Not So Normal {part 6}

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Where was I going to go? My mom had just died in my arms, and I ran off. Leaving her behind. This is what she told me to do though.

I have no idea where I'm at, I just ran as fast as I could away from my house. The terror of seeing my mom like that right before she died had me so frightened I didn't even notice how exhausted I was.

I walked over to one of the nearby beeches, and sat down, gasping for air. I was still crying, and I couldn't seem to stop. Many people stopped and stared at me, but no one asked if I was ok.

After about 5 more minutes of baling my eyes out, I felt someone sit down beside me. I lifted my head to see Logan. He was not looking at me but straight ahead.

"I know what happened, are you alright?" he looked at me with concerned eyes. I nodded, I really wasn't ok, but I didn't want to talk to anyone. No I wanted Eric. I wanted him to take me in his arms, hold me tight, and say that everything was going to be okay.

Logan continued, "I went to your house to.... check on things. I and your mom were old friends; I'm going to miss her. I'm sure you're going to miss her too."

This guy was not helping. He kept reminding that my mom was dead. I just wanted to forget it, forget everything.

I closed my eyes. Hoping to leave behind the world around me. Images kept flashing through my head. Some of my mother and I before all this happened, and then some of her lying on the floor in a pool of blood. I shuddered at those. The last image I saw was one of Eric he was smiling at me; he then slowly started to fade away.

I opened my eyes to see Logan, he was staring at me. How could he be an old friend of my mom? He looked so young.

"Well I have to go, but you shouldn't stay out here by yourself." Logan got up, and turned to me. "Do you have a place to go?"

"Yea, Eric's"

"Okay, get going."

I got up and started to walk to Eric's.

*20 minutes later, at Eric's front door.*

I knocked again and waited. Nothing, I had been standing out here for at least five minutes. I pulled my arms across my chest. It was cold and I didn't have a jacket. He must be with his parents, I'm guessing on a mission.

Ugh now where can I go. I walked down the street. It was getting late, the moon was shining brightly.

I keep walking until I came to the city's park. Not many people came here, but I liked it. It was peaceful. I walked over to the duck pond at sat at the edge of the bank. I sighed and fell back in the grass. i kept thinking about my mom, and how she was gone. I was about to close

my eyes when I heard someone's footsteps.

I set up instantly, and looked around. Was I hearing things?

"No, you're not hearing things." Someone whispered in my ear.

I jumped up and spun around "who are you? Where are you?"

"Don't worry; I just need you to come with me." His breath was cold on the back of my neck.

I spun around to find no one there.

"Sorry, am I scaring you?" he was behind me again. His hands came up on my shoulders.

I should run. Before I could even lift my foot his hands tightened on my shoulders.

"Now be a good little girl, it would be easier on you if you just come with me."

"No I will not go anywhere with you" I shouted. I started to struggle, his grip only tightened. I felt his fingernails dig into my skin.

Then I didn't fill his hands on me anymore. I turned around to see Damien, Stephan, Malachi, and Caden on top of a dark figure. They were clawing at him. Caden looked up and starred right at me. He jumped out of the pile, and ran over to me.

He pulled me to him. I hugged him back. I laid my head on his chest.Then the thought registered in my mind, he was a vampire. I started to pull away.

"Why are you pulling away from me?"

"N-Nothing." I stuttered looking down.

He looked at me and smiled that angle smile of his, but this time I noticed the fangs. My eyes widened, they were really vampires.

His smile faded. "Oh he told you." He looked so sad and cute; I forgot about the fangs and hugged him again. I felt his lips on my forehead. I was surprisingly happy to be with him.

I looked back to where the others were. They had killed the stranger and

were now standing up looking down at him.

"who was that?" I asked Caden.

"Not who, but what."

"Then what was he?"

"He was a Demon; they are a lot like us vampires. They drink blood. But demons drink blood freely; they normally drain the human dry. This of course kills them. Us vampires though, we only drink as much as we need."

*at the guys house*

Wow! They were rich. We had dove up to a mansion, and they said that this was just their fall house. It was huge!

We walked up to the front door and they let me walk in first. Not only huge, but beautiful. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and two staircases that led to the second floor on both sides of the room.

"You like it?" Malachi asked.

"Yes, it's beautiful."

"Good because you will be sating here for awhile." Malachi smiled.

I turned to stare at him with my eyes widened. "What?"

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i hope you like it and thanks for reading, i have writers block right now so ill write more when something comes to me. :)

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