
978 30 15

(( Read A/N at end))
Abby stays quiet for a while. I'm starting to regret saying anything. All of a sudden her face lights up. "I'm gonna be a big sister?" She asks. "Yeah." I say and smile. "Yay!!!" She says. I smile. "Are you really excited?" I ask.

"Yeah mommy! I'm gonna be a big sister. Where is the baby? Is it in your tummy?" She asks. She gets down from her chair and walks over to me. She looks at my stomach and she has a confused expression on her face.

"What's wrong babe?" I ask her. "Your tummy isn't big." She says. I laugh. "Not yet baby, but it will be bigger later." I said. "When is it gonna be here mommy? Is it a boy or girl? What's it's name? Is it gonna look like me?" She asks.

"Okay so, it's going to be here in about 7 months- which is in July after your birthday, I don't know yet, we will look for names after we find out what it is, and I don't know if it's gonna look like you." I say. She smiles. "I love you so much Abby." I say and hug her.
(( 1 week later...))
Today is the day I have to shoot when Hanna finds out she's pregnant. I'm kinda happy I at least still have Haleb.

I'm shooting this scene with the girls, then I have to shoot a scene with Tyler. I read over the script again.

{{{ SCRIPT }}}
Hanna: Omg.....
Aria: what's up Hanna?
Hanna: what's today's date?
Spencer: the 17th, why?
Hanna: wait... It's the 17th?!
Emily: yeah, why Han? What's wrong?
Hanna: I'm late...
Aria: what do you mean by late?
Spencer: do you mean... Late late. As in period late?
Hanna: yeah....
Emily: how late is late?
Hanna: 1 week....
Aria: Hanna,
Spencer: are you...
Emily: Pregnant?
Hanna: I don't know... But keep your voice down.
Emily: Hanna, you need to find out. Let's go to my place and you can take the test there.
Aria&Spencer: *nod*
Hanna: Fine lets go.
{{{{ SCRIPT }}}}

I hear a knock on my door. "It's open." I say. Lisa walks in. "You're needed on set Ashley." She says. "Okay." I say. I get up and go to set.

Abby was with my sister. They were having a little getaway. I'm thankful for that because she won't ask me to see Tyler. I haven't been wanting her to see him since what happened. I just don't want her to get hurt again.

I walk into set and we start.
I finish shooting scenes with the girls and I go back to my dressing room. I throw up, and then I call my sister.

"Hey ash."
"Hey shaylene, how's my little girl?"
"She's great. She's playing with dad right now."
I smile. "Is she happy?"
"Yeah. She's laughing and running around the yard."
"Tell her I said that I'll see her soon okay? And that I love her."
"I'll tell her, oh and Ashley, she said some interesting things to us."
"What did she say?" I ask and laugh.
"She told us that she was going to be an older sister... How weird is that?"
"So weird..." I say. "Umm... I have to go now, bye!" I say and hang up.

Damn, I have to tell them soon. They love Abby, and they are going to love this baby, right? They were supportive with Abby, so I'm hoping that they are supportive with this one.

I put my hand on my stomach. I have to tell Shay and the girls. I'm not gonna tell Tyler yet. He probably doesn't even care. But I care because this is my baby.

I get ready to shoot my scene with Tyler. I go back to set and shoot my scenes.

Hanna: Caleb... I have something to tell you, and I'm not exactly sure how you're going to react. *cries*
Caleb: what's wrong babe? **sits her on his lap** **wipes her tears**
Hanna: I-I'm p-preg-gnant Caleb. *cries*
Caleb: Han... Are you-- are you serious?
Hanna: of course I'm serious!
Caleb: wow! *takes deep breath* I'm gonna be a dad. *says quietly* I'm gonna be a dad!! **practically screams out*
Hanna: so.. You're happy? *looks at him*
Caleb: of course I am Hanna. This is our baby! *smiles*
Hanna: yeah.. *smiles a bit* our baby.
Caleb: **kisses her**
Hanna: **kisses back**
Caleb: I love you.
Hanna: I love you more. *lays her forehead on his forehead*
"And cut! Great job guys. You're wrapped for the week." Marlene says. As soon as she says that, I'm up of off Tyler's lap. "Thanks Mar" I say.

I go to my dressing room and change to my other clothes. I pack my stuff and walk out.

"Ash! Wait!," I hear Tyler say. I sigh. "What Tyler?" I ask. "What are you and Abby doing for thanksgiving?" He asks. "We're gonna spend it at my moms house. Why?" I say.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house." He says. "I can't Tyler. Sorry. But I have to go." I say and leave.

I go home and grab my already packed bags. I put them in my car and head off to my parents house.

What should her parents and Shaylene (her sister) say? Wha about Tyler?

Should the baby be a boy or a girl? Leave name suggestions in comments.


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