9. Ticklish?

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One, thank you so much for 500 reads and 49 votes! That's insane!

Two: The prequel to this is up! Please take a second and check it out!

Three: Sorry for the short chapter, but I promise I'll have another one up soon!

Now, onto the story!

Sirius made his way to the kitchen, Harry having fallen asleep rather quickly. Remus was already sitting at the table waiting for him, and the animagus pretended that he hadn't seen him and walked right past him to the pantry.

"Padfoot, please talk to me for a moment."

"Hm." Sirius was fumbling with a box of goldfish crackers, trying to ignore his shaking hands. He didn't want to talk to Remus about Sarah. His anxiety was making it worse. Before he knew it, Remus had taken the box and opened it, poured a few out for his friend, and put it back.

Sirius gulped. "Why did you do that?"

"Because, if you had been holding that any longer, we would have had a floor full of them and I do not think Harry would be pleased come snack time."

Remus set the snack down in the chair across from the one he had been in a few minutes before and took his seat again. Sirius followed and took a seat, not meeting his friend's eyes.

"Why don't you like Sarah?"

Sirius bit his lip. "I don't have a problem with Sarah."

"Could've fooled me."

The animagus sighed and rested his head in his hands. "I need you here, Moony. I need your help with Harry."

Remus sighed. "You know I wouldn't leave you high and dry like that, Padfoot. Now tell me the real reasoning."

The truth was, Sirius didn't know. He got this way about every one of Remus' girlfriends, even when they were back at Hogwarts. He guessed, maybe, that he had a strong urge to protect his friend.

"I don't really know, Moony. I guess it's just...anxiety, you know? When Prongs and Lily got married we didn't spend a whole lot of time together."

"Well, we were in a war and were all on different missions. Plus, there was that tiny issue of you and I figuring the other was the traitor."

Sirius was quiet for a moment. "Still."

"Padfoot, you know that I wouldn't just forget about you. You are my best friend and have done more for me than I can even try to repay."

"...Okay, Moony."

Deep down, both of them knew this conversation wasn't over.


Harry didn't want to wake up.

At all.

So when Remus came to wake the little one up, Harry pulled his cover over his head and turned over with a groan. "No."

He was beginning to realize that, here, it was okay to say no sometimes.

"No? Did you just say no?" The man sounded highly amused, so Harry burrowed further into his bed and gave a small nod.

"No. S'eepy."

Suddenly, a hand had gotten under Harry's blankets and quickly tweaked his side. He shrieked and jumped up, quickly scooting over to the edge of the bed, eyes wide. Whatever that was felt funny, and he couldn't decide if he liked it or not.

An evil grin spread across Remus' face. "Oh, is somebody ticklish?"

Harry frowned. "Ticklish?"

Remus' grin faltered for a moment before he jumped on the bed, grabbed Harry by the ankles, and pulled the boy close. "I guess we'll just have to find out, won't we?"

And with that, Remus dug into Harry's sides. Harry instantly started laughing, shrieking when Remus got too close to his tummy.

"U-uncle Moony!" He squealed. "S-stop it! Up! I get up!"

Remus immediately stopped, leaned down, and pressed a kiss to Harry's cheek before sitting up and holding out his arms for Harry. The boy immediately fell into them and Remus stood, stroking Harry's hair and chuckling.

"You're so cute." Harry's hot face found refuge in Remus' neck and the werewolf couldn't help but grin.

"I seem to remember asking you to wake him up, not torture him." Sirius grinned as Remus reentered the room. "What was with all the screaming?"

"It seems as though a certain little cub is ticklish." Remus scratched at Harry's belly, emitting a few giggles and proving his point. "That same cub learned what happens when he tells Uncle Moony 'no'."

Sirius grinned. "Oh did he? Does someone need to be taught another lesson?"

Remus placed Harry in Sirius' arms and, within seconds, the room was filled with Harry's laughter.

Remus smiled, not only glad that Harry was laughing but also that, for the time being, the tension between the two friends was gone.

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