Chapter Twenty Eight

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I was silent for the duration of the taxi ride, barely even hearing Dawn ramble on about something or other. I jumped out the second the car stopped at my house, throwing some cash at Dawn, and headed inside. I wanted to go up to my room and think. I should have known that wouldn't be possible, Oli all but pounced on me the second I was through the door.

"Where the fuck have you been?" She burst through the living room door and rounded on me in the hallway.
"Jesus woman will you let me get through the damn door?" I growled, throwing my handbag on the kitchen table.
"Seriously, where the hell have you been?" She asked again, slightly softer. "You didn't tell me you were staying out, then your phone was going to answer machine." I scrambled through my bag for my phone and quickly plugged it into the charger we kept in the kitchen. Oli pointed to my laptop. "And that has been going off all morning. Q's been trying to Skype you and I didn't want to tell him I didn't know where you were." I rested my head on the table and groaned.

"I fucked up, Ol."
"What do you mean?" She sat beside me, rested her hand on my back.
"I spoke to Brian last night and, I dunno, it made me sad. So I got hammered. I don't remember much else...apart from...kissing Tom."
"Tom as in work Tom?" I nodded. "Oh Shae, why?" Oli's voice was sad.
"I don't know. I didn't even remember it, it was only when he reminded me this morning..."
"Hold up. What?" Oli interrupted me.
I sighed. "I stayed at his. Passed out in his bed. With him. Yes I know, there's no need to look at me like that." Oli was trying not to glare at me. "Nothing else happened."
"How can you be sure?" She asked quietly.

We both looked up as my laptop starting making a noise. Brian again. "Shit." I muttered. I stood and grabbed my laptop and walked it upstairs. Oli whispered "good luck" as I answered to Brian.
"Hey you." I said quietly as I shut my bedroom door and sat on my bed.
"How's your head, drunkard?" Brian laughed. "Thanks for the calls and texts by the way."
I frowned. "Yeah totally don't remember calling you again."
"Seriously?" I shook my head, wincing as I did. My head was still banging. "You called me two more times. The first time saying you missed me, the second...well I'm not sure what you were saying to be totally honest." He laughed.
I groaned and threw myself back on my bed. "Jesus Brian, I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry about it. It was nice to hear you letting go for once. I feel like I've stolen you away sometimes."
"I wish you had," I mumbled as I sat back up. "Listen. I need to tell you something..."
"Shoot." He replied. I watched as the smile slowly disappeared from his beautiful face as he looked at me. God only knows how I looked right then. "Shae. What is it? Talk to me."
I chewed on my lip, uncertain of how to continue. I could feel the tears threatening to spill. I couldn't cry.
"No Shae. Please don't tell didn't..." I could see the look of comprehension fall across his face. He looked so sad.
"I...kissed someone..." I muttered. "Someone from work."
"You kissed...Jesus Shae, I thought you'd fucked someone. Don't do that to me." He sighed the biggest sigh of relief. I frowned, confused. "Don't get wrong, I'm not happy but all things considered, it could have been worse. And it's not an excuse, but you were like white girl wasted."
"So you're not mad?" I asked quietly. "You're still coming over right?"
"Not with you, Shae. Never with you. Of course I may have to lay the dick that kissed you out, but how can I be mad with you when you forgave me? I will be there Monday, don't you worry."

I felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I smiled weakly "Thank you." We spoke for a little while longer, discussing plans for the week ahead, until I was nearly asleep. Brian said goodbye and left me to sleep off my hangover. Just as I dozed off, Oli bounded through my door.
"Well?" She asked as she threw herself on my bed.
I turned over and squinted at her. "It's all good. Although I need to make sure he doesn't see Tom. I don't think that would go down too well."
Oli kissed my forehead. "I'm glad. He would have been an idiot to throw this away on that. DVD night tonight?" I nodded as she left the room.

We spent the evening chatting about the guys, Oli had got in touch with Casey and they were talking regularly. I think she really liked him, but she was still adamant that a trans-Atlantic relationship was never going to happen. And he was equally as adamant that he wouldn't step on Sal's toes. I could have just banged all their heads together.

The rest of the weekend was spent preparing for Brian's imminent arrival the following day. We cleaned and tidied and I got as much work for the week out of the way as possible. I spoke to Brian before he caught his overnight flight, he would reach ours at about lunch time. Oli was working from home so she would let him in. I felt like a child on Christmas Eve. Too excited to sleep but feeling like the following day would never come if I didn't. I forced myself to sleep at about 1am, only to wake at 5am. I dragged myself out of bed, knowing that sleep was no longer going to happen and started to get ready for work.

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