12. Love is Blind

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Harry kind of remembered the last time he'd stayed at Miss Figg's house. The Dursley's had gone on a vacation and he'd been left with the lady for a week. He remembered helping her feed her kittens and actually being offered more than just burned toast or leftovers to eat. She'd even given him some biscuits as a treat when he'd done what he considered to be his normal chores.

This time was different. This time, she actually talked to him, had conversations with him; it was strange, even for her.

After he had managed to get into his pajamas, Harry had made his way to the sitting room to watch a little TV with her before he went to bed. He'd hoped that maybe, just maybe, she'd leave him alone long enough to watch a little TV and quickly fall asleep.

"Harry, your daddies said you need to be in bed by eight, so just a few more minutes of TV."

No such...wait, had he heard her right? "Daddies?" It was his turn to further the conversation.

"Remus and Sirius, silly boy." She smiled fondly at him. "They became your daddies when they adopted you."

Harry frowned. They were his uncles, not his daddies...was he supposed to call them "Daddy?" He thought his Daddy was dead. "But they aren't." He protested. "My daddy's dead."

She must have realized that she said something wrong. "Oh, well, okay. Your uncles, then."

Harry frowned again. Is that what Uncle Moony and Uncle Padfoot expected? For him to call them daddy or something of that nature?


Remus heard muffled voices near him.

"I'm alright. Just twinges a bit."

Padfoot. What had Moony done?

Remus blinked a few times, adjusting to the light. When he finally came to, he realized that everything ached. The ache was dull, sure, but he was in more pain than usual.

His face. His face hurt really bad.

He closed his eyes again and moaned a little, gasping in pain as he moved to stretch. He suddenly felt a cool hand on his forehead, pushing his bangs back. "Oh, Moony." Sirius sighed. "You really did a number on yourself this time."

"'M fine." The werewolf insisted, slowly opening his eyes and taking in a deep breath so he wouldn't make too much noise as he sat up. "Wh't h'ppened?"

"Lay down." Sirius instructed. "You really, really need to rest."

Remus studied Sirius for a moment. He looked fine, but he began to wonder why he'd been questioned by Poppy earlier. "What happened?"

His friend sighed and took a seat. "You scratched yourself up pretty badly. Took a few bites out of your legs. You lost a lot of blood, Moony."

His friend was biting his lip.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No." The answer was a little to quick for his liking.

"Sirius Orion."

"It was nothing, really." He tried. "You just roughed me up a little bit."

"How bad was it?"

"It wasn't. It's not even worth talking about."

"Answer me or so help me I'll get Poppy in here!"

"Fine." Sirius huffed. He didn't have to tell the entire truth. "I was trying to get you to quit hurting yourself and you bucked me off. I took a hit to the head when I hit the wall and was knocked out for awhile. But I'm fine now, just a concussion. I'll be over it in a week."

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