18. Ten Steps Back

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WARNING: Harry deals with some emotional abuse. Don't read if that triggers you.

"No. No, absolutely not."

Remus Lupin was not going to let himself be an "experiment," or God forbid something even worse: a charity case.

"Now now my boy--"

"I am not your boy, Albus." Remus was nearly seething. "And for you to think I would agree to this without telling Sirius anything is absurd. You know how wrong some of these 'experiments' can go if even the smallest things go wrong. And if the potion even did work for sure, I wouldn't take it because I am not a charity case."

"Are you questioning my abilities?" Severus' voice was dangerously close to raising before Dumbledore cut him off, effectively pissing Severus off further.

"Remus, please. You owe it to yourself to help find something that won't let you endanger Harry or anyone else."

Remus huffed and sat back in his chair; Dumbledore had a point, but Remus still had his pride. He wasn't going to let the Headmaster manipulate him again; no, Remus had had enough of being manipulated.


Meanwhile, Harry sat alone in McGonagall's office. She had said she was going to be back in a few minutes, but he could help himself to a few biscuits while she was gone. As he reached for one, he heard a loud thud that caused him to jump a little and snapped his head in the direction of the noise.

Suddenly he heard the noise again, and jumped as he watched the old cabinet in the corner of McGonagall's room shake. This went on for a few more minutes and Harry hesitantly made his way over and unlocked the cabinet, then watched in horror as his Uncle Moony tumbled out, Uncle Padfoot trailing behind.

What were they doing in the cabinet?

"A-are we goin' home?" Both of them looked beyond angry, their eyes dark as night.

"Why would we take you home with us, you little freak?" Harry gasped at Sirius' words and backed up a couple of feet, tears threatening to escape. What had he done? He thought that the Dursley's had possibly been wrong about that, but now it seemed that Sirius and Remus had wised up.

They didn't want him anymore.

"I-I thought...I thought you loved me." Harry's voice was quiet and fragile, and when he hit McGonagall's desk he froze.

"Why would we love an ungrateful little freak like you?" It was Remus' words that really struck his heart. "After everything I've done for you, you want to cry if you don't get everything you want? You didn't want to even be near me at first!"

Harry's tears began to fall. "'M sorry!"

"You're not sorry." Remus sneered. "Maybe my new baby will be grateful, will actually want me around."

"The baby can have Harry's room." Sirius continued. "And Harry can sleep in the basement."

"I don't want the little freak around my child." Remus shook his head. "We'll just send him back."

"Good idea!" Both men laughed, and Harry felt as though he were trapped in a nightmare.

"Riddikulous!" McGonagall's voice came from behind him and he turned to look as she cast a spell and sent both of his uncles flying back into the cabinet. The older woman was at his side in a minute. "Harry, are you alright?"

The little boy shook his head and wiped at his eyes, sniffling as he did so. "R-Remus and S-Sirius don't w-want me anym-more."

"Oh, child." She frowned and shook her head. "No, Mr. Potter. I assure you that they want nothing more than to keep you with them. Have you ever heard of a boggart?"

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