13. Sarah

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There was a sharp knock on the door around two fifteen that afternoon. Sirius answered, immediately putting a finger to his lips as he opened the door.

"Harry just want down for a nap." He explained in a whisper. It had taken him forever to coax the kid away from Moony so the man could rest and the kid could eat. "Remus is asleep."

"Oh." Sarah quipped. "Can I still come in?"

"By all means." Sirius stepped aside, letting her in and quickly shutting it and locking it behind her. "Excuse the mess. Haven't had much time to clean the past few days."

"I have a two year old." She smirked. "Messes quit really bothering me a long time ago."

Sirius was going to sit down, but paused. Sarah had a kid? How come Remus had never mentioned that? He sat down, still looking confused. "You have a kid?"

"Well, I'm no nun." She smirked. "It was some guy I met at the Leaky Cauldron one night. Made a drunken mistake. I think his name was Lockhart or something."

Oh, Merlin. He actually remembered Lockhart. He'd been at school with them, but the memory that stuck out the most was the first day of Auror training. That had been worse than dreadful, considering his ego.

Needless to say, he didn't make it very far.

"Well, Remus is much better than Lockhart, I assure you."

"I'm well aware." She smiled. "I've been wondering why we never tried earlier. How is he, by the way? Dumbledore said he was pretty bad off."

"He'll be fine." There was a slight edge to Sirius' voice now. "He's tough."

"How long's he been asleep?"

"A few hours."

She twitched. "I want to check on him."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"He'll be happy to see me."

"Remus needs rest. He suffered quite a few injuries and was up all night. Leave 'em alone."

Her determined eyes had a way of boring into his soul. "I'm going."

"You don't even know where his room is."

She raised a brow as if to say, oh, I don't? Without any hesitation she made her way to the man's room and Sirius hear the door creak open.

Stupid Sarah. Sirius huffed, and a glass of water that had been left sitting out suddenly shattered.

Stupid accidental magic.


"Remus. Hey, sweetheart." Remus groggily opened his eyes and found himself staring into a set of chocolate brown ones.

"Sarah, hey. When'd you get here?"

"About 15 minutes ago." She smiled kindly. "Sirius didn't want to let me back here."

"He's just being overprotective." Remus chuckled and then inhaled sharply; his pain potion must have been wearing off. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I figured you'd be in the infirmary, but Dumbledore told me you'd already come back home and I wanted to check on you." She bit her lip. "I also had something to tell you."

Remus tensed, scared for what she was about to say. Words like that were never good. "What is it?"

"I think I'm pregnant."


Harry woke up a little early from his nap, blinking sleep out of his eyes. Carefully and quietly he slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom, then quietly slipped out of his room. He padded down the hallway and found his Uncle Padfoot sitting on the couch, flipping through channels on the TV.

"Uncle Padfoot?" He asked, gathering the courage to ask about what Ms. Figg had brought up.

The older wizard jumped a bit, not having expected Harry to be up for another twenty minutes. "Hey, Puppy, you're up early." He gave the spot next to him a slight pat and Harry took the hint, walking over and climbing onto the couch. He leaned against his uncle and immediately felt the man's arm around him.

"N't very tired."


"No." Harry let out a little sigh. "Is Uncle Moony feelin' better?"

"I don't know, sweetheart. He's talking to someone right now, so I haven't been able to ask."

"Oh. 'Bout what?"

"I don't know, stinker." Sirius grinned. "I'm not nosy."

"Are too." Harry muttered under his breath, a small grin forming.

Sirius, however, gasped. "Am not."

"Are too."

"I am not! What is Uncle Moony teaching you?"

"...Are too."

"I am not having this fight with you, you cheeky little pup." Sirius had to laugh. "Just like your father, you are."

Harry frowned. The exact person he'd been hoping Uncle Padfoot wouldn't bring up. "Am I 'posed to call you an' Uncle Moony 'Daddy'?"

He figured he'd had enough stalling. He needed to blurt it out or he'd never ask it.

"W-What?" Sirius Black was hardly ever one to be shocked, much less show it. However, Harry's question had thrown him for quite a loop. Daddy.

That was rightfully James' title, not his.

He and the man never really discussed it; they never really thought the day would come that Sirius would be the one raising Harry. Sirius remembered one time, when Harry was a baby; Harry had actually called him "daddy" and that bothered James a great deal, even if he hadn't said anything. Needless to say, Sirius wasn't at the Potter's home as often after that.

Harry looked defeated and opened his mouth to say something, but Sirius cut him off. "Harry, who said you had to?"

Harry frowned. "Ms. Figg." It wasn't exactly what she'd said, but it had been implied.

Sirius gulped. How was he to answer this? "Pup, you can call us whatever you're comfortable with, alright?"

Harry nodded and snuggled into Sirius' side once more. The man let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding, but he'd done it too soon.

Seconds later brought an enraged Sarah storming down the hall and out the door, and she slammed it behind her. Sirius felt Harry jump and frowned, his dislike of her growing.

"I have to go talk to Uncle Moony, Harry." He stood and gave the boy's arms a little squeeze. "Will you be okay for a few minutes?"

He nodded mutely. Sirius kissed his forehead and reluctantly made his way to Remus' room, having a sinking feeling about what could have caused that sort of reaction.

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