22. Trust

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A/N: A lot of stuff that needed to happen happens in this chapter. Prepare yourself for feels.

Harry awoke with a start, only to find that he was in...Uncle Moony's room?

He huffed when he realized exactly what had happened. He had mistakenly fallen asleep and had been sent home; now he was cuddled up to his uncle, restricted from any movement unless he wanted to wake the man up.

But Harry really didn't want to move--ever. After the stunt he'd just pulled, he figured that his uncles would think he was too much trouble and send him away, but they hadn't. Harry heard footsteps coming down the hall and immediately closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Seconds later Harry felt the bed sink down a little as his Uncle Padfoot crawled in and laid down, facing Harry and Moony. He felt the man brush some hair out of his face before leaning down to kiss his forehead, causing Harry's nose to scrunch up a little.

Sirius gave Harry's nose a little bop. "Are you awake, little one?"


Sirius smirked. "Open those beautiful little eyes for me."

Harry did, staring up at his uncle with a pitiful look. "'M sorry for runnin' away, daddy."

The slip caught both of them by surprise. Horror filled Harry as he remembered how weird his uncle had acted when he'd brought this very thing up; Sirius, on the other hand, felt giddy, loving, and horrible at the same time.

...He'd just have to make sure Harry remembered that James was his first daddy.

Sensing that Harry was about to go into hysterics, Sirius quickly started trying to mend the situation. "We'll talk about you running away later, baby boy. Daddy's just happy you're home and safe."

Remus began to stir, squeezing Harry as he cuddled him closer, seemingly oblivious to Sirius being there. He pressed a kiss into Harry's hair and let out a little sigh.

"Good morning, you two." Opening his eyes he looked down and saw that Harry was near tears. "Oh, cub, what is it?"

"I think someone's just a little upset from everything that happened last night." He reached over as he sat up, pulling Harry into his lap. "And what did we learn?"

Harry wiped at his eyes with his fist. "T-To listen to Daddy and Papa." Remus gave Sirius a questioning glance, which he returned with a grin.

Harry finally trusted them.


For the rest of the morning the family of three had lazed around, avoiding a much needed conversation. Remus hadn't spoken very much since he'd awoken, and Sirius understood that he'd need time to recover from the full moon, the death of Sarah and their unborn baby, and the emotional roller coaster they'd both been through when Harry had escaped.

At around two that afternoon, Sirius sat up and picked up his son, settling him on his hip. "Let's give Papa some time to himself, puppy."

Harry frowned, not understanding but deciding not to question it, settled himself against Sirius, laying his head on the man's shoulder. "Okay. I love you, Papa."

"And I love you, sweet baby." Remus managed a small smile that grew a little wider when Harry buried his face in Padfoot's shoulder. "Don't blow up the kitchen, Pads."

"Well, there goes my afternoon." He smirked, then carried Harry down the hall. He deposited the boy on the couch and sat next to him, sighing a little. "I think we need to talk, puppy."

Harry was silent. He'd screwed up real bad and he knew it.

"I want you to tell me everything you saw at the hospital."

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