Not So Normal {part 2}

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I was sitting on Eric's couch waiting to see him or Damien. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. Wow it was only 2 o'clock. When I put my phone away a felt an arm go around my shoulders, I thought it was Malachi. I was about to turn around and slap him in the face, to my surprise it was Eric.

"Hey Lexi, you liking the party?" Eric asked me, a little smug. Something seemed off about him.

"Yea, but it's really crowded." I was almost yelling so he could hear me.

"I know, I didn't invite this many people they just showed up. I guess I got more popular." He pulled me closer to him. Ok I know there is something wrong here. Eric never bragged to me about his popularity.

"That's nice." I said with annoyance in my voice, and I never got annoyed with Eric.

"I know right, just tonight 6 girls asked me out, and I turned then all down." He gloated.

"Why did you turn all of them down?" I asked, a little curios.

"Because Lexi, I'm already in love with someone else." He admitted. He looked at me with his brown eyes, I always loved his eyes. He let go of my shoulder and pushed back his black hair, like he was frustrated. I just stayed there not wanting to ask the question I knew he wanted me to ask. "Do you want to know who it is, Lexi?" I did not want answer his question. Luckily for me Damien came.

"Do you mind if I steal Lexi from you?" He asked Eric. Eric sighed and shook his head. "Thanks." Damien reached down and grabbed my hand pulling me up. He walked with me right behind him out on Eric's balcony. I closed the glass sliding doors shut behind me.

"Thanks for saving me back there."I told him. He saved me twice today. He he, I always get in trouble. I walked to the railing and looked out over the sleeping city. I inhaled the crisp morning air.

"Lexi, can I ask you something?" Damien asked.

"Sure, ask away." He walked over and stood right beside me.

"Are you in love with anyone?" He breathed.

I was shocked by his question. I never really thought of anyone I loved. Well yes my mom, but that was a love hate relationship. "No, why?"

"Just wondering." He smiled as he took a piece of my hair and tucked it behind my ear. "You look very beautiful in the moonlight." He mumbled. I knew were this was going to lead to, but I didn't want to stop him. I turned to look at Damien, the moon was reflecting off of his eyes. It was so hard not reach out and pull him into me. I know what you're thinking, 'How could I want a stranger like this?' but for some reason I felt attracted to him. Before I had the chance to do anything, he put his hand on my waist and pulled me close to his hard, cold body. He was strangely cold, it made me shiver. I did not pull away though.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"No, but are you? You seem frozen." I explained as goosebumps started to show on my arm. He just laughed and came closer to my face. Our lips were only inches apart. I could feel his breath on my lips. I could smell his breath, it smelt of mint and a tint of something else. As he got closer I closed my eyes, but instead of kissing me he's lips were at my ear.

"I think I could make you fall in love." He whispered in my ear. I was stunned and breathless to reply to him. He chuckled and I could fill his stomach muscles tighten. He slowly leaned back from my ear and kissed me on the forehead. His lips were also extremely cold, he kissed me so lightly it tickled. When his lips left my skin my heart did a flip. As soon as he leaned away I heard Malachi's booming voice.

"There you are, Lexi. I was looking everywhere, come on let's dance."Malachi smiled, came over and pulled me away from Damien.

"Uh, no thank you." I resorted. "Go and dance with one of the other girls."

"None of the other girls are like you." He said as he pulled me by the waist through the door. I didn't even try to fight him I knew he was too strong to fight with so I just went with him, not to happy though. We walked out in the middle of Eric's living room, which right now was the dance floor.

When we found an empty place to dance the music changed to a slow song. Great, why does it change to a slow song when we walk up? Malachi spun me around multiple times before he pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me. We started to sway back and forth.

"Now this is better."He looked down at me and winked. "So.... What were you doing out there with Damien?"

"We were just talking." I told him smiling at the thought of Damien's lips on my skin.

"Talking?" he gave me a questioning look, I just smiled and nodded. "Damien is so slow when it comes to making his move on hot chicks." I raised my eyebrow at him. He just laughed.

As we continued to dance, I saw Damien. He was leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. There was one of the many sluts that went to our school, next to him flirting. He wasn't paying attention to her just glaring at Malachi.

When the song ended, and let me tell you that was the longest song I have ever heard. I turned around to see Stephan right behind me. Had he been there the whole time? I was about to ask him when he walked away.

**a few hours later**

The party had just ended. They only people that stayed were me, Damien, Malachi, Caden and Stephan. We were all sitting around Eric's dinner table.

"umm, I thank you all should leave now it's getting late, and Lexi and I have to clean." Eric said walking into the room. After every party I would always stay the night and help him clean. We normally had a better time cleaning then we did at the party.

Caden suddenly stood up. "Well can we help?" he looked from me to Eric and back at me I surged my shoulders. I really didn't care, the more the merrier right. Eric looked shocked at first but he just nodded his head. "Great, so what can we do." He said a little to excided. I stood up, walked to Eric's pantry and grabbed several garbage bags.

"You all can start in the living room." I said holding out the black plastic bags. They all got up and walked over to get the bags. I heard Malachi groan as he looked over at Caden, and then giving him a weird look. They all headed back through the door that divided the living room and dining room. Eric then came to stand beside me.

"I wanted it just to be you and me." He pouted. "Are you still spending the night?"

"Yes, it's like a tradition. I love staying the night here." I smiled. A lot of people would think staying the night with a guy is weird, but Eric is my best friend. We have always been with each other. Were like pennant butter and jelly, we go to gather perfect and are always side by side.

"Good." He was smiling now.

I grabbed his arm, and pulled him to the living room door. As soon as I

reached the door I heard a loud crash.

I though my life was normal (Not So Normal)Where stories live. Discover now