, that I was going to go to bed but he wouldn't let me. Instead I changed into pajama's and tied my hair in a pony tail. I grabbed my favorite pillow and blanket before going back over to Lou's.
    I was going to knock, but changed my mind at the very last second. I went inside. It smelled of popcorn and pizza. On his couch in the living room held tons of pillows and blankets. It looked so comfortable.
    "Lou." I called.
    He sprinted from the kitchen. "Hey! I'm making food. I thought that we could eat and watch movies." he said.
    I ginned. I wasn't sure how he knew how to cheer me up but it was working. I walk over to sit on the couch. "Thank you Lou. This is wonderful." I told him.
    Another five minutes later Louid was bring in a pizza and a bowl of popcorn. I stood up. "Do you need any help?" I asked.
    He shook his head and sat the food down. "No lady, you sit down." he demanded.
    As if I were under a spell I automatically obeyed. He went over to his movie shelf, browsing. "What sort of movie?" he asked turning to face me.
    "Scary!" I cheered.
    He grinned and looked through the movies again. "I have the perfect one." he said.

    By the perfect one he meant the scariest. Louis and I were holding each other close, watching a Halloween movie. The girl was walking backwards and Michael Myers was waiting for her.
    "Look behing you, you crazy bitch." I muttered as Louis pulled me closer, scared as well.
    At the same time the girl ran into Michael Myers someone knocked at the door.
    "AHHH!" Louis and I screamed at the same time.
    "Are you guys okay?" Niall yelled from outside the foor.
    My heart raced as I broke away from Louis. "What is he doing here?" Lou asked as he got to answer the foor.
    I covered myself up in the blanket trying to hide. Louis barely opened the door. Niall couldn't see me, but I could see him.
    "Can I help you?" Louis asked rudely.
    When he got done I was going to have to put a stop to that. I didn't want them being mean to each other, especially because of me.
    "Where's Annabele?" he asked.
    Louis closed the foor a little more and I lose the view of his face. I could only hear. "Why does it matter?" Lou answered with a question.
    Niall sighed getting a little frustrated. "I just wanted to make sure that she was okay." He said.
    I rolled my eyes. Like hell he did. Louis looked back at me, asking me questions with his eyes. I shook my head. I couldn't and wouldn't deal with him. I wasn't ready for that.
    Louis turned back to Niall. "She doesn't want to see you, sorry lad." he said going tyo shut the door.
    Niall put his hand up stopping it. "I know she still cares." he said.
    Then his voice got louder as he was talking to me. "I saw you're wearing the underwear I bought you! It's pretty low that you're wearing them for another guy. Plus you broke Rose's nose. I hope you're happy." he told me.
    I mentally gave myself a high five. Then I blushed. I guess I ended up showing my ass a little. Oh well. At least it was clad and not bare.
    I saw Louis' fingers clench around the door knob. "You have no right to tell her what's low or not. Now leave." Louis snapped.
    Without another word Niall turned on his heels and left. Louis shut the door and came over to me. "Are you okay?" he asked as he sat down.
    I was still blushing. "Yeah, I am." I said honestly. Niall was wrong and he knew it. I yawned.
    That earned me a smirk from Louis. "I'm guessing you're getting tired?" he asked.
    I grinned and stretched. "You guess good." I agreed.
    I gathered up my stuff. "Well thank you for keeping me company." I told him as I got ready to leave.
    Louis bit his lip. "Wait." he said standing up.
    I looked at him confuesed. "What is it?" I asked.
    He came over and stood in front of me, his face inches away from mine. Uh, oh. I knew what he was going to do.
    Before I could stop him his lips were on mine. His lips were soft but moved urgent trying to get a reaction out of me.
    I started to close my eyes and kiss back. But I felt guitly. When I closed my eys I saw Niall. The first time we kissed. When we wrestled. The first time he told me that he loved me.
    I turned my head and Louis' lips went to my cheek. "I'm sorry. I can't." I barely got out.
    He sighed. "You love him, don't you?" he asked.
    All I could do was nod. He gently pushed away from me. I felt even worse. "I'm so sorry, Lou." I said. I felt tears in my eyes again.
    He smiled softly. " Don't be. I know what it's like to be in love. I've got a better plan." he told me.
    I wiped a tear out of my right eye. "Oh yeah, what's that?" I asked.
    He came back to me, grabbing me gently by the tops of my arms. "I'm going to help you get him back." he said.
    I sniffed. "Really? How are you going to do that?"
    Snapping his fingers in a fake diva way he said, "Make him jealous duh."

    (Niall's Point of View)
    "Cause nobody looked so good in a dress and it hurts cause I know you won't be mine tonight." I sang softly as I walked inside.
    Not mine tonight but will be mine soon enough.

Louis hawt, screw you if you don't agree. Annabele beats ass. In story and in real life.  Niall sucks. Love you:) Vote and Comment :)


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