Not So Normal

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I started this story back in 2009, and since then I have grown a lot as a writer. I have created a new account, and am going to be uploading the rewritten version of this and many other stories. 

Heres my new account name just search it! MyrandaHaarman


Chapter 1: Halloween Night 

I'm a normal girl, I think. But sometimes I fill like I don't belong here in the human world. I fill.... Special. I know you probably think I'm crazy. 'Everyone thinks their special' is what you're saying. Like one day I was late getting up for school, and I missed the bus. Well, I had to run all the way to my high school, and I ended up beating my bus there! I can also hear things that normal people can't hear.  

Tonight was Halloween night. I was in my room staring at myself in the body length mirror. I was about to head over to Eric's Halloween bash. Eric was my best friend, make that my only friend. We had known each other for 10 years. Eric was the popular guy; you know the one who is captain of the football team, and the one that every girl in our school wants to date. Even though I am not popular at all Eric still hangs out with me 24/7. As I continued to look at myself in the mirror I noticed the parts of me that I hate. One thing I do not like were my big green eyes they always gave away my secrets. Another thing I don't like was my pale skin I am so white, but my skin is flawless. I do love my fiery red hair; it goes down to the center of my back, and is always wavy. It also made my simple black thigh length dress pop. As I finished brushing my hair I glanced at the alarm clock beside my bed. Oh My God it was 11:30! I was going to be late for his party that started at 12. I would have to drive fast, wait nope can't drive there, because my mom took away my car for coming home late one night. I would have to run 22 blocks to get to Eric's so I wouldn't be so late. As I dashed down the stairs I heard my mom ask where I was going. 

"To Eric's Party, and thanks to you I have to run!" I yelled as I slipped on my leather jacket and opened the front door. She yelled something back at me, but I was already out the door and running down my street.  

3rd person p.o.v 

The bright moon was just coming out behind a cloud as four ravenous vampires wait for their pray. It was the perfect time to hunt for a werewolf, which had killed one of their own, because it was a full moon tonight. The four vampires crouch behind some objects in the poorly lit ally, although this had no affect on their hunting abilities. Just as one of the vampires turned to talk to the others a shadow appeared on the alleys brick wall. As soon as the human was hidden in the alleys darkness he transforms. The large wolf looking creature stuck his nose in the air as soon as a faint wind blew thru the ally, and at that moment he got the scent of the four vampires. He bolted back onto the street; luckily it seemed to be deserted. The four vampires took off right after the creature with tremendous speed.  

Alexis's p.o.v (original p.o.v) 

As I continue to run to Eric's house I see something move in front of me. I squint to try to see who, or what was coming towards me. Before I could even blink I fill a hard blow to my right side. The thing that ran into me hit me so hard it knocked me down. The last thing I remember seeing were four people coming towards me, as the blackness crept up and took over my mind.  

"She is still alive I can hear her heart, it's really slow though" said one of the dark figures. His voice was melodic. Wait did I just hear him right he said he could hear my heart. As I glance around me, I could see four very blurry people staring down at me. They were all males I could tell, but I wish the street light was better so I could see their faces; all I can see is their hair color. The man that I first heard talking had blond hair; it was wavy and almost touched his eyebrows. 

I though my life was normal (Not So Normal)Where stories live. Discover now