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"I'm Lauren. Who are you?" She says. I look at her. She is pregnant... And she looks big. I wonder how far along she is.
She looks like she's 5 months pregnant.

"I'm talking to you." She says rudely. "I'm Ashley." I say.

"Ash. Come in." Tyler says from behind the bitch.

"Hi mommy!" Abby says. "Oh you're her mom?" She asks me. "Yeah. I am. Is there a problem?" I ask. "Yes." She mumbles.

I just want to smack this bitch so bad. "Are you staying for dinner?" He asks. "Yes." Abby says. "Abby." I say and look at her. "Oh, sorry mommy." She says. "It's okay baby." I say. "Yeah... We'll stay." I say.

"Great!" Tyler says and smiles. I sit down on the couch.

We were eating dinner and everyone was talking except me. I just didn't feel comfortable. I don't know how to feel comfortable. Luckily, someone called me so I got to step out.

"Hey Ash. How you holding up?"
"I'm breaking Shay... I can't keep doing this. I want to leave but Abby wants to stay and I don't want to disappoint her."
"There's something else going on. Spill Ashley."
"That Lauren bitch is here. And she's pregnant and-- I just want to leave."
"Do you want me to pretend that I have something important going in that you need to help me with?"
"I don't know Shay... I'm just.. Confused or.. I don't know... I'll get back to you soon, I need to go check on Abby."
"Okay Ash. Stay strong. Love you. Bye."

I walk back inside and I see Abby touching Lauren's stomach.

"There's a baby in there?" She asks. "Yeah. And it's my baby. It's a boy." He says.

She looks up at him. "Is he my brother?" She asks. "Well... Yes kind of." Tyler says.

I can't do this anymore.

"Abby... Let's go" I say. "Why ash?" Tyler asks. "Shay has an emergency and we need to go." I say and I grab Abby's stuff and we leave.
I get to Shay's place.

"I can't believe it Shay! Did he seriously do that?! I can't... Believe.... It!!!" I cry my heart out.

Sammy was upstairs playing with Abby.

"Why did this have to happen to me?" I ask. "Did I have to meet Tyler and sleep with him and get pregnant and keep her a secret and have my heart broken? Do I deserve this?" I look at Shay.

"No... You don't Ash. But look on the bright side. You have a beautiful daughter, and amazing friends and you have a job that you love. And you have your family." She says.

"Do you think that you and Sammy could watch Abby tonight?" I ask Shay. "Of course. Why?" Shay responds. "I wanted to go to the club tonight. Get my mind off of Tyler. Hopefully I will." Shay smiles at me. "Go. We'll watch her." She says.

"Thanks Shay." I say and I hug her.

I go home and I change. I get a taxi since I'm going to be drunk as hell, and go to the club.

I drink the night away and I get laid. It was great. I wake up and I see I'm in my room alone. Well looks like I don't know who I got laid with, but it doesn't matter.

I look at the time. 10:15 am.

I get up, shower, and get changed. I drink some pain meds, go to my car.

I drive to Shay's house to pick Abby up. I get out and walk knock on the door.

Shay opens it. "Hey Ashley. Feeling better?" "Hell yeah. I got drunk and laid and I feel so much better. But, I don't know who I slept with." I say. "Let's just hope your not pregnant. Cause that would be---" She shuts up when I glare at her. "Sorry..." She says.

"Where's Abby?" I ask. "She's in the kitchen with Sammy." She says. "Okay." I say. I walk in and go to the kitchen.

"Hey Abby!" I say. "Mommy!!" She says and runs over to me. I go down to her height. "Hey princess." I say and hug her.

"I missed you mommy." She says. "I missed you too." I say and I kiss her cheek. "Ready to leave?" I ask. "Yeah mommy. But can I finish eating?" "Of course babe." I say.

I sit down and wait for her to finish. Shit now Shay got that into my head. What if I did turn out pregnant?

Well I updated.
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