Chapter Twenty Five

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It took a couple of days to get back into the swing of things, but then I was swamped in marking and preparing for the new term. Even though I was busy, Brian was a constant source of distraction in my mind. I tried to get on with things as normal, but my mind easily wandered. Brian kept his word the best he could, but he was busy filming and recording podcasts so there were times that his messages were few and far between. As the weeks went on, I could feel the paranoia seeping back in, and as much as I tried to disregard it, I had this niggling feeling at the back of my mind.

"You're just being paranoid," Oli told me over breakfast one day. "He's given you absolutely no reason to think somethings gone on." I raised my eyebrows at her, she knew I was thinking about that blonde bitch. "You know full well I'm talking about since then. He's calling you when he can, you're phone never seems to stop. When exactly is he supposed to be getting up to something?"

I sighed and lay my head on the table. "I don't know. But I just can't shake this feeling." Oli stood and came round the table, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "This insecurity is going to kill this Shae. You have to snap out of it." She plonked herself next to me. "Besides, Sal said they've been absolutely rushed off their feet, so it's just because they are busy."

I raised my head and looked at Oli. "You've been talking to Sal?"
She shrugged it off. "I've been talking to them all. Don't look at me like that." I laughed as she hit me.
"All of them?" I smirked. "Does that include Casey too?"
"Erm no. Not so much. He erm, found out about me and Sal. He wasn't a happy bunny." She didn't look the happiest about it herself. I don't care what she said, she liked him. She liked Sal too, but this was different. I got where she was coming from though. Long distance was hard, as I was currently finding out.
"I'm sure he'll come round." I stood and hugged her lightly. "Just keep trying to talk to him."
"Maybe..." She sighed.

I decided then that I was going to help Oli sort this mess with Casey. I knew my best friend well enough to know how she was feeling, even if she wouldn't admit it to herself. It would help her and it would distract me until Brian came over for Thanksgiving. I text Brian asking for Casey's number. To his credit, he didn't ask why and just sent me the number. I quickly typed out a message to Casey, asking him straight up if he liked Oli.

He replied almost instantly. He liked her a lot, but couldn't get over the fact that she had slept with Sal. He thought they had something between them but obviously not. I sighed, frustrated before replying.

She feels really shitty about that. But you've got to understand it from her point of view. You won't like it, but you've got to hear it. Never in a million years would Oli have expected meeting the guys, let alone becoming friends with've gotta remember she was a fan first. I hate saying it about Oli because I love her dearly but she's a major fangirl at times. I think in her drunken stupor the fangirl took over. But with you, it's different. She likes you for you. So swallow a bit of pride and talk to her.

I dropped my phone in my bag and headed to work. I heard it beep while I was driving, so the second I pulled up into the car park I grabbed it and read the message from Casey.

What about Sal? It asked simply. Casey obviously knew how Sal felt. Which made me wonder if they had spoken about Oli. I'd have to speak to him myself or find out from Brian what was going on
Leave it with me for now. I replied quickly before walking into work and prepping for the day.

The morning went by quickly. Before I knew it I was sat in the staff room eating my lunch, and waiting for Brian to call. The second my phone started ringing, I jumped up and walked to my car. We chatted for a while about nothing, it was nice just to hear his voice. I was trying to take Oli's advice and be less paranoid. I asked after the guys, which led me to asking about Sal and Casey.

"So they've spoken about her?" I asked.
"A little," Brian replied. "I think Sal told Casey that he really likes her. Casey would never step on Sal's toes, no matter how he feels."
I groaned and rubbed my eyes. "This is a fucking nightmare."
"You don't have to meddle you know." Brian laughed. I told him to shush and changed the subject to a thanksgiving. Brian was coming over in a weeks time and staying until the following Monday. I double checked he was ok with coming into the drama class. I had them next period so I would give them the good news.

I checked the time and swore when I realised my lunch break was over. I'd have to rush to get my things from the staff room and be in the classroom for the bell. I quickly said goodbye to Brian, and after he promised to call that evening, we hung up.

I decided to wait til the end of the lesson to tell the class. They had been working really hard over the last few weeks and they deserved this treat before their exams started up in the new year.
"Ok guys, remember what I said before half term about a treat?" They all shouted yes. "I'm really proud of how hard you've all worked so next week we are going to have someone very special come in to talk you about what we've been doing this term."

I sat on the edge of my desk and watched as they talked amongst themselves and tried to figure it out. I laughed as they all shouted out names of who they thought it could be. Some were other improv groups or comedians, others were way off base. One of the girls shouted out "Miss, is it The Tenderloins?" The rest of the class all shouted her down, saying how ridiculous an idea it was. I quickly called them all to order.

"Not quite, Emma." I said kindly. "But, you're closer than anyone else." At that moment the bell went. For the first time in my teaching history, the whole class stayed sat down. "Next Tuesday, we will have Mr Brian Quinn...aka Q from The Tenderloins coming in to class." The class erupted into shouts and cheers. "So..." I shouted over them, "So I want you all to prepare something. A sketch of your own, one of theirs, a question, anything. I want every single one of you to make the most of this opportunity. You've got a week, so make it a good one now." I grinned at them all. "Now go on or you'll be late for your next class!"

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