Chapter Thirty One

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I groaned as my alarm rang in my ears. I had never wanted to go into work so little in my life. I turned and snuggled into Brian, smiling as he flung his arm over me in his sleep. My smile faltered as I glimpsed his bruised and swollen hand. I had to face Tom today, somehow convince him not to do anything stupid. I looked up and met Brian's soft brown eyes. "Morning." I whispered, leaning over to give him a light kiss.
"Mmm...morning." He smiled lazily, wrapping his arm tighter around my waist. "Do you have to go into work today?"
I swatted his arm off me. "Yes I do. My class are expecting me. And you for that matter. And I need to so talk to Tom. Don't look at me like that, I need to sort your mess out. I doubt you'll even be allowed back in the school at the moment and you not letting my kids down."
I swung my legs out of bed and padded to the bathroom. As I stood in the shower, I considered what I was going to say to Tom to make sure he didn't take any action against Brian. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the bathroom door open, so I squealed when Brian squeezed into the shower cubicle with me.
"Brian I need to get ready for work." I mumbled as he kissed my neck, his hands running down my sides.
"Then I'll be quick..."

Somewhat unsurprisingly, I ended up running late and having to rush straight to my classroom. The morning passed quickly, the second the lunch bell went I all but ran to the staff room in the hopes of grabbing Tom before he went inside.
I stood outside and waited for him. After what seemed like an eternity, he loped around the corner. He scowled at me as he approached, the make up covered swelling becoming more pronounced.
"Can we talk?" I asked quietly.
Tom was silent for a moment. He sighed and shrugged, and nodded towards the fire exit. I followed him outside without saying a word.

"I'm really sorry..." I started.
Tom cut me off. "It's not you that should be apologising."
"I know, and he will. If you let him. What he did was wrong, he knows that. I guess he just saw red, you know? And I know it's not an excuse but... Please don't let this ruin everything for my class. They have been looking forward to this for weeks. Please, Tom?"
Tom ran his hands through his hair and sighed heavily. "Fine. But keep him away from me. I mean it."
I smiled. "Thank you Tom. I owe you one."

I ran back to my classroom where I had left my handbag and grabbed my phone to call Brian. "It's all ok, so get your asses here." I laughed hearing Brian shout at Sal as I put the phone down. Now I had about 20 minutes to sort everything out ready for my class.
For the first time ever, my students were early for class. They were all sat in their seats and quietly buzzing with excitement for the lesson ahead. When the bell went, they were instantly silent.

"You realise I expect you all to be early for class every day now?" I teased. I laughed as they groaned. "I'm kidding, I know you're all early for one reason and one reason only. So let's get started. Without further ado," I announced grandly, "may I introduce, again, Mr Brian Quinn..." I let them cheers and whoop as Brian walked in before shouting over them "And Mr Sal Vulcano!" The shrieks from the class were almost deafening. I was positively beaming as I watched their faces light up. Brian glanced at me and I smiled, nodding for him and Sal to take over.

For the next two hours, I sat back and watched as Brian and Sal interacted with my kids. They answered questions, and asked them. They watched the kids do their own original sketches and do their takes on The Tenderloins ones. Brian answered questions about comics, and being a fireman, Sal answered questions about their podcasts. It was an amazing two hours and I was as sad as the kids to see it come to an end.  But sadly, if had to. "OK guys, we've got about 15 minutes before the bell goes, so if any of you would like to get any photos or anything now is the time to do it. BUT IF YOU GET ROWDY, I WILL STOP IT. So be warned." I pointed at them, mock serious.

Once the last pupil had left, I slumped back down into my chair. "Considering I did nothing, that was exhausting." Sal chuckled.
"Was nice to give something back," he said smiling at me.
Brian came round to my side of my desk, and stood between my legs. "It was a lot of fun." He said.
"Thank you for agreeing to do this," I said to them both. "I will be the coolest teacher for life now!"
"You are very welcome, was good to see them all so happy." Brian said as he leaned to down kiss me. "I've been wanting to do that all afternoon." I blushed, fully aware of Sal sitting only a few metres away.
I batted Brian away. "Come on, let's go home."

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