Not So Normal {part 9}

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I continued to kick franticly. The thing only bit down harder. It started to pull me back to the bushes were it just came from.

"HELP!" I cried one more time as loud as I could. The beast was pulling even harder now; it felt like my leg was getting torn away from my body.

I turned my head back around to face the creature that was determined to rip my leg off. As it sank its teeth further into my skin, and gun shot went off.

The noise echoed through the forest. I stared at the creature, as its grip on my leg loosened and it fell to the ground. I starred wide eyed at that thing for several minutes before I felt someone lay a hand on my shoulder.

It was Eric. He held a silver handgun, the same one he had at the party. His eyes imminently fixed on my bleeding leg. He bent down over my leg.

"Lexi are you okay?"

I laughed mockingly. "Yes Eric I'm fine, nothing wrong here." I pointed to my leg.

He smiled. "No I mean does it really hurt?" His hands hovered over my leg. Just as he was about to touch the wounds my whole leg went numb.

"Don't touch and I can't fill my leg anymore." I stated.

"The poison it's already in effect."

"What was that thing?" I asked

"It was a demon, they are called Crether Demons. Their poison numbs the prey so they can eat them easier." What I was going to be that things meal?! "But this demon wasn't going to eat you, it didn't put in enough venom; he was going to take you to his master." Eric continued to inspect my leg.

It wasn't long before everyone else came. As soon as Caden saw me his

eyes widened, he looked terrified. Caden walked even closer to me until he saw my leg and stopped. "Lexi what happened?"

I looked around at the familiar faces. Damien's face was hardened. Malachi and Stephan keep their distance but had worried expressions.

"I was attacked by another demon. Why does this keep happening to me?"


As soon as Logan found us and Eric told him what happened he started to work on my leg. It was still numb from the venom. Several minutes later I was up and walking back to the well.

"So Logan do you think you could break this spell?" I asked pointing to the well.

"Yea I should." His hand lingered over the well. Then he started to chant something in Latin. That same shattering sound I heard at my house when the demons came, replayed in my ears. He was breaking the spell.

"There, that should do it." He said stepping away from the well to admire his work.

I was the only one that walked up to look down into the well. I was disappointed at what I saw it was just a regular well.

'Look closer' a small voice inside told me. I did as it said.

The water's surface started to swirl around, making a little cyclone. Then she appeared. Her eyes were black as charcoal, but her skin as white as snow. She looked up at me with surprised eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am not important Alexis Raroxuipsas. What is important is your past ......and your future. There is a secret about you that even you yourself do not know it. You shall find out soon that you are not just a normal human, you are more than that. After you find out about yourself things will change...... you will change." She smiled. Then she disappeared as suddenly as she appeared. What the hell did all that mean?

I looked at the guys to see them not even paying attention to me. "Did you all see her?" I asked walking over to their little huddle.

"Umm, see who?" Caden asked.

"The girl in the well." I pointed to the well "You all didn't see her?"

They shook their heads and looked at me like I had three eyes. "Never mind." I decide to drop the subject. But what did she mean by all of that? I'm not just a normal girl?

i know this is short, but im going to be busy the rest of the day.

comment and vote! tell me what you think so far.

Thanks for reading! :)

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