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I wake up and see that I'm not in my room. What the fuck? Where am I?

I look around and I see someone sleeping next to me. They move around. Tyler?

I look down and see that I'm only in my underwear. Oh god no. We didn't...did we?

I get up and put my clothes on. I grab my purse and my phone and hurry out of his place. I have a massive hangover but I don't care. I call Shay.

Shay- Hey Benzo, what's up?
Ash- Can you come pick me up?
Shay- sure Ashley, where are you?
Ash- I'm at Tyler's place. Don't ask why.
Shay- I'll be there in 10.
Ash- Thanks Buttah. Bye.
Shay- Bye baby girl.

**10 min. Later**

Shay pulls up and I jump into her car.

"What's wrong Ash?" Shay asks me. "I'm pretty sure that me and Tyler had some very very very very very very very very drunken sex last night." I say. "What?!" She says. "I just hope we don't have to talk about this, and that he would be way to drunk to remember what happened." I say.

"Can you buy me some pills? I have a massive headache and it's killing me right now." I say. "Sure Benzo." She says and smiles.

After Shay stops at the store to buy me some aspirin, she takes me to my house.

I had taken the aspirin already, and Shay was helping me to the couch.

"Spill Ashley. What the fuck happened that ended up with you two having and I quote 'very very very very very very very very drunken sex last night.' " she says.

"Well I was with Tyler. He was pretty tipsy when he asked me to have some drinks with him. Soon, we were both drunk, so we headed back to his place. All I remember after that is waking up this morning in his room in my underwear and him next to me." I say.

"So your not 100% sure? Do you know if you even used protection?" She asks. "Fuck! Shay, stop putting these ideas in my head. I'm already freaking out about this whole 'Ijusthadsexwithmybestfriend' situation, and now your asking me if I could turn out to be pregnant." I say.

"Shay, can we just forget about this? Please?" I ask. "Sure Benzo, we can." She says. "Thank you Buttah." I say and I hug her.


I woke up with a HUGE headache. I look around. How did I get to my room?

I get up from my bed and go to the kitchen. I get some aspirin and take it then I go back to bed. I guess I'm gonna sleep all day today.

***Weeks Later***
I'm on set shooting scenes. Right now, Hanna {me} and Aria {Lucy} are going to visit Mona {Janel} at Radley.

We walk in and look around. We keep walking and hear humming. Aria looks through the door, but sees nothing. We keep walking.
"Do you hear that?" I whisper. We keep walking and we walk into a room at the end of the hall. We look around. "They used to put kids down here?" Aria asks.
We hear the humming again. "Wait, over there" I whisper.
We walk more and turn and we see Mona.
She was playing with her dolls hair and humming.
"What is she doing?" Aria asks.
Mona looks up and says, while brushing her dolls hair, "Miss Aria Your A Killer Not Ezra's Wife...Miss Aria Your A Killer Not Ezra's Wife"
"Cut it Out Mona" I say and take away her doll. I put it in the basket.

Then I start to feel sick. "Lucy... Tell Marlene to cut." I say. "What?" "Tell her please." "Can we Cut?!!" She asks. Marlene yells cut. "What's wrong?" She asks walking over to us.

"I'm think going to be sick." I say and run over to the toilet.

I throw up. "Ash! are you okay?" I hear Lucy ask. She walks over and rubs my back. After I finish throwing up, I walk out of the bathroom. "Can I go to my dressing room Marlene? Just for a while?" I ask. "Sure Ashley. We can continue this later. I need you back in 2 hours." "Okay, thank you Marlene." I say and walk back to my dressing room.

I walk into my dressing room and brush my teeth. I also eat mints and gum trying to get the vomit taste out of my mouth.

"Hey Ash. I heard you threw up, are you okay?" I hear. I look towards the door. It was Tyler. "Yeah Ty Ty, I'm fine. I just ate some really bad shrimp or some shit like that." I say and smile slightly. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm sure" I say and then he smiles at me and leaves.

Then I remember that this is the 5th time I throw up this week. I started maybe two days ago. No...I can't be.

I run over and check my calendar. Ok... I'm in a shitload of trouble. Fuck! I'm a week late.

I walk into Shay's dressing room. "Shannon, we have a HUGE problem." I say. She was watching the little mermaid and eating sour skittles. Typical Shay.

"What's wrong Ash?" She asks. I look around. "We're here alone right?" "Yeah.. Why?"

"Shannon, I need you to do something for me." I say. "What?" "Go to the store and buy me... A test." "What?! Ashley please tell me that your not..." "I don't know. But I just threw up for the 5th time this week and I'm a week late. So I need to take a test to see if I am or if I'm not." I say. "I'll tell Sammy to get some" "Will she tell?" "No Ashley. Calm down baby girl. It's going to be okay." She says. She texts Sammy.

She holds out her hands. I go over to her and hug her. "Whatever happens, I want you to know that I will always be here for you Benzo." She says. "Thanks Buttah. That really means a lot to me." I say.

Sammy comes back and gives Shay the tests. "Who are they for?" She asks. "..me.." I say. She looks at me. "It's going to be okay Ashley, your strong. I know you can do this." She says and gives me a hug. "Thanks Sammy." I say.

I get up and walk into the bathroom with the tests. I take them.

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