Chapter Seventeen

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"What the fuck did I just hear, Olivia?" I growled. Oli rushed to me and tried to put hers arm around my shoulder but I swiped her off. I was furious.
"Shae, there's got to be some sort of explanation." Oli offered.
"Like what? Olivia, huh? What possible explanation could explain that?!" I pointed towards the door.
Oli threw her arms up, exasperated. "This is not my fault. I know you're upset but don't take it out on me!"
"Upset?!" I screeched, my voice bouncing off the bathroom tiles. "I am fucking pissed! Have I really been that much of a mug? You told me...You fucking told me what he was like! And I didn't listen. I am such a fucking idiot."
I paced the bathroom stall, a million thoughts running through my head as my heart shattered into a thousand tiny pieces. But the only one I cared about right now was the one telling me I needed to get out of here. I stopped suddenly and turned to face Oli, who had sat down on the toilet to keep out of my way.
"I can't be here..." I started. Oli stood up, nodding. "I can't go back to his, Oli. I just can't." I was just about holding everything together, if I saw Brian I would break down or lash out. And I didn't want to do either.
"You can stay at the hotel with me, it's fine." Oli went to hug me but I pushed her away. I didn't mean anything by it, and she knew that, I just had to keep everything in. "Just stay here a minute, ok?" I nodded numbly. "I'll be right back."

I sat back down on the toilet seat and put my head in my hands. I should have guessed this was all too good to be true. Everything had been going so perfectly, of course it was all going to come crashing down. I wiped the tears away that had treacherously escaped and sighed. I needed to pull myself together if I was going to get out of here successfully. I stood and looked in the mirror. My eyeliner had run slightly but other than that I looked ok. I cleaned myself up and waited for Oli to come back.

She knocked on the door a couple of minutes later. Grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the stall, she said "come on, we're getting out of here. I've got us a lift."
"Who?" I asked as she dragged me along the corridor.
"Casey." She said simply. I stopped dead in my tracks.
"Casey?" I repeated.
Oli turned to face me. "Yeah. Well I didn't want to ask one of the guys, he was the only other person I could think of."
I rubbed my face with my hands, "Fine. Fine. Let's do this." I held onto Oli's hand tight as we walked back into the main room, my eyes scanning the room for Casey. But instead of Casey, I locked eyes with Brian. He looked at me in confusion, and started to head towards me.
"Oli, where's Casey? I can't do this here." Oli spotted him and pulled me towards the door. I glanced back towards Brian one last time, before turning rushing to the exit.

I groaned and turned my phone to silent as it rang for what seemed like the hundredth time. I saw Casey glance back at me in the rear view mirror, I raised my eyebrows challenging him to say something. I didn't care if Brian was his friend. I didn't know him. He meant nothing to me.

I said nothing as I climbed out of the car. Oli handed me the room key so I left her with Casey by the car. She was no doubt filling him in on everything and knowing Oli, she would trying to find out who that girl was. I flung my bag on the ground and climbed into the unused bed, not bothering to get undressed. My phone beeped indicating I had a voicemail. I knew it would be Brian, and I knew I should ignore it. But I couldn't.
"Shae, what's going on? You rushed out of here without saying anything. Has something happened? Call me back. Please. I'm worried."
Looking at my phone, I also had a bunch of texts. Not only from Brian but from Sal, Murr and Joe as well. I turned my phone off and lay down. I didn't want to talk when Oli came in, so I pretended to be asleep when she checked on me.

When Oli's phone rang, she jumped up from her own bed and rushed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Oli was trying to keep her voice down but she was clearly angry, she must have been talking to Brian. I turned over so I could hear better.

"What do you want?... She doesn't want to talk to really have no clue, do you?...maybe you should have a word with the skank you've been fucking while Shae was back home...bullshit, we both heard every word she about that you can never stay away from this bitch for long? And that you alway go running back to her? Any of this sound familiar, Bri?...No. Don't come over here. She doesn't want to see you...I swear to god Brian if you turn up here, I will call security and get them to throw you out. If she wants to talk to you, she will call you...I mean it, don't come here."

I closed my eyes quickly as Oli came out of the bathroom. "I know you're awake," she said as she undressed. "And I know you don't want to talk now. But I'm here when you do. Love you, kid." She blew me a kiss and lay down, turning off her bed side light.

I lay in the darkness, and finally, silently allowed myself to cry.

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