8. Ah, the Old Headmaster! (Part 2)

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"Let's start with how all he had to sleep on was Dudley Dursely's soiled mat."

The words cut through Albus like a dagger. "A mat?"

"A mat. In a cupboard." Remus continued. "All he had was his tattered baby blanket to cover up with, Albus. Imagine how scared he was!"

"Our baby was being mistreated!" Sirius continued. "Honestly, Albus, did you ever send anyone to check on him?"

"I did." He affirmed, darkly. "But it seems as though I trusted the wrong person."

Sirius' face was as red as a tomato as he gripped the old wizard's desk, chair abandoned and overturned on the floor. "Albus Dumbledore, who did you send?"

The wizard was silent.

"He asked you a question and we want an--"

"Who. Did. You. Send?"

"Severus Snape."


Harry quickly decided two things: one, he liked this professor; two, he didn't want to be away from either of his uncles.


McGonagall was nice enough; she gave him tea and biscuits and told him all about Gryffindor house and a few of the classes at Hogwarts, but she wasn't Uncle Moony or Uncle Padfoot. He found himself constantly looking over at the door, praying for one of his uncles to come through and sit with him.

Harry finished his second biscuit and took a small sip of his tea; he didn't want to hold the little cup for too long for fear of dropping it. He hadn't quite mastered that yet, a fact that his uncles had picked up on very quickly. Unfortunately, they had insisted on him having sippy cups until he had a better grip, which made him feel even more like a baby. It frustrated him to no end, but he wasn't about to say that to them. He didn't want to ruin any of their things and he didn't want them angry with him.

He set the cup back on the little saucer very carefully and the professor spoke again. "You look so much like your father, Harry."

He shifted a bit in his seat. He didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing. "Uncle Moony says I have mummy's eyes."

"That you do." She smiled. "Your mother was very bright, and very kind. She was Head Girl her last year here, you know. Alongside your father."

"Head Girl?" He questioned.

"The top male and female students get to be Head Boy and Head Girl in their seventh year, which means they help Professor Dumbledore and I oversee the school. I seem to remember one time when your father and your Uncle Padfoot didn't speak for a week because your father gave him detention."


"That's where people have to go when they did something bad." She explained. "I think your father had him cleaning trophies."

Harry frowned. "But Uncle Padfoot isn't bad."

"Oh, no, dear! He's not bad! He just did something naughty."

Harry frowned, not liking this at all. He didn't think Sirius had ever been naughty. "What about Uncle Moony? Did he get 'tention?"



Remus literally had to grab Sirius and pull him away from the Headmaster's desk, and force him into the chair that Sirius had managed to flip over earlier. He leaned down to whisper in his friend's ear.

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