Not So Normal {part 12}

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------------------Blake's P.O.V---------------

Shit! Why in the hell would I tell Lexi that I'm a werewolf, and better yet the alpha? She was probably just freaking out.

I mean gawd! How could I be so stupid!

I ran down the hallway to the exit doors to search for her. As the sunlight hit my face I looked around frantically.

My eyes landed on two figures slouching on the bleaches. It was Lexi and Eric.

"Ugh I know, my legs are screaming in pain." Lexi said in that angelic voice of hers.

"Here let me help." Eric reached out towards Lexi's legs and she let him. His hands slowly started to massage Lexi's legs.

My fist clenched tighter, as my claws started to appear as my hands.

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself, before I was fully in wolf form, but it didn't work. I spun around to the door and ran away from that maddening sight.

I know they were friends but did he have to be always touching her?

I wasn't far down the hallway when I heard a gunshot then Lexi screamed.

My eyes widened in horror. I raced back to the bleachers to see Eric knocked out and Lexi nowhere in sight.

Not long after, four vampires raced up to join me.

One of the vampires leaped towards me and grabbed my throat. "Where. Is. She?"

------------------------Lexi's P.O.V-----------------

I felt something nudge me. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a dark room. I went to rub my eyes but something stopped me.

What the... my wrist are tied to a bed post! Where am I?

"Well let's just say you'll be wishing you weren't here." A voice rang at the other end of the room. I looked up seeing a shadow against the wall. I blinked and it was gone.

Ok am I going crazy?

"No you're not crazy." The shadow reappeared and started to move closer to the bed that I was tied to.

Did I say that out loud?

"No Alexis, I can read your mind."

"Oh. Wait how do you know my name?"

"I did my research." He was close enough for me to see that he had a good build.

It all started to come back to me. Me and Eric were attacked be several demons. Eric was doing the best he could to keep them away when one knocked him out.

"Is Eric ok? And why the hell would you kidnap me?"

"Who is Eric, and we kidnapped you because we need you."

"But....." I never got to finish my sentence because the door flew open to reveal three men. The guy that was talking to me then vanished.

"It looks like our little sleeping beauty finally woke up." The one that was standing in the center moved forward.

I didn't want to reply, scared of what they would do to me.

"You are going to be a great help to us you know that right?" He continued. The two others stayed at the door.

"Who are you?" my voice broke before I could finish.

"My name's Roger. Now back to you." He turned to the two other guys at the door and signaled them away. They closed the door behind them and darkness filled the room again.

I saw Rogers shadow move over to the side of the room, then I heard something flicker. I light came on and for the first time I saw my kidnapper.

He was beyond beautiful. His brown hair was lying on his forehead. His eyes, that were the color of charcoal, were scary yet soothing.

My eyes wondered around the room for the first time to see nothing. The only thing in the room was the bed I was on.

Great how am I going to get out of this mess?

Cliffhanger!! sorry its so short, but i have so much homework. :P

comment and vote! i will post more as soon as i can.

thanks for reading! :)

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