Chapter Eleven

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I stumbled off the plane and through customs still half asleep. I stood impatiently waiting for our luggage, it's like they knew I wanted to get out of here. As I saw our bags come round, a wave of nervousness washed over me. What if I'd made a mistake? What if, now he was back at home, he really wasn't interested anymore?
"Stop overthinking things Shae." Oli interrupted my train of thought, knowing exactly what I was thinking as usual. "He has been waiting for you to get here for the last six weeks, you could see it on his stupid face every time you Skyped."
"I guess," I smiled. "I know I'm being paranoid."
Oli threw my bag at me and started marching towards Arrivals. I rushed to catch up with her.

I scanned the arrivals area for Brian as we walked through. I needn't have bothered, the second we were spotted Joe, Sal and Murr started shouting and waving and generally causing a scene. I shook my head, laughing and waved at them. I looked around for Brian and saw him stood slightly off to the side of the others. I caught his eye and smiled widely.

I sped up slightly, not wanting to wait a second longer than necessary before being back with him. The moment I reached him, he picked me up and spun me round, kissing my passionately. "God I have missed you." He whispered in my ear.

Reluctantly he put me down, and I turned to hug the other guys. "Nice welcome, fellas." I laughed.
"What is this?!" Oli exclaimed, picking up a board that was at Joe's feet.
"I wasn't allowed to hold it up. Q wouldn't let me." He mumbled. I picked it up and burst out laughing. It was a fluorescent pink sign with LARRY written in massive letters across it.
"Yeah I wonder why, Joe!" I slapped it against his chest.
I felt an arm slid round my waist, and I was suddenly spun around. Brian pulled me close to him and rested his forehead on mine to kiss me gently. "Let's get out of here." He said. I nodded, kissed him quickly and turned back to the others.
"We're gonna..." I started.
"Get gone, you two lovebirds!" Oli interrupted. "These hooligans will get me to the hotel. Call me later?"
I nodded as I was all but dragged away from Brian.

The journey to Brian's couldn't go quick enough. The 50 odd minutes it took to drive to Staten Island seemed to take forever. I was getting impatient, my leg jigging.
"In a hurry, are we?" Brian teased, resting his hand on my knee to stop it bouncing.
I put my hand over his and squeezed. "Like you wouldn't believe." Brian nodded, and suddenly we were driving a little faster than before.

Soon enough we were pulling into Brian's driveway. He jumped out of the car and picked up my bag from the back seat, before swinging round to the other side of the car and grabbing my hand as I climbed out. He kissed me deeply and pulled me towards the house with a big grin on his face.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so chipper," I laughed as he closed the front door behind him.
He shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be? Finally got my girl here." I blushed furiously at that.
Brian  crouched to greet his cats, who had come flying from all directions at the sound of the door.
"Hello my babies," he cooed. They climbed all over him and I chuckled as he rolled around the floor with them, giving them kisses and hugs as if he had been away for days instead of hours. I took my phone out of my pocket and quickly snapped a photo. It was too adorable not to.

It was obvious he wasn't going to move any time soon so I sat Indian style beside him, scooping up the littlest cat as they tried to escape. "So which one is this?" I asked, as the kitten nuzzled my face.
"That is Brooklyn Cat." He said, kissing my cheek and then Brookyln's nose. "My newest baby. Rescued her from a freeway."
"You're gonna end up like a crazy cat lady, taking in all the strays of the neighbourhood, aren't you?" I teased. He laughed and nodded before standing and holding his hand out for me to take. I let Brooklyn to the floor and Brian pulled me to him. "Now where were we?" Brian mumbled, pushing my hair out of my eyes. "We can do the tour of the house later. Right now there's only one place I want you..."

I shrieked as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder in a fireman's lift, and ran up the stairs. I laughed as he smacked my arse and tried to tickle me. He slowed as he reached a closed door, his bedroom I assumed. He put me down and told me to wait where I was and count to 30.
"Really?" I whined.
"Just to 30. Then come in." He kissed my forehead and walked inside he room, making sure I couldn't see inside.

This was all completely unnecessary, I'd seen his room before on Skype. But I did as he asked and counted to 30 before walking into the room. My hands shot to my mouth as I looked around the room. Brian had clearly made an effort for my arrival. Crisp sheets, thick fluffy blankets, candles everywhere, a bottle of champagne on ice and in the middle of the bed a giant bouquet of roses.
"Brian Michael Quinn, this is the single most romantic and amazing thing anyone has ever done for me." I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and covered his face in kisses.
"Worth the wait?" He asked.
"Most definitely." I smiled, as he put me down. I picked up the roses and smelt them. They were beautiful, their scent permeating the whole room. Brian popped the champagne and poured me a glass. He sat on the bed and gestured for me to sit beside him.
"The last six weeks have been an absolute hell not being able to see you, to touch you. I am so glad you're finally here."
"I'm glad to be here Brian." I replied as we clinked glasses. But I was done waiting now. Six weeks was a long time. "However, I didn't fly all this way just to drink champagne and play with your cats. Put the damn glass down and get those clothes off!"

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