15. Appointments and Play Dates (Part 2)

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A/N: Okay, so this is pretty short, but it was high time for an update, especially with OVER 2000 READS! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I had no idea this story would get that much attention and seriously, every read, vote, and comment still make my heart flutter. I'm so happy that you all are enjoying it and I hope I can start doing a bit better with updates. But, for now, on with the next installment of Raised by Canines!

"Tag!" Little Ginerva Weasley yelled, finally catching up to Ron and grabbing a fistful of his shirt. Ron huffed and crossed his arms, giving her a slight glare. He'd been tagged three times in the last hour.

They'd had to quit playing quidditch since Ginny was too little to be on a broom by herself and she wanted to play with her brothers and newfound friend. Harry told them about a game he'd seen Dudley play with his friends, and they'd caught on quickly; Harry was just happy he was finally allowed to play.

Harry had to stifle a giggle at the look on his new friend's face. "Can we take a break?"

"Let's." Harry followed Ron over to the garden and they sat at the edge. Ron started to pick at the grass. They watched as the twins, Charlie, and Ginny continued to play for a few moments before Ron broke the silence.

"Did you and your cousin play this all the time? It's fun."

Harry shook his head. "My cousin wasn't very nice and didn't like playing with me."

"So he's like Percy?"

"Percy's nice." Harry insisted. "At least he doesn't hit you."

"He hit you?"

"All the time." Harry frowned. "He even pushed me down the stairs once."

"George did that to Percy once because he was being mean to Fred." Ron pulled up another piece of grass and started ripping it apart as he spoke. "Mummy was fur-fur," His face scrunched up as he tried to remember the word. "Furious? Yeah. She yelled really loud."

"Aunt Petunia let Dudley have extra dessert that night."

"That's rotten luck, mate." Ron sighed. "Well, now you can play with me and my brothers. You can be like our other brother."

Harry grinned. "Thanks."

"And I guess Ginny can play with us too." Ron frowned. "She's strange though."

"She seems nice."

"Yeah." Ron looked back at Harry. "So you live with two guys?"

Harry nodded. "Uncle Moony and Uncle Padfoot."

"Do they...do they kiss and stuff?"

"No!" Harry frowned. "Would that be bad?"

"No." Ron shook his head. "We have an uncle that lives with another guy. He's getting married to him in a couple months."

Harry nodded. "I don't think Uncle Moony likes Uncle Padfoot that way. Uncle Moony is at the doctor with some lady who has a baby in her belly and Uncle Padfoot says it's there because Uncle Moony likes her a lot."

"Children!" The Weasleys turned and looked at their mother, unfazed, while Harry jumped a little. "Lunch time!"

"Told you she yells loud." Ron let the pieces of grass fall from his hands as he stood and wiped his jeans.


"It's a healthy baby boy."

The words circled around Remus' head as the reality began to sink in. He and Sarah shared glances over their coffee mugs, neither one of them thrilled to be having this conversation.

"Did you ever want to have kids?" Sarah finally asked.

"More than anything." He sighed. "But realistically I knew I shouldn't."

"You'd make a great father. Look at how well you're doing with Harry."

"Thank you."

"What happens now?"

"Well, that's the million dollar question, isn't it?" He raked a hand through his hair. "I don't know. I really don't trust you right now."

She crossed her arms as her lips drew into a thin line. "Understandable, but you had to have known there would be risks."

"I'm not saying you're totally at fault here, Sarah, but going off your birth control and trying to get pregnant without talking to me first does not help your case."

"Why should I have to stay on it?"

"I'm not saying you had to." He said. "But when we first became intimate you assured me you were on it and I assumed that if that changed you would tell me."

She drummed her fingertips on the table. "I'm sorry, Remus."

He didn't know how to respond to that. "I will help you to provide for this baby in every way that I can." He started. "But I have to think about our relationship some more before I make any long lasting decisions."

For the first time she actually looked defeated. "I understand. Harry really needs you right now, so the timing was horrible. And I should have talked to you, I know. I just...I wanted another baby, Remus."

"And you should be able to have one." He nodded. "But having a child with me has its...risks."

"I'm well aware."

Remus jolted when he caught a glimpse of his watch. "Harry's expecting me now. I have to go; we'll talk later."

She nodded, biting her lip.

"Take care of yourself, Sarah."

"You as well."


Harry had just taken a seat next to Ron at the end of the table when the Weasley's floo roared to life and deposited a haggard looking Remus into the den.

"Uncle Moony!" Harry cried, jumping up from the table and running straight at Remus. He threw his arms around the man's legs and hugged them, given that was all he could reach. He'd enjoyed his time with the Weasleys, but he'd grown too close to his uncle for him to be away from the man for too long.

"Hi, cub." Remus smiled down at the boy before reaching down to pick him up and settle him on his hip. "Did you have fun?"

Harry nodded. "We played quidditch and tag."

"Did you?" Remus smiled and looked over at Molly as she entered. "How was he? We can't thank you enough for taking care of him today."

"He was just fine and there's no need to thank me." She smiled at him. "I would like to see more of him soon."

Remus couldn't help the pride he felt in Harry and set him down gently. "Why don't you go say goodbye to your friends?" Harry nodded and did exactly as he asked.

"How did it go?" Molly asked when Harry was out of earshot.

"She's pregnant." Remus sighed. "Due in July. Two weeks before Harry's birthday, actually."

"I don't know whether to congratulate you or give you my condolences."

He knew she meant no harm, but the words only made him feel guiltier. "It'll work out."

Molly just nodded as they both put on big smiled for Harry as he crashed into Remus once more, and suddenly Remus' smile wasn't so forced. He picked Harry up and hugged him tightly, and tried to reassure himself that Harry and Padfoot would forgive him.

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