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Around 5 o'clock, Laura and I headed to her house, she wanted to show me something.

Walking through her neighbourhood, it was a whole different story. The houses were something I have never seen before, compared to my house, these ones are mansions, not size wise, more like design wise.

They were incredible.


"These houses were only built a few years ago, my parents and I got moved into these ones when my old house was set on fire, and the funny thing was, it was the Jocks & Cheerleaders that did it, I can thank them to be honest, because they made my living situation better" I smile as I look around, I couldn't believe I would be going inside.

"You like music, don't you?" I raise an eyebrow in her direction.

"Okay, I was just checking" she raises her hands in defense, she smiles while turning left, to the one house that was by it's self.

"This is my house" I look at the beautiful building, it was black, white & beach coloured.

I noticed there was a large gate at the front of it.

"The gate?" She slowly nods, looks at me.

"My parents are record label holders, they need to be protected as the competition has been known to try and sneak in to the see new material, someone once managed to steal a song that wasn't released, recorded it for theirselfs and claimed it, making us look like we stole the song when released our version of the song" I widened my eyes, I can't believe the background this girl has.

"I've never told anyone, and even if I did, I think they would treat me differently, and the way I would hate, I once had friends and my parents offered to record a song for them, gave them the music, within a month later, on YouTube and they didn't give credit, not just that, they even told me that they were only my friend to get their name out there, that's another reason I find it hard to trust people. But you've shown you can be can be trusted can't you?"

I smiled and gently placed my hand on her shoulder.

"I'm your friend for friendship and trust, not for the music. I didn't even know any of this before I became your friend. This is fantastic, like seriously" she smiles and leads me to the gate.

She presses a button and then a voice speaks.


"Yes dad, I've got a friend with me" that's when the gate opened and Laura kept walking right up to the door.

"I apologise for unwanted attention" she opened the door and immediately her parents show at the front main hall way, her dad stares at me, arms crossed, her mum looked at me, her eyes looking me up and down, I gulped nervous.

"Is he?"

"No dad, he became my friend before I told him, infact I told him a few minutes ago" her dad was just nodded and motioned for us to follow him inside, her mother just stayed put and smiled like a treasured cat. She looks at me for a few seconds, pulls Laura aside and whispers something into her ear and giggles. Laura gives her mum a look and shakes her head and moves on. Her mum takes my shoulders, laughs and run towards the kitchen.

I follow after her a little bit until I feel something hit me, I look down to the floor to see it was a small cushion, I look up to find Laura narrowing her eyes at me.

"What?" She motions up the stairs, I nod and she goes ahead. I race after her, not knowing where I am going in this house, she goes to the very end of the hall, I follow her. She leads me to her room, sits down on her bed and sighs, I sit on a computer chair just across from her.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, wondering why she seemed down, she looks at me, then fixes herself and stands up walking around the room.

"My mum likes you, a lot, my dad, he'll come around, I wanted to bring you here so you could my parents for future tense, plus, I have something else to show you, I'm not making a mistake by trusting you am I?" I shake my head while looking at her.

"Of course not, I promise you that!" She nods and motions for me to follow her once more, she leads back out of her bedroom and down the hall and through another door, on the door, it says 'Music Room' I was a little shocked, I knew she told me about her parents being record producers, but I didn't think that this would be in their home, I thought it would have been somewhere else, I guess not.

"This is where our music gets written, practised, tweaked and recorded and hopefully released to be number 1, but it has only happened once, and that with my ex-friend, but once my parents brought lawyers in, not only were their music brought off the internet, but they were banned from ever making music again, my parents are incredible strict about their music, that's why it's not often they meet 'friends' of mine, mainly because I don't have any, well, apart from you" I nodded understanding what she meant, she walked over to piano and sat down, I sat next to her and watched her fingers trail over the keys, she was wanting to play something, I could tell. Her fingers were playing the notes that would make a beautiful tune, but either she doesn't play with company or she was scared.

"Play something for me?" She sighed and shook her head.

"Oh, come on, please, show me something that you've written" she looked at me shocked.


"There's a note book over there that says 'Laura's Songs', so I figured you already had some ideas" she nodded, took a deep breathe. I watched her fingers press on the keys a little harder for them to actually make sound.

Listening to the song Laura was playing was really good, it said something, something about her.

"Want to write something together?" I looked at Laura a little shocked and nodded, she smiled for the first time and looked back down at the keys.

This is going to be an experience I will never want to forget.


Sorry for not updating this in a long while, but you's can thank pinkdove17 and probably some others for their amazing comments, I will try and update this again soon.

Thank you all for your amazing comments and for staying with me on this book, I honestly didn't think it would come this far <3 <3 <3

Girl in the Hoodie ||Raura||Where stories live. Discover now