Not So Normal {part 3}

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Damien's P.O.V

I had just walked in to the living room with the other guys behind me. The room was a disaster, empty cups were everywhere. Why did Caden volunteer us to stay her and clean? Well it did allow me to stay and see Lexi longer. Even though I just meet her I already felt a certain protectiveness over her. I could never seem to get her out of my mind. I had been thinking about her ever since she left to go dance with Malachi. Uhg here I was again thinking about her again.

Malachi was already picking up some of the trash on the floor when he started talking "Caden, why in the hell would you volunteer us to pick up a bunch of humans trash?"

Caden was running around happily picking up everything he passed me. "I just wanted to see Lexi more, and I mean come on its not that bad." So Caden liked Lexi too. I wonder if any of the other guys liked her as well.

I started to pick up things too. Stephan was standing near the window looking out at the sky. That was normal for Stephan he was one of those silent and brooding type of vampire.

"Well then I guess I will have to thank you, because she is one hot chick." Malachi smirked. "I think I'm gonna take her home tonight." He said licking his lips.

He had gone too far. I launched myself at him. He was not going to get anywhere near her.

Lexi's P.O.V ( right after she heard the crash)

I looked back at Eric, raising my eyebrows. He pushed past me and opened the door. I watched as his hands went to his left hip and he pulled out something. It was a gun! He had it pointed at Damien and Malachi, who were on the floor fighting. Damien was on top of Malachi. I turned my attention back to Eric as he started to yell.

"Ok bloodsuckers I have put up with you long enough! I want you out of my house NOW." I had never seen Eric so mad before. What did he mean by Bloodsuckers', and why did he have a gun?

"Oh I see you're a hunter, well why didn't you just kill us as soon as you saw us?" Malachi asked. He and Damien had now stopped fighting and they were all standing in the center of the living room.

"Just get out, before I shoot one of you." Eric said through gritted teeth. My eyes widen, would he really shoot. I reached up and touched Eric's shoulder. He jumped as if he forgot I was there. He turned to look at me and then lowered his gun as I shook my head back and forth slowly.

"Yes we will leave now, I see we are not wanted here." Damien said as he started to leave. "Goodbye Lexi." And then he vanished. I blinked in surprise. I looked around for the others but they too were gone. Eric had put his gun away, and he now seemed relaxed.

I was sitting on Eric's bed watching TV. Eric had just gotten in the shower. I had asked him why he had a gun, and he told me that he would explain it all later. As I was lost in thought I heard Eric shut off the water. I looked up to see a wet Eric; he only had his boxers on. My jaw dropped slightly. He had an eight pack! I've seen Eric without a shirt on before but I never really noticed how amazing his body was.

He laughed "Ok Lexi you can stop drooling now, if you want me come and get me." Eric out stretched his arms. I laughed, and jumped off the bed walking over to him. He embraced me, which got me a bit wet, but I enjoyed it.

"Oh Eric I wish you said that sooner." I said jokingly. He laughed along with me, picking me up and caring me over to his bed. We both laid down side by side staring at the ceiling. I took a deep breath ready to ask him again.

" So.. about the gun?" I was nervous for some reason bringing it up again.

"yea what about it?" he did not want to tell me whatever it was he was hiding, but I really wanted to know.

"Please tell me." I begged. I rolled on top of him giving him puppy dogs. He could never say no to the puppy dog eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

Then he sighed. I smiled because I knew he gave in. "Lexi, you may not believe me but that gun was an anti-vampire weapon."

"Wait, so vampires are real?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Why would you have an anti-vampire weapon?"

"Because I'm a vampire hunter Lexi. Well actually my whole family is. That is why my parents are always gone; normally they are on a mission, slaying one of those bloodsuckers." I could hear the hatred in his voice.

I rolled off of him sitting up now. Then a thought popped into my mind. He pulled out his gun on Malachi and Damien. "Oh God are Damien and Malachi vampires?!"

"yea and the rest of them. I was so shocked to see you with four vampires. It scared the shit out of me." He smiled up at me with his sweet eyes. "I was about to kill them right then and there, but what kind of would I be if I shot them on the doorstep." He joked. I laughed slightly, I was shocked. How could they be vampires? They were so nice to me and I felt protected with them around. I would have flipped if I wasn't so tired.

"we can talk in the morning lets go to bed, I'm so tired." I stated laying back down. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I laid their hearing him breath in and out. The soothing sound made my eyelids slowly close and dreams come to me.

*Lexi's Dream*

Where was I? I looked around me to see that I was standing in the middle of a dense forest. I blinked in surprise, this place was oddly familiar. Soon the forest started to fly past me as if I was running, but I wasn't. I hadn't moved, but the beautiful forest turned into my backyard. There were two figures standing in the shadow. I noticed one of them immediately, it was my mom. She looked much younger then she is now. The other figure I could not see their face because they had a dark cloak on. As I walked closer to them their voices became clearer.

"Are you sure she'll be safe here?" my mother asked, fear was coating her voice.

"She should. I completely erased her memory, coated her with a shield that not only hides her but keeps them away from her, and I took away her powers." The strange figures voice was horse.

"I thank you Logan, you must be exhausted after all that magic." My mother reached out to touch Logan. At this time I finally noticed a small bundled up thing in her arms. It started to cry that's when I realized it was me. My mother shushed me, and continued to talk to Logan. "What if they never stop looking for her?"

Logan inhaled deeply. "That's what you and the Johnson's are here for, to protect her." I gasped at the sound of Eric's last name. I hoped they didn't hear me.

"Yes I know." My mother said pulling the child me to her chest. All of a sudden my backyard started to blur and fade away. Then I realized I was begging to wake up.

"Come on sunshine." Eric said shaking me gently.

I groaned and rolled over so my back was facing him

"We have to get going and get to school or were going to be late."

I stretched out my legs and sighed. Great school, note the sarcasm.

I though my life was normal (Not So Normal)Where stories live. Discover now