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((10 weeks pregnant))
(A/N at end)
It's Christmas Eve today and I'm 10 weeks pregnant. I'm gonna tell Tyler today. He invited us over for a Christmas party and I decided that I'm gonna tell him today. The girls found out last week, and they seemed okay.

Well, Lucy, Sasha, and Troian were. Shay tried to play it off as her being okay with it, but I can tell she's disappointed. To be honest, I am too.

I get ready. I throw on a Christmas sweater, trying to his my small and now noticeable bump, and some leggings. I put my flats on and put on some makeup. I go into Abby's room and see her trying to get dressed. "Need help?" I ask with a small laugh. "Yes mommy, please." She says.

I go to her closet and get an outfit for her. I get a Christmas dress with a picture of a reindeer on it, some red and white leggings, and some black flats. I help her get dressed and she looks up at me smiling. "Thank you mommy!" She says. "You're welcome baby girl."  I say and smile back.

"We should head to Tyler's house now baby, it's already 7 in the afternoon." I say. "Okay mommy." Abby says and we get in the car. I drive to Tyler's place and park outside of his house.

I get out of the car and then I get Abby out. I lock the door and walk to Tyler's front door holding Abby's hand. Before I even have a chance to knock, Tyler opens the door.

"Hey Ash, hey Abby." He says with a smile. "Hi TyTy!" Abby says and hugs him. "Hi Tyler." I say. "Come in." He says and we walk in.

I sigh. "Tyler... We really need to talk." I say and look at him. "Okay.. Let's talk in my room." He says. "Okay." I say. "Abby, stay here, I'll be right back, okay?" I say. "Okay mommy." She says.

I follow Tyler upstairs and into his room. "What did you want to talk about Ash?" He asks. I look around, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Ashley? Are you okay?" He asks me. "No, Tyler I'm not.." I say and start to cry. "Ashley, what's wrong?" He asks. "I'm pregnant Tyler. I'm pregnant and its your baby. Again." I say and cry.

"Please, if your gonna yell, just don't. I've already been yelled at and if you wanna leave then go ahead. If you want me to leave I will, but let Abby stay. She's been hurt a lot because of me and she didn't get to spend Thanksgiving with my family cause I told them and we left, and I don't want her to spend Christmas horrible either." I say and cry.

He just stands there for a while. Finally, he speaks up. "You're what?!" He says. "I knew it. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I was just trying to be a good person for once." I say. I cry and walk downstairs.

I see the cast downstairs and I see Shay look at me and then at Tyler and she gives him a look. She runs over to me and hugs me.

"No Shay... Can you just watch Abby for me please?" I ask. "Yeah sure..." She says. "Thank you." I say and I go to my car and drive home. This is not how I saw myself spending Christmas Eve, but it's how I'm gonna spend it cause I can't keep my damn legs closed and now I'm pregnant again  and I just ruined everything again.

I'm such a fucking idiot.

Poor Ash. Next chapter is gonna be New Years. When do you want them to make up? 

Should they make up? Ofc.
In like 2 chapter or so, Ashley is gonna find out the gender. Who's ready? 🙋

Don't hate me for the fight, it just had to happen. It will make sense soon. Don't worry. Bye!


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